I Just Bought...

Started by ᾦɐļᵲʊʂ, October 25, 2003, 05:14:10 PM

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From www.DavisDVD.com

Four great Criterion titles go out of print on December 31st. The last chance to own Alfred Hitchcock's Notorious, Rebecca, Spellbound and Sam Peckinpah's Straw Dogs is nearly at hand. Get 'em while you can, cause once there gone they're gone.


Three of the Five discs in the Wrong Men Notorious Women box set are going OOP, so I'm guessing the set will also go OOP.



Quote from: FeloniousFunkHello.


Coming in From Bestbuy.com:

Coming in From DeepDiscountDvd.com in a year or so:

Quotethemodernage02 wrote:

Coming in From Columbiahouse...which I'm not a fan of:



Quote from: FeloniousFunkFrom www.DavisDVD.com

Four great Criterion titles go out of print on December 31st. The last chance to own Alfred Hitchcock's Notorious, Rebecca, Spellbound and Sam Peckinpah's Straw Dogs is nearly at hand. Get 'em while you can, cause once there gone they're gone.


Three of the Five discs in the Wrong Men Notorious Women box set are going OOP, so I'm guessing the set will also go OOP.


Holy fucking shit. Thanks for that info. Does Criterion post this shit on their site? I didn't see it anywhere. I've gotta buy these now, dammit, but yah!


all for $94 at deepdiscountdvd.com with the great deal they have right now (details in the "post your great deals" section in the dvd forum).


Quote from: abuck1220ben harper dvd
no kidding...let me know how that is.  the guy rocks.  plain and simple, and has a nice appraoch to music in general.  me curious.


i'm getting it for my brother as an xmas gift, but i'm sure i'll check it out. he (ben harper that is, not my brother) also makes a couple cameos on the pearl jam disc, which is also very good.

those two dvds were each about $10 w/ the deal they have going on right now.


Quote from: abuck1220those two dvds were each about $10 w/ the deal they have going on right now.
:::whips out his credit card, suckas!!!!:::

fuck the review....gimme about....2nd day fed ex.  

ps. thxs for the link.


"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


...it's the shitty producer's version, but I'll just mute the end song and call it One Plus One (I'm such a creepy Godard fanboy)!!
Those who say that the totalitarian state of the Soviet Union was not "real" Marxism also cannot admit that one simple feature of Marxism makes totalitarianism necessary:  the rejection of civil society. Since civil society is the sphere of private activity, its abolition and replacement by political society means that nothing private remains. That is already the essence of totalitarianism; and the moralistic practice of the trendy Left, which regards everything as political and sometimes reveals its hostility to free speech, does nothing to contradict this implication.

When those who hated capital and consumption (and Jews) in the 20th century murdered some hundred million people, and the poster children for the struggle against international capitalism and America are now fanatical Islamic terrorists, this puts recent enthusiasts in an awkward position. Most of them are too dense and shameless to appreciate it, and far too many are taken in by the moralistic and paternalistic rhetoric of the Left.


I kinda want the Alien set, but then I kinda wonder if it's for me. I mean, I only really love the first one and the fourth one. The other two are probably not owners for me. Are these discs available separately, or at least a decent transfer?

I'm not buying myself any more DVDs between now and Xmas. Every penny is going towards being Santa Claus for my ever-expanding family (I'm an uncle now!). Criterion is unleashing a deluge in February, though, not to mention the Bergman box and Blow-Up, so I'll be back in the game by then.
""Money doesn't come into it. It never has. I do what I do because it's all that I am." - Morrissey

"Lacan stressed more and more in his work the power and organizing principle of the symbolic, understood as the networks, social, cultural, and linguistic, into which a child is born. These precede the birth of a child, which is why Lacan can say that language is there from before the actual moment of birth. It is there in the social structures which are at play in the family and, of course, in the ideals, goals, and histories of the parents. This world of language can hardly be grasped by the newborn and yet it will act on the whole of the child's existence."

Stay informed on protecting your freedom of speech and civil rights.


Quote from: godardianAre these discs available separately, or at least a decent transfer?

They'll be available separately on January 6th.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


all for 30 bucks. Brand new. From columbiahouse.


Wow...some really great purchases by everyone!

I just bought The Shipping News and Mulholland Drive on DVD (originally had them on VHS).
Typical US Mother: "Remember what the MPAA says; Horrific, Deplorable violence is okay, as long as people don't say any naughty words."