
Started by Jake_82, January 08, 2003, 05:30:40 PM

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Quote from: DirkAnother man at the table where they were eating dinner looked familiar also.

David O. Russell


Quote from: RegularKarate
Quote from: DirkAnother man at the table where they were eating dinner looked familiar also.

David O. Russell

Ah, thanks dude.
At wave level, everything exists as a contradiction. Everything is existing in more than one stage/place at any given moment. Everything must move/vibrate and constantly change to exist. Everything, including buildings, mountains, oceans and thoughts.


Man oh man oh man. Just saw it yesterday, and I can't remember ever having so much fun in a movie theater. Amazing amazing amazing!

Could go on and on but any praise I write still wouldn't do justice to the film.

Yeah, the turning point for me was when he goes to the screenwriting seminar, and McKee says "you need to go back and put drama in to it, etc." then everything starts to happen...

-Love when Meryl is all high and there is a beat with her thinking, tears, then all of a sudden "Okay we got to kill him."
-Love the shampoo line "I just washed it this morning"
-Loved Chris Cooper's performance, thought he was hysterical "Fuck fish/This van is a piece of shit/my beautiful wife, we're divorced, fucking bitch"
-Thought Nicholas Cage was outstanding, fucking blew me away.
-LOVED the part when Meryl is on the phone w/ Chris, and they do the dial tone "Okay that's fucking amazing"

God damn man, what a fucking great, smart, amazing movie. At the very end when the music comes up and the flowers slowly grow at the bottom of the frame, I got chills. And when he talks about the voice over stuff- Hits home. Every screenwriting professor I have had has given the "voice-over sucks" lecture.

I really want to see it again, b/c there is so much stuff in the movie, so many funny lines you forget about. At one point I wanted to take out a pen and some paper and write some of them down.

TV Guide on the film said "one of the best movies Hollywood has ever made about itself." I think it's one of the best movies made in a long long time.

I really don't see how anyone who considers themselves a movie buff or is into movies could not like this movie.


Quote from: mogwaiCurtis Hanson was in Hard Eight.

At wave level, everything exists as a contradiction. Everything is existing in more than one stage/place at any given moment. Everything must move/vibrate and constantly change to exist. Everything, including buildings, mountains, oceans and thoughts.


I like when directors put other directors in their movies.
I have a script about a restaurant, and there is a scene with a gay hair dresser. If I ever get to make it, I'm going to ask Oliver Stone to do it.


I REALLY ENJOYED THIS MOVIE SO STOP GETTING ON MY CASE! If I had a top 10 list forthe year it would probably be, like, 7 or 8 or something.

I'll see it again to please you all and maybe I'll like it more then.
The corpses all hang headless and limp bodies with no surprises and the blood drains down like devil's rain we'll bathe tonight I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls Demon I am and face I peel to see your skin turned inside out, 'cause gotta have you on my wall gotta have you on my wall, 'cause I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls collect the heads of little girls and put 'em on my wall hack the heads off little girls and put 'em on my wall I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls


Oh yeah, and about my masturbation comment, it was meant as harmless fun, not as a slight to the movie. They put so much emphasis in the film that Kaufman masturbates too much and then he ends the movie like that. Of course it's masturbation, regardless of whether it's good or bad.
The corpses all hang headless and limp bodies with no surprises and the blood drains down like devil's rain we'll bathe tonight I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls Demon I am and face I peel to see your skin turned inside out, 'cause gotta have you on my wall gotta have you on my wall, 'cause I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls collect the heads of little girls and put 'em on my wall hack the heads off little girls and put 'em on my wall I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls

Jeremy Blackman

This movie really reminded me of a Dutch masterpiece that I saw at an internat'l film fest, The Sea That Thinks, probably one of my favorite movies ever. Right now it's only available in PAL, and there's no way it's ever going to pick up distribution. It's obscure and incredibly strange.

The main character is writing a screenplay, and strange things start happening around him... and it's hard to tell whether he is writing things as they happen, or if things are happening because he writes them. Reeaaallly weird & beautiful.. maybe it's on Netflix or something.


That's a really cool shot.


Quote from: Jeremy Blackman
The main character is writing a screenplay, and strange things start happening around him... and it's hard to tell whether he is writing things as they happen, or if things are happening because he writes them. Reeaaallly weird & beautiful..

Sounds familiar


Quote from: RegularKarateSounds familiar


Seriously though, that kind of self-reference story is also told in Epidemic by Lars Von Trier, where he stars as the dude making a film and writing a script about a disease and it comes true in the end.

Jeremy Blackman

Yeah, but I think this is more surreal and less obvious, less of a comedy.

Delerious sounds like a ripoff of Stay Tuned. Oh wait..


Quote from: Jeremy BlackmanThis movie really reminded me of a Dutch masterpiece that I saw at an internat'l film fest, The Sea That Thinks, probably one of my favorite movies ever. Right now it's only available in PAL, and there's no way it's ever going to pick up distribution. It's obscure and incredibly strange.

Wow, the site is really cool and very strange.  I didn't do much except for the intro because I haven't seen the film yet but I would very much like to see it.  It looks very intruiging.  Maybe you should recommend it to Jon Mulvaney as a possible Criterion title in the future.

Gold Trumpet

This is a great movie, for reasons a lot of people have spoken about but another for the way they showed the absurd ending in a serious way and that it could be believable to be a not very good ending if we were not given so many ideas that the switch was going to happen. This reminded me so much of Fellini's great 8 1/2 and I loved how it followed that movie in the way it never gave you really all the answers but blurred reality and fantasy in such a creative way that you were smiling while wondering where not only the reality of the storyline ended in the movie but where the character of Donald himself existed in actual fiction because it was the twin brother to Charlie, and the question could have been of if Kaufman was trying to say something about his own conflicts? Also, just to wonder if the character Charlie holds up to the real Charlie in such a way or not? I don't think this will really be Muholland Drive again because its pretty apparent who's story the ending follows and where he comes in, so I will say its more for just curiosity that could never be answered. Ambiguilty.

But glad I finally got to see it and will for sure take a place in my final top ten list of 2002 when I can actually see all the movies, which will be a while.



The trailer was perfect and it made me expect too much from this movie. Just because the ending was intentionally bad doesn't mean that it was genius. I think that it didn't help that I was with a quiet audience when I saw this movie. I just wanted to laugh when Charlie and Donald have their "deep" talk in the swamp but the whole theater seemed to be taking it too seriously. I still thought it was a fantastic movie, but I expected way too much from it.