Two Weeks Notice

Started by Comte de Saint Germain, January 15, 2004, 08:39:20 PM

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Comte de Saint Germain

Last year, for talk of Hugh Grant, it was all about About A Boy. I loved the movie mainly because I loved watching Hugh Grant. I think he is the very best at romantic comedy and considering he is so good there, one of the best actors right now period. I just can't believe I missed Two Weeks Notice because I realized it is an infinitely better movie for the admiration of Hugh Grant.

Hugh Grant's greatness comes from his achievement in being interesting with his reaction to every little situation. In all the interviews co-stars give about him, they always mention his hard work in focusing on the very little things. Louise Brooks once said she could not stand to watch W.C. Fields on film instead of on stage because it didn't allow her to see him react to everything that was being done in the scene. For her, his greatness was in him responding to everything and editing didn't allow it and it doesn't allow us to revel in the achievement that Hugh Grant has in making every reaction interesting and unique. Two Weeks Notice comes the closest of any of his films for the main reason he does inhabit most of the shots in the film.

Also, there is a sense his comedy is best suited in this role of the absurdist business mogal who charms everyone by his power. He runs a fine line between mocking this ultra serious world and having a goofiness that is not understanding of it. What makes the film work even more is that Grant's opposite in this film is someone good at comedy in a role prolly best suited for her. In all of Sandra Bullock's comedies, she nicely conveyed panic and hostility without ever getting too serious. Here she gets the role of the ultra liberal, work ready woman to who has to deal with Grant's personality head on and nearly collapse in the process, but while still being funny.

The film is nicely structured to really stay close to just them interacting together. It doesn't hurt that the writing keeps up with good jokes that are always kept in check with nothing too big or desperate to be funny. It understands the film is best with just focus on what the actors can do. I've seen the movie 3 times in the last months. Good classic romantic comedy, but also the best vehicle so far for one of the best actors going in film today.
The garland of the trumpet was set afire, and then I saw the aperature of the dome open and a splendid arrow of fire shoot down through the tube of the trumpet and enter the lifeless body. The aperture then was closed again, and the trumpet, too, was put away.

-Johann Valentin Andreae, Die Chymische Hochzeit des Christian Rosencreutz, Strassburg, Zetzner, 1616, pp. 125-126


Jeremy Blackman

Since when are we doing self-parodies?


I really like Hugh Grant... Love Actually is also great... but he doesnt do much


This is what happens when we all pitch in for a banner ad at I knew it was a bad idea.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


I really hated every inch of this movie. What a bomb!
Typical US Mother: "Remember what the MPAA says; Horrific, Deplorable violence is okay, as long as people don't say any naughty words."


is it ok if i don't care about this movie?
context, context, context.


under the paving stones.


i'm beginning to think this content area thing is a really really really bad idea.

Gold Trumpet

Someone just ban my IP. These are the worst replies yet. I don't think I could keep myself away from here. Seriously someone ban me now.


snap out of it, goatie.


Quote from: The Gold TrumpetSomeone just ban my IP. These are the worst replies yet. I don't think I could keep myself away from here. Seriously someone ban me now.

oh gt, come on. u take it too seriously.


Quote from: The Gold TrumpetSomeone just ban my IP. These are the worst replies yet. I don't think I could keep myself away from here. Seriously someone ban me now.
would u like to be spanked too?

seriously tho, what do u expect, u diss Scarlett Johansson and then make a short essay on Hugh Grant, it's funny is all.
under the paving stones.

Gold Trumpet

Quote from: Pseriously tho, what do u expect, u diss Scarlett Johansson and then make a short essay on Hugh Grant, it's funny is all.

Why do you make my thoughts on Scarlett Johansson seem like I only insulted her without being fair or explaing myself? I don't care if you disagree with me, but your justification to laugh at what I said here is unfounded. You continually complain about list making destroying the board because they don't promote discussion when all you do is slyly attack people who disagree with you. I rarely see you discuss anything and when you do, you are quite capable of being smart but you seem unwilling to ever discuss anything.

People may think I'm taking this too serious. I don't care. I'm not isolating this one incident as reason to leave. This has been building up for a while. Also, I don't feel like taking out my dirty laundry and saying my grievances with everyone. They have their words and I have mine and my option to leave. That's that. I don't want the drag out fights that happened with every other recent banning. I just argued P because he did try to argue me. I'm hoping I'll be banned soon so I don't get guilted into replying to any other message saying I'm dumb for what I'm doing. So if any administrator can do the honors, please do so. I've already private messaged Xixax asking to be banned so you should feel able to do so.


you WANT to be banned because you have no willpower to just simply stay away?  :?

also, hugh grant is charming, but he hardly has any range.  its either likable scoundrel or unlikable scoundrel.  how do you justify calling him one of the best actors around right now?
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.