Aronofsky (was going) to direct episode of Lost (but plans fell through)

Started by cowboykurtis, November 01, 2005, 07:16:50 PM

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From Entertainment Weekly

Darren Aronofksy, director of Requiem for a Dream and upcoming The Fountain, has signed on to direct an episode of ABC's Lost, which will likely air at the beginning of May sweeps.

"It was one of those fantastic calls out of the blue," Lost executive producer Carlton Cuse told Entertainment Weekly. "His agents let us know he liked the show, and we jumped at the opportunity. Apparently, he had been watching 'Lost' while up in Montreal shooting 'The Fountain' and got hooked."

Cuse added that he thinks Aronofsky will be done with The Fountain, starring Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz, before taking on Lost. "We scheduled it so that [the episode] is coming on the heels of finishing 'The Fountain'. And we will try to put together a story that will be well-suited for Darren's talents and visual imagination."
Lost returns from its two-week hiatus on November 9th.
...your excuses are your own...


An oversight - the result of not giving two shits about the show
...your excuses are your own...


That's fine, but hopefully you won't regret it when you're really confused/blown away when you see Aronofsky's episode.


since he has his own forum now, news about Aronofsky's Lost episode can go here.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


From AICN...

"M": Okay, so then, I guess the other big news lately has been you signing on to do the episode of LOST.
DA: [laughs] Oh, yeah!

"M": Yeah?
DA: What do you think of that? You think that's cool?

"M": I love the show.
DA: Good.

"M": It's so addictive. They couldn't seem more excited, either. They just put out a thing... if you sign up at their site, they send you a newsletter thing, sort of a "from the writer's room" thing every so often... and they just put out a thing last week where they were like, "OHMYGODWEGOTDARRENARONOFSKY!"
DA: [laughs] That's very flattering. I just love the show. I just, uh, I had heard about it, and it sounded like it was right up my alley, because I'm from the Rod Serling fanbase.

"M": For me, I'm a PRISONER freak...
DA: Exactly.

"M": ... and this sort of scratches that itch.
DA: Exactly. During the shoot on THE FOUNTAIN in Montreal, I had... I was watching tapes of it, and it was really addictive. It was like the one thing I could watch to just clear my mind at the end of the day before I crashed out, y'know? It was just so much fun. I just got really into it. And then, um, I was like, Well, I wonder if they'd ever be interested in... you know... And I'm thinking, they shoot it in Hawaii. I love all the actors. I mean, the casting on that show is just superb. It's great.

"M": I think if you're a fan of the show, it's really because of that ensemble.
DA: Yeah. And they're all great. I mean, I don't know... how do you... that's the amazing thing to me about the show, is that they cast all these great actors that no one's really... I mean, most of them... some of them have done a lot of great work, but a lot of them, I had never seen before, and they're just great. So I was sort of like, That'd be cool. Just spend a couple of weeks in Hawaii with actors. I definitely... look, I'm going to them. They didn't come to me. So it's not like going to be, by any means, "a Darren Aronofsky show." I'm just going there to do an episode of LOST.

"M": I've talked to a couple of guys recently... I talked to Peter Hyams, who was directing some episodes of THRESHHOLD... and it seems like one of the great things about TV has got to be how you go from signing on to prepping the script to production, and then it's on the air in what seems like weeks, as compared to a feature.
DA: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It takes a long time. This will be a lot less... I'm really servicing someone else's vision here. I'm trying to do it the best as I can, but it's really... they have their own visual style, which I think works very well for their show, and they have their acting style, which is clear. I'm just psyched to honor that and to be part of that lore. And maybe I can actually find out a few secrets.

"M": [laughs] Your ulterior motive surfaces.
DA: I can hold it over my friends' heads a little bit. I've been trying to talk to Damon, like, "Okay, come on, how's it all add up?" But he never... how am I supposed to direct it if I don't know the truth? [laughs]

"M": I have a friend who is connected to the show, and they must have implanted microphones in all of them, because he won't say anything even in private.
DA: When I ask the wrong question on the phone, they just get really silent.

"M": Or they smile at you a lot.
DA: Oh, do they?
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


under the paving stones.


from the Lost podcast dated Feb 13th Lost co-creators Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse discuss Aronofsky.  so OLD NEWS but still quoteworthy...

Carlton Cuse: But speaking on the subject of guest directors, we do have our own very cool special guest director Darren Aronofsky, who is going to come and direct an episode of Lost in a few episodes from now.

Damon Lindelof: Thats going to be awesome.

Carlton Cuse: Those of you who have not seen Mr. Darren Aronofskys movies should check out Pi or Requiem For A Dream.  He is a real genius.  Visually imaginitive storyteller and he actually turns out to be a big fan of the show.  And through his agents approached us and said "Would you guys be interested in having me direct an episode?" and we jumped at the opportunity.  I think that Darren and his particular sensibility, theres actually certain thematic similarities between the movie Pi and things that we're doing on Lost and I think that he's someone whos going to really be a really great collaborator for us.

Damon Lindelof: We ripped him off.  That's really all there is to it, so now we have to repay the favor. 
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


according to the May 8th podcast, this week's LOST episode "?" featuring Mr. Eko is the one Aronofsky was originally slated to direct.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


"this weeks episode starts ten seconds after last weeks"
-Lost podcast


Quote from: modage on May 09, 2006, 11:31:27 AM
according to the May 8th podcast, this week's LOST episode "?" featuring Mr. Eko is the one Aronofsky was originally slated to direct.

Quote from: edison on May 04, 2006, 08:40:19 AMAwesome episode, now its going to get really crazy I assume for the next 3 episodes. As a matter of fact, Aronofsky was supposed to direct the episode next wednesday. too bad, would have been sweet
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


well he should post it in the proper thread and state his sources!  :yabbse-angry:
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


edison's first post in this thread rendered this thread obsolete anyway. unless you change the title to Aronofsky (was going) to direct episode of Lost (but plans fell through).