Ed norton

Started by AlguienEstolamiPantalones, March 31, 2003, 07:45:00 PM

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Tommy Both

Quote from: miss jonestop ten reasons why

edno gets props:
2) he sleeps with selma hayek



How exactly do you define 'great acting', though? You can't do it without relating the performance to the rest of the movie and all the associations brought to bear on it. I'd talk about Norton's charisma, and the way he makes you look at him rather than anything/one else on the screen, a subjective response. I think he is outstandingly interesting to watch, which is partly to do with the way he just is, and partly to do with the range he has in using his voice and body:see Primal Fear for him doing it within one movie but look across his career to see him adapting to fit particular roles and films. He isn't flashy and he doesn't disrupt the overall aim, so he doesn't grab attention in an Oscar-winning kind of way, but that's part of his greatness. He works with the movie but at the same time he is the star.

Duck Sauce

Are you arguing that he is not a great actor just bcause you dont like him or what is the deal? I mean your arguments can be applied to anybody who has been called a great actor. Lets not over analyze a stupid label. I like Norton.


thought he was miscast in red dragon though, fo real.  :yabbse-wink:
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks

Gold Trumpet

I think Norton is trying too hard to go roles that really don't relate to him that well. I've never seen The 25th Hour, but I assume his role is near what I am going to talk about. I think he is really trying as hard as he can to go for roles that are of intimidating characters, like The Red Dragon in playing a super star cop and The Score, when he is the criminal standing up to De Niro in a tough way. The thing is, I really don't buy it that much. I was only convinced by him doing this kind of role in American History X. The others his body appearance gives him away too much. The scrawniness of his body and middle america look, as much as he wants to distance himself from it, really still shows a lot in those movies. He feels like the kid who wanted to be of intimidation and acted out all the parts fitting that in front of his mirror, but could never really get past that kind of acting. The most convincing part he has played in my mind fitting to what his impression alone gives was of the cautious and nerdy boyfriend in Woody Allen's "Everyone Says I Love You".



Quote from: Duck SauceAre you arguing that he is not a great actor just bcause you dont like him or what is the deal? I mean your arguments can be applied to anybody who has been called a great actor. Lets not over analyze a stupid label. I like Norton.

In trying to answer the question of whether and why he might be called 'a great actor' don't you have to first ask what you mean by 'a great actor' in order to be able to make a judgment? I was suggesting that, to me at least, Norton's (and other's it seems) great acting is about his ability in transforming the way the audience reads the off-screen idea of 'Ed Norton', while at the same time being right for the movie. It's personal, though, whether we find him great at doing that or not. I find him convincing, despite his body type but GT doesn't (though I get what you mean, GT), and more subtle than many others. You just saying 'I like Norton' means shit, but if that's cause you're scared of offering any other kind of analysis cause someone might disagree with you then I guess that's ok.

Duck Sauce

Quote from: budgie
You just saying 'I like Norton' means shit, but if that's cause you're scared of offering any other kind of analysis cause someone might disagree with you then I guess that's ok.

Your right, I dont want any place in this argument, I dont really have an opinion on Norton other than I have liked him in a lot of movies. Im just saying that we arent going to get anywhere because everybodys opinion is different and everybodys view of a great actor is different.


i hear he likes to rewrite scripts, and I'm not talking about frida. I don't know, he just seems like a stuck up asshole and I cant get that out of my head when i see him act.


all i wanted was examples of greatness, and no one was able to come out without anything that didnt sound like a bad cliche.

i almost waited to hear someone say " this is a question with out a answer like what is the meaning of life"

fuck off

all i wanted was something like this

tom cruise in that scene in magnolia when he gets his whole life exposed as a lie , the look on his face, his responce , that was greatness

after that he could never just be looked at as some douche who makes cheesy action movies .

notice how i didnt say he was good in rainman so that is enough to call him a great actor , that wasnt my point.

what i was looking for was examples of scenes that showoff ones gift of greatness . Like with de niro i could rattle off a laundry list of shit

whatever i got my answer


i dont understand..... american history x had tons of moments of "greatness".... you know when theyre all sitting at the table and his mothers boyfriend is talking about the persecution of the jews, the way hes looking at him from across the table... that isnt "greatness" to you?


that may of been the first real example of someone defending his work cecil, thats all i asked for was examples

but i still think that was a ok scene still not what i would call greatness

but i did say yesterday that american history x was his best performance, but i still think its a stretch to call him the ebst actor of his generation.


in responce to budgie

what you are saying is that he is a good actor, thats what i said but i do not think he is " greatness"

greatness, is becomeing your part each and every time, being able to play a cute dad one minute then a blood thirsty bastard the next

every time i see ed norton in a movie, i see ed norton, kinda almost one noteish He looks and acts the same in almost every part

the same cant be said of sam jackson, sam jackson can fucking be mace windu and he can be desperate dad in changing lanes

sam jackson will go down in history as one of the best actors to ever live, and why ? because he earned it.

ok here is another example of greatness sandler on the phone with his sister in pdl, the scene when he was trying to get emily watsons info and she wouldnt give it to him.

pta wrote a great scene, but sandler is the one who took it and made it into something beyond beautiful .

so yeah ed norton is good, but its high time we stop calling him one of the best actor of our times .


This thread is a revelation!
I like to hug dogs


I've always thought this. I'd always liked norton, and then all these magazines came out and said "he's the actor of our generation." I was just like, what? where the hell did that notion come from?
The corpses all hang headless and limp bodies with no surprises and the blood drains down like devil's rain we'll bathe tonight I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls Demon I am and face I peel to see your skin turned inside out, 'cause gotta have you on my wall gotta have you on my wall, 'cause I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls collect the heads of little girls and put 'em on my wall hack the heads off little girls and put 'em on my wall I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls