matthew modine's full metal jacket diary

Started by Xx, May 14, 2005, 01:47:43 AM

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I'd also like to read Vincent D'Onofrio's.


I read part of this before online... it was a pdf file saved on my old computer... I'm no help.  But what I read was cool.  I think it was linked off of Roger Avary's site.  Yeah, I'm no help.


This link was in another thread, I happened upon:

I haven't checked it yet, so I apologize if it doesn't work.


Quote from: Gamblor Posts DrunkThis link was in another thread, I happened upon:

I haven't checked it yet, so I apologize if it doesn't work.
it works, but they've mispelled 'copyright'.  :yabbse-undecided:
under the paving stones.


Also, it's only 17 pages, while the book is like 250. So who knows


Quote from: Gamblor Posts DrunkAlso, it's only 17 pages, while the book is like 250. So who knows
and he uses lines like "i think he like the joke". could be sum random crap. the pictures are nice tho.
under the paving stones.


yeah i enjoyed the little that was there.

does anyone have a acrobat or rich text of the whole thing?

the one last hit that spent you...


Full Metal Sit-Down
Two decades after filming Kubrick's intense Vietnam opus, Matthew Modine shows us his war face.
Source: Maxim Magazine

Is this a picture book with words or a wordy book with pictures?

This book was supposed to be about the photos I took on set, but when I transcribed the diary I realized it was more interesting than the photos.

Why are there so many gaps in the book?

We'd stop filming for long periods. Writing the diary was like scratching numbers on the wall in a prison cell, only there's no more room. I was so fucked up when the movie finished.

The final shots of the movie were supposed to take three days, right?

And it dragged on for months. Finally, it became, "Who do I have to fuck to get off this movie?"

Did Kubrick micromanage every detail?

He got obsessed over how individual words were said, like "sucky" [during the hooker scene]. It was Arliss [Private Cowboy] Howard's line, and it was, "Me want sucky." And Stanley wanted him to go up at the end of "sucky" so it was like he was asking a question: "Me want suck-E? Me want suck-EEE?" It went on forever.

You got Vincent D'Onofrio an audition for Private Pyle... then he wanted to kick your ass once he got the role. What happened?

We were marching, and I was joking with these English extras about Princess Fergie. They were calling her a "ginger-haired cunt." Stanley wanted us to do another march, so he whispers to me, "Stop fucking around; I'm ready to shoot." I said I wasn't fucking around, but Vince, who was behind me, goes, "Yes you were. You were joking with those guys." Then all those English guys were egging us on, like, "Oi, yeah!" I wanted to crack the rifle across his head, but he said, "I'll kick your fucking ass."

Did this ensure he received a few extra soap hits during the blanket party scene?

Yeah, I gave him an extra whack. Maybe two extra whacks. Well, it's inherent in the script, but who knows what I was thinking?

People separate Full Metal Jacket into two films -- boot camp and combat. Which half do you like more?

Stanley's favorite review of the movie said, "The first half is brilliant, and then it degenerates into a masterpiece." I agree with that and think the movie is better today than when it came out.

So do you keep a diary for all your movies?

Yes, I do.

We'd like to read your Vision Quest diary.

I don't have one, but that would be great, mostly because of Madonna. [Producer] Jon Peters brought in this girl he said was going to be huge. When Madonna came in, we initially thought she was Boy George. She wasn't all that attractive.


And I'll repost this too:

Quote from: cowboykurtisin the newest issue of GIANT MAGAZINE (with Mischa Barton on cover) there is a huge and fantastic spread on Mathew Modines Full Metal Jacket diary - lots of great photos.

p. 70-77, JUNE/JULY ’05
As told to Bill Keith

Twenty years after shooting Kubrick’s Vietnam epic, Matthew Modine is set to publish Full Metal Jacket Diary, a journal of his photos taken on the set. Here, Modine gives us an exclusive preview.

Full Metal Diary

“This self-portrait is from the very end of filming, when we’re in boot camp. I’m on top of a camera truck, watching what’s going on and writing about it in my diary. I had a diary that I carried around with me every day and one that I kept at home. The diary I’m holding here is the one I used as the prop for Private Joker. I’m holding it in the scene at the mass grave when the colonel asks me about the peace sign on my uniform and the ‘Born to Kill’ written on my helmet–’What’s that on your body armor?’ ‘A peace sign, sir.’ ‘What’s that you’ve got written on your head?’ ‘Born to Kill?’ ‘What is that, some kind of sick joke?’”

Private Cowboy

“Early on in the shoot we hadn’t become, as they say, real salty yet. We were all still having fun with it, dressing up, putting on the costumes, going to work, carrying an M-16. Hoping today’s the day we’ll get to shoot the guns, make some noise and play soldier. We were instantly back in our childhoods, running around with friends and shooting BB guns. I think Stanley had a plan in shooting these scenes first. If nothing else, Stanley knew how to manipulate a situation to his advantage.”

What’s Your Major Malfunction

“Here, Lee Ermey is watching playback of himself choking Vince [D’Onofrio]. While Lee was originally hired to be a technical advisor on the film, Stanley had hired an actor to play the drill instructor, who would also audition the boot camp extras. But the actor would leave after a while when his throat got sore. Lee would step in and go fucking balls out, screaming and yelling and making up crazy shit. And he had bad breath from years of coffee, cigarettes and tooth decay. When Stanley looked at Lee on film, he decided to send the actor home. I mean you have somebody who is and somebody who is acting. It would have been silly to use an actor when you have that. Now Lee’s become kind of a caricature of his role in the movie. He’s even made a Gunnery Sergeant Hartman talking action figure. I called him up and said, ‘Hey man, I saw your doll...’ and he screamed back into the phone, ‘It’s an action figure, goddammit!’”
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


I recently bought Matther Modine's book and in it there are several pictures of Kubrick's daughter filming footage for what he claims is the Full Metal Jacket Diary...

Does anyone know if this ever came to fruition? Is it on any DVD's? I can't seem to find it and I really enjoy her Shining documentary.


merged. (formerly an extra diary thread).


just finished reading this - probably the most in-depth,objective document re: Kubricks process that I have read.

...your excuses are your own...