
Started by MacGuffin, May 17, 2007, 04:30:08 PM

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i saw it today at Film Forum here in nyc.
it actually blew me away how deeply moving and beautiful the film's portrayal of Ian is.
and the music sounded so great, so alive.
the b&w (the only way it could be done really) gives it that perfect feeling and look.
i went with my girlfriend who had only heard a little of Joy Division
and she thanked me incessantly when we took the train back home haha.
and the movie, to me, succeeds in that sense. you don't have to be a Joy Division fan to watch this movie and have it affect you.
in fact, it's better if you don't know who the band is or only know little.
the story is so honest and so heartfelt that it has the power to affect anyone who watches it.
and boy.. the music plays such a huge part in telling the story.
it was so good to hear. it succeeds amazingly in that sense.

it's emotional and sad and Morton is lovely as Deborah, and Sam Riley nails Ian beautifully.
and so great that it's directed by Corbijn, who did a beyond great job in bringing Deborah's story of/life with Ian to the screen.

wonderful, heartbreaking movie.
(not without some funny bits though haha)
south america's my name.

w/o horse

It was terribly disappointing.  Pubrick was unfortunately right.
Raven haired Linda and her school mate Linnea are studying after school, when their desires take over and they kiss and strip off their clothes. They take turns fingering and licking one another's trimmed pussies on the desks, then fuck each other to intense orgasms with colorful vibrators.


he said "good to greatish good". you're the only one to use the word disappointing so far.

w/o horse

I also used the intensifier terribly.  But I don't see how that raises your comment above semantics.
Raven haired Linda and her school mate Linnea are studying after school, when their desires take over and they kiss and strip off their clothes. They take turns fingering and licking one another's trimmed pussies on the desks, then fuck each other to intense orgasms with colorful vibrators.


i misread you, i guess. why are you disappointed?

w/o horse

Whatever its value it's simply not a notable achievement.  Which was my expectation.  I had too much inevested in it definitely.
Raven haired Linda and her school mate Linnea are studying after school, when their desires take over and they kiss and strip off their clothes. They take turns fingering and licking one another's trimmed pussies on the desks, then fuck each other to intense orgasms with colorful vibrators.


I thought this was just great. One of my biggest pet peeves with movies is asynchronous music with a playing band, I mean it's almost ubiquitous in films. But obviously they were going to get in right in this one, man do they ever. I agree with every positive thing that's been said here. The film is very terse visually, not unlike the protagonist. The wedding cut is a good example. I really loved it. I've never heard a song by Joy Division before (although one sounded like I had maybe heard it from a trailer or something).

last days of gerry the elephant

Really liked it also. I like Joy Division as well so I don't know if my praise could be seen subjective. Oh, one more thing, I think more movies should be shot B&W after seeing this.


I thought this was an excellent biopic. It's not concerned with "this is how this song came about." It's more of a character study. It's a very emotional biography about Ian Curtis, and not so much about Joy Division. As already noted, the cinematography is gorgeous. Like the story, it's not flashy. It just pulls you in and you're immersed with the characters.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


yeah i saw this only recently and it had a pretty devastating effect on me. Corbijn's and Riley's portrayal of Ian's struggle with apprehension, epilepsy and an impulsive/conflicting marriage make this one of the most painful movies i've seen in a long while.