michael moore: oscars, truths, and fictitions

Started by Rudie Obias, March 23, 2003, 09:27:38 PM

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Duck Sauce

Quote from: underdog
no..not really.. i can say a lot worst thing about bush than "shame on you"

do it then tough guy


Quote from: underdog
Quote from: bonanzatazthat "shame on you, bush!" thing was a bit much, don't you think?
no..not really.. i can say a lot worst thing about bush than "shame on you"

How dare you speak ill of a man who has the good fashion sense to wear a " Dont fuck with texas" belt buckle around the oval office.


Quote from: Duck Sauce
Quote from: underdog
no..not really.. i can say a lot worst thing about bush than "shame on you"

do it then tough guy

to easy to make fun of bush...
"This is my week off, so pack up,
take the kids, and I'll see you in a week"


Michael Moore. The guy's got some balls.
'Welcome the Thunderdome, bitch'


Quote from: bonanzatazthat "shame on you, bush!" thing was a bit much, don't you think?
Yeah, that was going too far. At first the audience were cheering but he just wouldn't shut up and then the boos started..


Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free, silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands, with all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves, let me forget about today until tomorrow.

Jeremy Blackman

Quote from: pgrYeah, that was going too far

I would have been disappointed by anything less. It only proves that he can't be diluted, and he can't be silenced.


I captured the Micheal Moore acceptance speech if anyone is interested and hasn't seen it. Unfortunately, being a complete idiot, I have no idea how I might go about posting it. Anyone have any ideas? Its 27mb.
"The idea had been growing in my brain for some time: TRUE force. All the king's men
                        cannot put it back together again." (Travis Bickle, "Taxi Driver")


Quote from: Jeremy Blackman
Quote from: pgrYeah, that was going too far

I would have been disappointed by anything less. It only proves that he can't be diluted, and he can't be silenced.

Yeah, but he could have been a little more eloquent.
The corpses all hang headless and limp bodies with no surprises and the blood drains down like devil's rain we'll bathe tonight I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls Demon I am and face I peel to see your skin turned inside out, 'cause gotta have you on my wall gotta have you on my wall, 'cause I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls collect the heads of little girls and put 'em on my wall hack the heads off little girls and put 'em on my wall I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls

Jeremy Blackman

Quote from: RecceI captured the Micheal Moore acceptance speech if anyone is interested and hasn't seen it. Unfortunately, being a complete idiot, I have no idea how I might go about posting it. Anyone have any ideas? Its 27mb.

Yes, I believe Mr. Xixax would be happy to host it. Although there is the fact that it's Michael Moore ......


Quote from: RaikusMichael Moore = one note song.

It certainly seems so. I hadn't even heard of him before all the Bowling For Columbine hype started up and he's already starting to annoy the hell out of me. He's way too cool for school.


i thought what he did last night was great... i applaud him

Gold Trumpet

Moore does comedy better than insight. His gestures and lame speech only reinforced it.



I really like Micheal Moore and I'm glad BFC won because it deserved it.

But I think that sometimes the way Moore goes about things is too exagerated.  Sometimes he makes a big deal about too much and it makes the people who take it a little more seriously look like extremists.

Bush didn't win the popular vote and he's still the president... that sucks, but it's in the past.  War is what's happening now...
I didn't march in one of the recent anti-war protests last week here because there were all these retards with "Impeach Bush" signs.  It just makes the whole crowd look stupid... people who are realistic about the anti-war movement can't be taken seriously with this kind of behavior.

I don't know... maybe I'm not making and sense, I really like Micheal Moore, but I wouldn't have been one of the ones cheering or one of the ones booing... I would have been one of the ones just laughing at the whole situation.

Gold Trumpet

I agree with you RK. Dissention on the war is fine, but Moore is doing himself no favors with these actions.

But on the political elections of 2000, I believe Bush rightly did win, but that's another discussion.
