
Started by Jeremy Blackman, March 21, 2003, 08:41:39 PM

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Jeremy Blackman

Yet another great MacGuffin reccomendation. This movie is incredibly well-directed, I mean, ubelievably well-made... it was a bit manipulative at times, and some of the lingering symbols were redundant and/or predictable, but I still loved the movie. And needless to say, Diane Lane is the best actress of the year, even better than Meryl Streep in Adaptation.. it's just great stuff. I got a real In the Bedroom feeling, maybe mixed with a little Ice Storm.


it was great. The part with her on the train remembering what had just happened was great. I also thought the kid who played her son was a really good actor. I really think they captured the mother/son relationship so well. There were so many little moments that were just brilliant, like when she eats her son's gum, etc.

the only thing I didn't really like, and it's a minor complaint, was that I thought they way overdid the 'wind storm' in the beginning.


Glad you liked it, JB.

Quote from: cbrad4dThere were so many little moments that were just brilliant, like when she eats her son's gum, etc.

I like when she turns the light out on Gere, even though she was just talking to him seconds before.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


I like the movie the more I've thought about it (I can't believe it's already been out for almost a year). I thought it got a little melodramatic a little too often, but the incredible performances (particularly Lane's, but Gere's as well) kept it grounded.  And while I would have preferred to see them handle the adultery without resorting to (SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER) murder, I did like the way the aftermath was handled.

Also worth mentioning is that lovely piano version of Radioheads' Exit Music (for a film), and the Tati homage at the movie theater.

Jeremy Blackman

Quote from: GhostboyAlso worth mentioning is that lovely piano version of Radioheads' Exit Music (for a film)

Wow, I didn't even notice that  :shock:

...please enlighten me


There was much that I liked about this film.  All of it has already been said though.  *****SPOILER WARNING***** I will say I also didn't like the murder at the end.  I felt that once that happened, the movie became too much about them trying to get away with it.  To me, it ceased to be the moving character drama and became more of a thriller.  I can see the references to In the Bedroom, but I think it handled the murder in a better way.  The performances stay strong all the way through Unfaithfu;, but the murder would be my big complaint about it.


Quote from: Jeremy Blackman
Quote from: GhostboyAlso worth mentioning is that lovely piano version of Radioheads' Exit Music (for a film)

Wow, I didn't even notice that  :shock:

...please enlighten me

I forget what part of the movie it is...I believe it is during a montage of the lovers at their various rendezvous...(what's the plural of rendezvous?)
It sounds just like the rest of the score, just nice classical piano, but they do mention the source material in the credits. Lovely stuff.


Quote from: Ghostboy(what's the plural of rendezvous?)

Maybe "rendezvi".  And then again, maybe not.

Thank god there are other people out there who though "Unfaithful" was incredible and I'm not all alone on this one.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Quote from: Ghostboy(what's the plural of rendezvous?)

i think rendezvous takes an s at the end even if its just one rendezvous. maybe its even supposed to be "rendez-vous." that would be how to spell it in french, but i dont know if its been americanized or something.

also about unfaithful, i thought it was a good film. i dont like the "family" stuff.  is it just me or would a "real" mother be much more steamed about her son pissing all over the toilet seat?

i think the film shouldve ended after the scene with gere and lane are getting questioned by the police and are both lying. i felt that in that scene, she at least suspects that he knows about the affair. therefore, although a beautiful scene, the one where she finds the picture is useless. anyway, just my opinion


I heard that there was originally a slightly more thriller-esque ending...is it on the DVD? I loved the ending the way it was, with them sitting in the empty intersection. I'm glad Lyne went with that.


Quote from: GhostboyI heard that there was originally a slightly more thriller-esque ending...is it on the DVD? I loved the ending the way it was, with them sitting in the empty intersection. I'm glad Lyne went with that.


The alternate ending on the DVD is the same, but Gere's character does get out of the car.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Ohhh, I thoroughly disliked this film.   I agree that Lane was good, considering what was given to her as a part.  The problem with the film is Lane's character isn't really given a reason as to why she cheats on her husband.  The best reason I could find is b/c she was bored (not with him, just with her days).  I also can't believe no one has mentioned the deus ex machina wind opening scene.  Wow, that was incredibly bad.  I couldn't help but laugh.  Also, the foreigner that she sleeps with isn't given any personality, he is just exotic b/c he is from europe.  And the kid, what a useless addition.  He does nothing in the film.  He could have been written out and the movie would have been the same.  I also disagree with the excellent direction, I found it rather dull with continuity errors abound.  The only thing that salvages this movie is Lane's tits and the last shot.   Unfaithful, more like Uninteresting.

** out of 5 stars

And I'm usually a sucker for these types of films (ie Basic Instinct, Fatal Attraction, etc.)
"Talking shit about a pretty sunset
Blanketing opinions that i'll probably regret soon"


Quote from: SHAFTROhhh, I thoroughly disliked this film.   I agree that Lane was good, considering what was given to her as a part.  The problem with the film is Lane's character isn't really given a reason as to why she cheats on her husband.  The best reason I could find is b/c she was bored (not with him, just with her days).  I also can't believe no one has mentioned the deus ex machina wind opening scene.  Wow, that was incredibly bad.  I couldn't help but laugh.  Also, the foreigner that she sleeps with isn't given any personality, he is just exotic b/c he is from europe.  And the kid, what a useless addition.  He does nothing in the film.  He could have been written out and the movie would have been the same.  I also disagree with the excellent direction, I found it rather dull with continuity errors abound.  The only thing that salvages this movie is Lane's tits and the last shot.   Unfaithful, more like Uninteresting.

** out of 5 stars

And I'm usually a sucker for these types of films (ie Basic Instinct, Fatal Attraction, etc.)

idle hands are the devil's playground -- have you ever been a housewife -- i wouldnt wish it upon my worst enemy
...your excuses are your own...


Quote from: SHAFTR
And I'm usually a sucker for these types of films (ie Basic Instinct, Fatal Attraction, etc.)

That might be your problem right there - it wasn't that type of film.


Quote from: Ghostboy
Quote from: SHAFTR
And I'm usually a sucker for these types of films (ie Basic Instinct, Fatal Attraction, etc.)

That might be your problem right there - it wasn't that type of film.
ghostboy what are you doing up so late
...your excuses are your own...