
Started by MacGuffin, September 15, 2007, 10:44:31 AM

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the new EW interviews Oscar nominee's for their reactions, and Diablo Cody says...

"I screamed myself hoarse.  I've grown up watching the Coen brothers' films.  They're heroes to me.  There Will Be Blood was my favorite film of the year.  It's cool to be the Academy's comic relief."

Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Justin Timberlake did that already.  Hack.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


Quote from: Gamblour. on January 25, 2008, 01:10:47 PM
Quote from: Chest Rockwell on January 24, 2008, 10:19:18 AM
I hate that people ask me about my opinion, but then scream if I didn't like something they liked.

sounds oddly familiar...

I actually liked this movie a lot, but I'm sure it will just like rockwell said. hopefully not though...I feel like this film is very honest and genuine, and where it doesn't deeply cover some of the questions you've all asked. I think it does throw in unexpected situations.  Kids and adults, "the dynamic of marriage" the true shitty quality that we all possess. SPOILER Plus like the little subtle look garner gives when Juno expresses how she wishes she didn't even have to do it is awesome. 
it's not the wrench, it's the plumber.


holy shit, listening to 30 seconds of her makes the juno character seem barely obnoxious.


Quote from: shnorff on February 20, 2008, 03:18:01 PM


oh my god, i was actually starting to like her before i realized it was a joke and that's not really her. whew.
The corpses all hang headless and limp bodies with no surprises and the blood drains down like devil's rain we'll bathe tonight I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls Demon I am and face I peel to see your skin turned inside out, 'cause gotta have you on my wall gotta have you on my wall, 'cause I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls collect the heads of little girls and put 'em on my wall hack the heads off little girls and put 'em on my wall I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls


when this started i felt pain in my fucking stomach. animated credits emulating high school kids notebook's drawings, soft tender indie sounding music, every character speaking in sitcom I'm so clever dialogue...everytime juno started talking about music it seemed as if you could hear diablo cody's perception pf who likes what instead of real people discussing shit (big difference with Tarantino, who's been compared to this woman solely on the pop cultures references subject). everyone seemed to be acting funny and believing this was very funny. the problem with that is that it just wasn't funny. me and my girlfriend received pretty much every joke with dead silence. it was embarrassing. the feeling was of people cramming "cool" music and "coolness" in general, taken directly from the wes anderson (i know I'm being unfair with the guy but he's surely imitated here) and napoleon dynamite, me and you and little miss sunshine notebook. the difference with those films is huge. for starters, they are funny, but they're also more sincere. with juno i was feeling that, finally, the "quirky" subgenre had become a studio reality. i think is now officially a genre from which studios can make money. we will see more
of these "clever" comedies in the future, as old as they are for people who've been watching indie films since the early 90's...

after the first half hour, which is unbelievably dreadful, things get better. however, the ending is so easy on juno and everyone else it just doesn't feel right. i would have prefered her to stay an idiot instead of "discovering" that true love means blablabla...

things improved also, because juno stopped being portrayed as super cool and started getting shit for being the stupid asshole that she was sometimes. i dont know if they were trying to make her a not so easy to like character like bad santa or something but it just wasn't funny. thank god jennifer garner was there to give us a glimpse of a recognizable human being instead of a list of musical tastes. she's the soul of this film and more recognition should be given to her.

the comparisons i read here to ghost world are unfair. that film is about american decadence at heart, it lamented the disappearance of individuality in modern way of life. juno doesn't even hint at these things. the character's quirkiness is a device to create sympathy between her, the audience and the other characters. and she never feels alone because of her supposed intelligence. enid in ghost world slowly realizes she is a freak and what that means in terms of being alone in the world.


This film has an issue with being honest and disingenuous. I will not completely cut Diablo Cody -- she has written some funny moments and characters, almost entirely embodied in the parents and Paulie. There is a lot of honesty in how they deal with the situation. Juno's friend is almost in this group, but she definitely still the author of honest to blog. Ellen Page, being the phoniest character on show here, earns the fewest moments of honesty and insight, which I think is the ultimate flaw with the film. As much as you're supposed to love and relate to her, she distances herself from everyone with her 7-layer sarcasm and propensity for having too many fucking opinions. If she didn't bore the audience with her goddamn opinions on everything or insistence on being jaded and relating EVERYTHING in metaphors and vocabulary, we might have had a full fledged good film.


HAHAHAHA. Fuck outta here somethingawful.com. Too funny.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


context, context, context.


diablo cody's myspace response to all you diablo cody haters. save a couple bragging moments, this rant is pretty awesome, if not several months too late (i mean really who is bitching about juno anymore?). oh and she mentions our lord savior pta. 


"A while back, there was a thoughtful article in the above-mentioned publication about Ellen Page and myself. The article was mostly about how passionately some people hate me. As I explained to my therapist the following day (ha) it's kind of weird to read something like that about yourself. On one hand, you feel defensive. On the other hand, you feel puzzled. You feel compelled to identify what it is about you that might inspire such vitriol. (I personally suspect the hate isn't that widespread; it's just loud.)

I thought about it. For months. I even wrote a screenplay on the theme. And then, finally, I figured it out.

I have a response to those who are still boring enough to lob insults in my direction. (Those of you who are friends, fans, enablers, or dislike my writing for legitimate, rational, nonpersonal reasons can tune out now if you like. This isn't for you.)

Anyone else? Bend thine ear:

I am not Charlie Kaufman or Sofia Coppola (much as I supplicate at their Cannes-weary feet.) I'm not Paul Thomas Anderson. I'm not even Paul W.S. Anderson. I am middle-class trash from the Midwest. I'm a competent nonfiction writer, an admittedly green screenwriter, and a product of Hollywood, USA. I am "Diablo Cody" and if you're not a fan, go rent Prospero's Books again and leave me the fuck alone.

I may have won 19 awards that you don't feel I earned, but it's neither original nor relevant to slag on Juno. Really. And you're not some bold, singular voice of dissent, You are exactly like everyone else in your zeitgeisty-demo-lifestyle pod. You are even like me. (I, too, loved Arrested Development! Aren't we a pretty pair of cultural mavericks? Hey, let's go bitch about how Black Kids are overrated!)

I'm sorry that while you were shooting your failed opus at Tisch, I was jamming toxic silicon toys up my ass for money. I get why you're bitter. I took exactly one film class in college and— with the curious exception of the Douglas Sirk unit—it bored the shit out of me. I also once got busted for loudly crinkling a bag of Jujubes during a classroom screening of Vivre Sa Vie. I don't deserve to be here. We've established that. But I'm here. Five million 12-year-olds think I'm Buck Henry. Accept it.

(Incidentally, if you were me for one day you'd crumble like fucking Stilton. I am better at this than you. You're not strong enough, Film_Fan78. Trust me.)

I'm sorry to all those violent, semi-literate fanboys who hate me for befriending their heroes. I can't help it if your favorite writer, actor, director, or talk show host likes me. Maybe you would too, if we actually met.

I know my name is fake and that it annoys you. What, do you hate Queen Latifah and Rip Torn, too? Writers and entertainers have been using pseudonyms for years. Chances are, you're spewing bile under an assumed screen name yourself. I'm sorry if you think I'm like some inked-up quasi-Suicide Girl derby cunt from 2002, but I like my fake name. It's engraved on an Oscar. Yours isn't.

Listen: I've been telling stories my whole life. Even when I was a phone sex operator, I was the Mark Twain of extemporaneous jerk-off fiction. I took every perspiring creep on a fucking journey. I don't know how to do anything else.

I'm going to make more movies and shows. I doubt they'll all be good, but that's the nature of this life. Even though the public only knows me from one book, one movie, and several aborted blogs, I've spent the last few years hustling like Iceberg Slim out here to prove myself professionally. The people I currently work for, and with, are more than pleased with my post-Juno output. My pilot was so good (thanks, Toni Colette!) that it got picked up for series. That is rare, children. That is blue-rare.

In summation: you try it.

This is the last I have to say on the subject, unless I'm provoked by a journalist in which case I'll gladly reload. With relish, as Betty Rizzo might say. That said, I'm a 30-year-old woman with a dwindling interest in blog culture, and I don't have time to address this bullshit every time one of my projects comes out. I'm in love, I just bought a house, and my boss made E.T. I kind of have to focus on reality."


Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.



however, juno still sucks.


Gallo does it with more charm and vitriol.

Diablo Cody: Cinema's Sarah Palin.
Maybe every day is Saturday morning.