Official RADIOHEAD thread

Started by Duck Sauce, January 11, 2003, 05:54:58 PM

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jon brion's covering of creep as sung by tom waits is pretty funny.

radiohead actually has to pay money to The Hollies because of it's similarity to "The Air That I Breathe."

as popular as it's supposed to be i don't know if i've heard it more than once or twice on the radio in my entire life and i was huge on the nirvana/grunge scene. then again, i rarely listen to the radio.

now STP's Creep on the other hand i've heard many times.
I am Torgo. I take care of the place while the Master is away.


Jon Brion covered it again last March, as well.

Pretty as it gets.

Maybe every day is Saturday morning.


What are some good bootlegs to get? Everything I find is shite audience quality. There has to be quality soundboards out there.

Someone hook me up.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


Quote from: bigideas on May 03, 2008, 10:14:54 PM
jon brion's covering of creep as sung by tom waits is pretty funny.

radiohead actually has to pay money to The Hollies because of it's similarity to "The Air That I Breathe."

as popular as it's supposed to be i don't know if i've heard it more than once or twice on the radio in my entire life and i was huge on the nirvana/grunge scene. then again, i rarely listen to the radio.

now STP's Creep on the other hand i've heard many times.
I thought it was someone impersonating Bob Dylan singing 'creep'
The Beatles know Jesus Christ has returned to Earth and is in Los Angeles.

When you are getting fucked by the big corporations remember to use a condom.

There was a FISH in the perkalater!!!

My Collection


Radiohead_In Rainbows_From The Basement aired on vh1 last night. videos of each song can be found here:

OH MY GOD i can't believe i'm finally seeing these motherfuckers live tomorrow night. I CAN'T WAIT.


Quote from: SiliasRuby on May 04, 2008, 03:45:42 AM
Quote from: bigideas on May 03, 2008, 10:14:54 PM
jon brion's covering of creep as sung by tom waits is pretty funny.
I thought it was someone impersonating Bob Dylan singing 'creep'

Maybe it was Dylan, it's been a while since I've watching any video of Brion.

wow, it just really hit me that i'll be seeing them 2 weekends from now.

the songs they played on Basement made me excited because i don't think they'd really played Myxo/where/opt very often since those respective tours anyway.
I am Torgo. I take care of the place while the Master is away.


Quote from: bigideas on May 04, 2008, 03:36:59 PM
Quote from: SiliasRuby on May 04, 2008, 03:45:42 AM
Quote from: bigideas on May 03, 2008, 10:14:54 PM
jon brion's covering of creep as sung by tom waits is pretty funny.
I thought it was someone impersonating Bob Dylan singing 'creep'

Maybe it was Dylan, it's been a while since I've watching any video of Brion.


Quote from: Stefen on May 03, 2008, 10:46:45 PM
What are some good bootlegs to get? Everything I find is shite audience quality. There has to be quality soundboards out there.

Someone hook me up.

Radiohead or Jon Brion?

If it's Jon Brion you speak of, I recommend the July 25, 2006 show at the Intonation Festival in Chicago. Absolutely pristine. Not as epic in length as some of his best, but he makes every minute count. Plus the thing is pristine. Just absolutely crystal clear. If it's not readily available online, I can probably load it up for you.

If it's Radiohead you speak of... yeah, someone hook it up... the only live stuff I have is the EP they released a couple years back and Thom Yorke's Bridge School appearances.

Maybe every day is Saturday morning.


I was talking Radiohead, but you should load up that Brion anyways. When I lost all my music, Meaningless was the hardest album to find. I looked everywhere. Eventually some kid at Atease hooked me up. I was kind of holding off on hearing live Brion until I could make it down to LA, but I don't think that's gonna happen, so yeah, hook it up. I'm sure alot of other people would be down to hear it.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


Radiohead live at the BBC? anyone? anyone?
it's not the wrench, it's the plumber.


"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Who's going to the show in Dallas?
"The myth by no means finds its adequate objectification in the spoken word. The structure of the scenes and the visible imagery reveal a deeper wisdom than the poet himself is able to put into words and concepts" – Friedrich Nietzsche


i saw Radiohead last night...

:shock:   :shock:   :shock:   :shock:   :shock:   :shock:  :shock:   :shock:   :shock:   :shock:   :shock:   :shock:  :shock:   :shock:


one of the best nights of my life (so far).

i don't even know where to begin. keep in mind, i'm only 18 so i got into radiohead's music after HTTT. this was my first time seeing them live. because it was my first time, it felt like all the years of loving their music had been leading up to finally seeing them in person, and i didn't really know what to expect even though i expected to be blown away and i was. of course, like all great things, you're never satisified because it's so, so, so good you ALWAYS want more. i want more. i want to see them in concert again RIGHT NOW. if it had been possible (money-wise and transportation-wise) i would have certainly driven to Tampa for their second show in florida. i was speechless. it was truly something amazing. i didn't think it was possible for me to love this band any more than i already did. but now i do. my god.

ok. there are a few specific things i want to talk about.

1. visually it was mind-blowing. there were like five enormous screens behind the band and the lighting arrangement is hard to describe so i'll just post some pictures (click to enlarge)

2. i have never EVER seen a band rock so hard. they did a lot of the slower songs and they were all beautiful but with bodysnatchers, airbag, bangers and mash, and the national anthem, they fucking ROCKED.

3. thom yorke quote of the night: "we spent three days in miami beach.. fucking hell! what's going on there? some kind of reconstruction! for once i was proud to white, pale and english."

4. WEIRD FISHES. for a long time this was my favorite rainbows track, i've heard it a million times and i'm still never prepared for the emotional punch it delivers. well, it delivered tenfold last night, it was INCREDIBLE. after they stopped playing, i thought the song was over and right as i finally recovered from being so blown away, the started up and performed the last couple minutes of Weird Fishes over again. it was weird but awesome. at the end thom was like "three months and we still can't get that right."

5. thom hung a tibetan flag from his keyboard for Everything In Its Right Place. you can kind of see it here (click to enlarge):

6. faust arp and house of cards are great but they were always my two least favorites on In Rainbows. now i've gained a new appreciation for both. house of cards is something else live, the loud thumping percussion really adds to it.

7. thom played drums on Bangers & Mash. SO GOOD.

01 All I Need
02 Bodysnatchers
03 There There
04 Reckoner
05 The Gloaming
06 Morning Bell
07 Nude
08 How to Disappear Completely
09 15 Step
10 Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
11 Idioteque
12 Bullet Proof..I Wish I Was
13 Where I End and You Begin
14 Airbag
15 Everything In Its Right Place
16 The National Anthem
17 Videotape
18 Optimistic
19 Just
20 Faust Arp
21 Exit Music (For a Film)
22 Bangers & Mash
*** encore***
23 House of Cards
24 Street Spirit (Fade Out)

only 3 things annoyed me on this otherwise perfect evening:

1. no jigsaw. what the fuck! every rainbows track but jigsaw.

2. the girl behind me was on ecstasy and was dancing accordingly (eyes rolling back, rubbing her own face, etc). she kept screaming "this is like my third favorite band! this is my third favorite band! oh my god!"

3. this couple sitting in front of me were talking really really loudly in spanish during Exit Music. i couldn't even hear over them. also they were clearly assholes who got in for free somehow because neither of them knew who was performing. finally i said "excuse me, i can't hear" and then the following exchange occured.

douche: so why don't you move?
me: no. (pause) why would i move?
douche: because you can't hear.
me: because you're talking.
woman: i was talking?
me: both of you.

then the woman just stared at me, looking extremely insulted. she kept staring directly into my eyes. i stared back. this went on for about another 20 seconds until the guy told her to turn around. a minute later the douche turned around again.

douche: if you ever talk to me like that again, i'll fucking kill you.
me: i can't hear the band.
douche: look, i apologize for talking.
me: .. ok.

and then he turned back and that was it. i thought it was hilarious how he threatened to kill me and then apologized right after. :shock:

well i've got that bittersweet post-concert feeling now, that feeling where you just wanna go back in time and do it all over again. i can't wait until i actually can. that was just amazing.


A good friend of mine was at the West Palm show as well and she kept calling me from her cell phone and letting me listen. I appreciated that she thought of me but at the same time I wanted to punch her in the face really really hard.
My assholeness knows no bounds.


i hope they play bulletproof again in houston instead of some of the other main stays.
i'm glad they're not playing PA and Karma Police - those have been played to death.
I am Torgo. I take care of the place while the Master is away.