Lucky Louie (and now Louie)

Started by Ravi, June 09, 2006, 12:42:41 AM

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Ursula Parker is straight up my favorite actress in the world right now.



perfect, beautiful television.
mindblowing shit:

- the hotel room flashback, is louie god? he does simple things that look impossible, how does he make shit like this? where did he find that actor, did he travel back in time? and casting that girl? who would think of stuff like that? the glass window seperating them invisibly, and then opening was such a simple but brilliant nuance. and the whiteout of the bathroom? man alive.

- the sex scene. such a beautifully shot and orchestrated moment, the entrance, the argument, the blackout with subtle lights swirling. and if you don't get insanely turned on by the noises she makes, there is something wrong with you.

- todd's story. only this show could get away with something like that. in concept, it sounds like stupid filler. but louie made it into a piece of art that is genuinely captivating.


I had chills from the opening scene where Louie and wife were in therapy and he goes over to the window, opens it, lets out a bloodcurdling scream, and returns to his seat as if nothing happened.  And they continue as if nothing happened.  I kept waiting for him to do it AGAIN.  Did pigeons fly?  Was that in my head?  They may as well have.  It was like something out of some surrealistic movie.  It was just so perfect.  We've all been there.  We've all had that feeling.  And he brings it to life.  I love his relationship with his ex.  They're both real, flawed people, and they don't villify the other person.  Denny Dillon was great as the therapist.

What strikes me is how some people on reddit were really confused by Louie's wife being played by a younger, different, white woman.  In fact, Louie has done this in the past, employing different actors for the same part, because the continuity just isn't important to him.  It isn't the point.  And to me, it makes perfect sense.  They were, literally, different people back then.  Not to mention, how could Louie and Janet have played themselves with makeup to make themselves look younger?  It would take away any sort of believability, and take you out of the moment.  Their origin story takes the mythology of this tale to new heights.  Louie apes Bunuel (and maybe Solondz, who probably aped Bunuel anyway), and does so with such skill as to make it look so easy.

And the two sex scenes.  On their own, both of them are very real.  You're very fortunate to be familiar with both types of encounters.  The quickies just meant to relieve sexual tension ... but also to say goodbye.  Nice juxtaposition there.  And then the passionate, lust-fueled gropefest that was his goodbye to the Hungarian chick.  Both different bittersweet goodbyes.

Side note: I didn't think it could get quite better than last week, the scene with Louie's daughter and his new girlfriend, his daughter playing the violin and communicating with someone who he couldn't communicate with.  But it did.

Todd's scenes were existential bliss.  What does one fill his life with if he has no obligations?  It truly is the ability to appreciate the little things in life, to make oneself happy in any way he can.  That too is even bittersweet.  Is Todd honest in what he takes delight in, or is he lying to himself and to his others, kidding himself that a bacherlor's life can be fulfilling?  Louie's been there, and he's struggling with the flipside of the coin, dipping his toes into the water, unsure if he should take the plunge, buy the cow, expose him and his kids to that heartbreak.



They can't all be Elevator IV and V.

Random thoughts:

* I really don't like that the hurricane was real.  It made it boring.
* The scene in the (Hungarian?) diner was nice tho.  I liked when Louie held the waiter's hand.
* "You can't even rape well."
* "Thank you for the that."
* I wish Louie would tell Pamela to fuck off, but if he did, he wouldn't be Louie.
* Nice to see the Comedy Cellar back, but the subject matter was a bit meh.
* Where teh eff did wilder's post go?


The end of Elevator was great. I loved how C.K isn't concerned about the hurricane at the beginning of the episode, what happens with Amia is more important to him. Before his family is threatened by the hurricane, of course.

The scene with Pamela at the end was fascinating. Because it looked like the one with Amia last week. Which means: very uncomfortable. More uncomfortable this week because Pamela doesn't want Louie at all. And Louie is trying to act alpha male. Pamela says rape twice. Louie acts like a bastard because he wants to be in charge, he wants to control things, for once, and it's shameful. I'm curious to see how the Pamela trilogy ends. I don't like Pamela at all, I don't think she's good for Louie, I don't think Louie is good for her.

Next week is a 90 minutes episode called In the Woods.

Then it ends, in two weeks, with Pamela 2 and 3.


- the comedy cellar segment was ridiculous! he just redid everything from his snl monologue which was like what a couple days ago? that was lame. everyone who is into louis ck has already seen and read about that seventy times.
- amia angry is terrifying
- him recreating what he did with amia, with pam was amazing and kind of dark


been looking for something like this forever, thanks so much man


Random question: what are some of the best episodes with Jane from Season 2 and 3?


Quote from: Ghostboy on June 04, 2014, 12:19:19 AM
Random question: what are some of the best episodes with Jane from Season 2 and 3?

"The myth by no means finds its adequate objectification in the spoken word. The structure of the scenes and the visible imagery reveal a deeper wisdom than the poet himself is able to put into words and concepts" – Friedrich Nietzsche


Quote from: Ghostboy on June 04, 2014, 12:19:19 AM
Random question: what are some of the best episodes with Jane from Season 2 and 3?
At a quick glance:

Season 2
Country Drive

Season 3
Telling Jokes/Set Up
New Year's Eve


This is a pretty good read from the avclub, especially the part talking about the second episode. But this bit sums up how much I love this show because of Louis CK the filmmaker.

QuoteThe episode contains some of the most technically challenging camera work of this or any other season of Louie (constantly losing and finding light in order to convey New York mid-storm and mid-blackout), but it takes nothing more than a stationary shot to capture all of the joy, anguish, love, frustration, beauty, honesty, and gratitude that exists between Louie and Amia.

"The myth by no means finds its adequate objectification in the spoken word. The structure of the scenes and the visible imagery reveal a deeper wisdom than the poet himself is able to put into words and concepts" – Friedrich Nietzsche


ok so this is weird.
so i bootlegged elevator 6 the night it came out, and i just watched the episode again on tivo, and it's two different sound mixes.
has anyone else experienced this? the episode that aired on my tivo, during the scene where amia and invanka and louie are in the kitchen, the second she throws the plate, the audio cuts and you can't hear any voices, just loud rain and thunder, and then louie touches the tv and everything goes back to normal. if this wasn't intentional, or just a weird glitch, it made that scene 20 times better for me.
anyone else?


Quote from: Ghostboy on June 04, 2014, 12:19:19 AM
Random question: what are some of the best episodes with Jane from Season 2 and 3?

Season 2: this scene (and Louis C.K is commenting the scene.)

Season 3: when she tells the joke about the gorilla, and the scene, episodes later, where she talks was maybe hungarian, but I think it was a different one.