
Started by Ghostboy, July 18, 2005, 05:58:08 AM

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So, being the good friend I am, I need to plug my pal Barak's film, which which is coming out on DVD next week. It's a B-movie women-in-prison extravaganza starring some cult actors of yesteryear, complete with shower scenes, ninjas, zombies, and Lloyd Kaufman. It's pretty damn funny. If you like Troma movies, you'll probably like this. My opinion perhaps should not be trusted, seeing as how I'm a friend of the director - but that didn't stop the distributor, who apparently have put a quote from an AICN review, written by me, on the cover. This is what I've been told, at least - I can't find a legible image of the cover (which looks pretty bad) anywhere online.

Here's a link to the totally awesome trailer.

Anyway, I think Amazon has it for sale, but it's also on Netflix, where it has a review from someone who doesn't seem to have actually seen the movie.

If you happen to see the film, and make it through to the credits, you'll hear a particularly excellent song entitled 'Prison Rap.' This song is credited to a group called Chaotic Cong. What is not revealed in the credits is that one of the three members of this group, who have never released a song prior or hence, is yours truly.


thats pretty cool....i'll check this out....i have only seem a few troma films but the same feeling i get from watching them is the same feeling i get from masterbating i guess its all good.....

gb, i didn't know you direct and sing [what you sound like?]... :yabbse-thumbup:

lastly, does the chick in the very front get naked?...i think she's hot

and your friend shoud add an "a" to the end of his name..and be known only as "BARAKA"!.....its got a good ring to it...


You direct and sing...I smell another Overnight in them making.

Will check this out.  I think Starlight Video in Dallas has all the Troma DVDs.


Long live the New Flesh


I don't sing.  :oops: It's hip hop. B-movie hip hop.

Also, the chick on the cover does not get naked. That's not her real body, either. She's Mary Woronov, who back in the day was in lots of Andy Warhol and Roger Corman films, and who is now probably around 60. She's in The Devil's Rejects, too.


Quote from: Ghostboy
Also, the chick on the cover does not get naked.

:( ...well, i 'll still see it anyway....damn, though "60?"  ..even if thats not her body from here she seems to have a good looking face...