another matrix thread (hot potato)

Started by sphinx, March 18, 2003, 06:31:10 PM

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Quote from: The Gold TrumpetIf you would have properly quoted me, you would have quoted me saying that when Michael Bay does try for the serious, the results are disastrous. The Rock was fun and playful with its story and action scene. Michael Bay needs to stick to movies like The Rock or even Con Air. Matrix does try to take itself too serious and bombs because of it.


The Rock doesn't take itself seriously? please, if anything it takes itself too seriously.


new matrix shit:

i was given the new solo reloaded trailer that'll be released in less than a week and took a few caps from it

whatever you do don't download the image


"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks



that ain't the new poster, it's one that the allposters people made up!  it was made by a 3rd party design company that does stuff like that all the time (they did it for lord of the rings, too)

the final one sheet hasn't actually come out yet


Quotemainly featured in the matrix reloaded, there will be a white, neverending hallway with blue doors on both sides. all doors lead to different places in the matrix, so theoretically you could access anywhere in the matrix just by using this hallway. it's used just before the giant neo/agent smith(s) where all the smiths come pouring out of the door.

got pictures of the hallway from the new trailer



the keymaster

the key that must be delivered to neo


Quote from: sphinx
from the new trailer trailer???


Quote from: picolas???
Chuck would be proud.
under the paving stones.



no it doesn't.  the first picture shows the entrance to the hallway, and if you were to turn around you would see that it goes on forever.


Quote from: sphinx[

Ooh, yeah. Sorry. Can you ask that woman to move so we can get a better look?

Though theoretically it does end if it has a beginning, depending.


apparently there's a trailer to be attached to a certain film on april 11th, but the public will be seeing the trailer well before this, so expect a new reloaded preview any time now


Quote from: MacGuffin

technically, every one of those doors is the end of the hallway, since they lead to somewhere else.

Not really, though, because if you make a movement across the passage, there is still a space to your left and right that isn't blocked, so the side doors aren't ends but the one at right angles to them is. But now I'm into the idea of this space...are there rooms or more passages off the side? I need information.


Have any of you watched any of the animatrix shorts?

The stories are pretty cheezy, but some of the animation is nice to watch... especially, the most recent, A Detective Story.


Quote from: RegularKarateHave any of you watched any of the animatrix shorts?

The stories are pretty cheezy, but some of the animation is nice to watch... especially, the most recent, A Detective Story.

yep. they're good fun. i had higher hopes for A Detective Story, though...coming from the same guy who wrote Macross Record and Kid's Story still seem kinda promising.