Potential... but no...

Started by SoNowThen, January 08, 2004, 04:27:19 PM

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Quote from: kotteHow the fuck can you say 'we all knew it was gonna suck anyways'? I don't get it.[/i]

The fuck how I can say it is just by remembering the promotion for this movie. I know this would be a Soderbergh reunion party with his hip star friends. No chemistry in the cast at all, while the Rat Pack was so much more.

I feel worst for Ocean's Twelve


hey u know what never had potential and just plain sucks? this thread!


Quote from: ©boy the cathey u know what never had potential and just plain sucks? this thread!

What's so bad about this thread, I don't recall it raping you in the ass.


"8 mm": I still wish Fincher had gone through with it. But as it is now, I really do like Schumaker's movie anyway, but it had great potential to go even darker and seedier. It played it safe a little too much. It really could have explored the deep, deep underworld of sick and extreme porn. It should have gotten inside Cage's character and fucked up his mind even more. I could understand Andrew Walker gripe and not wanting to be involved because of the script changes, etc., but there are still some great scenes, like the one where Cage calls the mother of the girl (being intentially vague) and builds up his rage and reminds him why he's doing what he about to do.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks



This is a huge one for me cause I think Burton is a fucking genius and Johnny Depp is amazing too....this is there lone botched collaboration though. There's no excuse for it either, even though Burton wasn't exactly at the top of his game at the time (his last great movie was "Ed Wood" 5 years before making SH), it still should have rocked though. It was one of the stories Burton was born to tell, the role was perfect for Johnny Depp, Christina Ricci was a fine choice for her respective role, and then on top of it all, Burton had fucking Walken as the headless horseman, it doesn't get any better than that. Somehow, this set up turned into one of the most disappointing movies I've seen.


A love letter to the french new wave from Jonathan Demme and Mark Whalberg? I was first in line, I literally bought the poster before even seeing the movie, no joke. There is no reason for it too suck so much. It was horrible for no reason, there's no excuse.

SCARFACE (De Palma's)

Completely agree with eward. It's just over the top the entire time...everything from the violence to Pacino's accent....and it annoys me. It shouldn't have taken itself as seriously. With such a great director and cast, I'll never know what went wrong.


Great actors, great director, AWESOME trailer...no delivery. Biggest disappointment in awhile. One of the only movies...possibly THE only movie whose faults can be drawn from it being adapted from a book....mostly faults in the dialogue to be specific. Some of it sounded as literary as can be.


i agree about sleepy hollow.


Quote from: SoNowThenBut instead we get this retarded, almost to-be-continued type of scene... urgh...

Well, we know this wasn't the case...

Though, I do think what Ted suggests at the end of his and Steven's commentary would've been great.

And Soderbergh honestly sounds like he didn't see how it could be a sequel-to-come ending.

Comte de Saint Germain

Silence of the Lambs would be my great dissapointment. The middle of it is so good in understanding how to approach true horror that the genre beginning and ending compromises the film from achieving greatness. For the weak horror genre, though, it is by far the best movie yet.
The garland of the trumpet was set afire, and then I saw the aperature of the dome open and a splendid arrow of fire shoot down through the tube of the trumpet and enter the lifeless body. The aperture then was closed again, and the trumpet, too, was put away.

-Johann Valentin Andreae, Die Chymische Hochzeit des Christian Rosencreutz, Strassburg, Zetzner, 1616, pp. 125-126


Quote from: Pas Rapport
Quote from: ©boy the cathey u know what never had potential and just plain sucks? this thread!

What's so bad about this thread, I don't recall it raping you in the ass.

I'm sure he's aware, he's just playing hard to get.
"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye

A Fire Inside

Red Dawn, interesting idea, poor execution.
If life gives you babies, make baby-aid


obviously i agree about scarface.......

and another depalma one.  body double.  embarassingly bad vertigo rip-off.  depalma at his worst.....it was just shocking to me because there were some cool scenes but then were alot of really retarded ones.....


The One with Jet Li had a cool premise, but bombed.
"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye


the tim burton batman movies
they all looked great and had great acting, but I thought they all lacked energy.  the action scenes felt very languid and too theatrical (as opposed to cinematic) and just not very exciting.  I wish Alex Proyas had directed them batman pictures because Dark City was a much better Gotham than Gotham ever was.

harold and maude
too sappy

old school
should never even tried to have some kind of plot and romance.  that whole climax of them just chasing the dean around for five minutes was really disappointing, and the academic decathlon before that was seen in happy gilmore already.

lost in translation
way too many punchlines on the expenses of them Japanese folks

too many things went wrong there

gangs of new york
shoulda stayed away from that techno soundtrack in the beginning

last temptation of christ
didn't need to try so hard to re-contexualize the Bible

Demi shoulda shown a lot more
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


Quote from: pete
lost in translation
way too many punchlines on the expenses of them Japanese folks

That's like saying Stuck on You has too many jokes at the expense of conjoined twins. It's not laughing at them, it's laughing at what sort of living conditions come about from its presence.


Quote from: petethe tim burton batman movies
they all looked great and had great acting, but I thought they all lacked energy.  the action scenes felt very languid and too theatrical (as opposed to cinematic) and just not very exciting.  I wish Alex Proyas had directed them batman pictures because Dark City was a much better Gotham than Gotham ever was.
oh no he didnt.  i actually kind of fondly appreciate that the action is still kind of clunky and almost 'old school'.  watching how tame the action sequences are in the film are a reminder of simpler days.  you could never get away with something like that today for a big summer blockbuster.  but all the exciting scenes have a sort of older movie feel right before the complete switch into SUPERACTION that swept the 90s.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.