Started by, January 10, 2003, 06:39:48 AM

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THE LA TIMES just said THE LAST GAME is...

" of the best sports documentaries ever made..."

And since it BEAT the WINNER of SUNDANCE (Daughter From DaNang)

I think you should check it out and comment here...  (Free Preview and Reviews)

T. Patrick Murray  (Co-Director)
" of the best sports documentaries ever made..."

LA TIMES  (referring to


Ugh.  Looks like nothing's changed much in the transition from to


So far, to me, the best sports documentary I've ever seen is the HBO series "Hard Knocks".

I know this doesn't really qualify as a documentary because of it's TV mini-series flavor, but I found it fascinating, and I'm not really even a big football fan.
Quote from: Pas RapportI don't need a dick in my anus to know I absolutely don't want a dick in my anus.


Does this guy never learn?
We're just another message board to advertise on to him I guess.

Tommy Both

Jeremy Blackman

Ah, I remember you (and I'm sure you remember me). I'm going to move this to "Feature Presentation," a special place to promote movies.

This site isn't devoted to PTA anymore,
but it seems that people here really hate it when new filmmakers
come to talk up their work- even if that work is award-winning
and critically acclaimed...

I wonder what all of these people bashing me would think if
this was a few years ago and it was Paul Thomas Anderson himself
talking up HARD EIGHT or even an earlier film on a messageboard...
and not T. Patrick Murray...

I guess that would be okay, because he's PTA...

Double-standards are the norm in Hollywood and on Hollywood boards.

Will this post be censored? I wonder...
" of the best sports documentaries ever made..."

LA TIMES  (referring to

Jeremy Blackman

Of all the people to cry censorship, I would not expect it from an advertiser. Moving your post to the section whose description is "Independent Filmmakers, link to your online-viewable features and promote them here" is hardly censorship.



I'm going to move this back to another area, since the Feature Presentation section is for features that are viewable online in their entirety only.

I don't think it's an issue that you posted your movie here, Not in the least. That's what this board is for - to discuss new things, and we certainly want to encourage filmmakers.

But dropping in with a shamless plug out of nowhere with a self-made post that's full of hype is just a turn off, that's all.

I think if you'd have come in and said "Hey, I checked out the board back in the PTA days" or "I just found this place" or whatever... Then continued on to tell us a little about yourself, your background, and the movie you made, we'd not only have received it, but embraced it and looked forward to checking it out ourselves.

It's like a salesman walking into wedding reception and standing on the tables yelling "buy from me! buy from me!" You'd get tossed out! If that same salesman brought a gift for the newlyweds, shook some hands, introduced himself and later handed out a few business cards, he'd accomplish a lot more.

At least that's the way I see it...

By the way, I checked out the site and watched the preview, and it looks pretty damn cool. The awards from the film festivals really speak volumes about how great this documentary should be...

See if Netflix will buy a bunch of them so I can rent it!

(PS: in the trailer, the word "championship" is misspelled)
Quote from: Pas RapportI don't need a dick in my anus to know I absolutely don't want a dick in my anus.

Duck Sauce


yeah... I'm with MW on this (I haven't had a chance to see the preview, but once I get a chance I'll check  it out), You didn't even show up saying "hey remember me, I have a preview of my film up on my site now, come check it out".

No, we got the same Shpeel as if we were fresh meat "customers".

I'll say it again... promote away... by all means.  Just do it a little more tastefully.

buck swope

Hoop Dreams is a masterpiece - but on the other end of the spectrum, i offer up a fun alternative that has none of the social significance, but might be my #1 "guilty pleasure" documentary ever:

MTV True Life: I'm a Cheerleader (2001) - the story of the Kentucky cheerleaders from Dunbar High School

before you dismiss this as a joke, let me assure you that this real life version of "Bring it On" is a classic - from someone who stopped watching MTV around 1995, I can understand the skepticism, but anyone who has actually seen this can back me up on this

basic plot rundown: a year in the life of the Dunbar cheerleading squad - from tryouts to cheerleading camp to regional competition to national competition - there are moments of high drama and higher comedy

only with repeat viewings can one truly appreciate how much this documentary has so much going for it

you've got Amanda - the captain who says she wants to go to college in Nebraska because Kentucky is boring (of course she ends up going to western kentucky)

her mom - who's totally reliving her cheerleading dream through her kids

Kim - the fucked up injured girl who narcs on the girls for drinking and then acts like she didnt do it on purpose

Donna Martin (the coach) - not only does she have the same name as Tori Spelling's character in 90210, but she also lives in this really nice house - you know she's some doctors trophy wife. I don't think cheerleading coaches make that kind of dough.

Saleem - the 30ish dorky looking "advisor" - does anyone else not see the high comedy of this guy coaching these hot chicks? He couldn't have been the advisor for the debate team or anything...

Lindsey - the hottest of the cheerleaders

Ashley - the heavier, less attractive twin sister of Lindsey. She used to be a cheerleader but (for reasons unknown) is no longer on the team. When Amanda's sister gets hurt on the eve of the finals, Ashley gets that "i could come back to the team and save the day and then everyone would love me" look in her eye - but of course it doesn't happen.

The Cheerleading Camp Counselors - You've got one girl who looks like she spends 23 hours a day in a tanning bed, and another girl who looks like she's 12. Then there are the guys in their mid 20s who look like they are there to get a lot of high school pussy.

there are many more, like Latonya - one of the few black girls on the squad - who fucks up at nationals and gets ridiculed on the bus ride home.

there have been a few cheerleading themed reality specials on MTV in recent years (my friend is sure to let me know when they are on) - one has been getting a lot of play recently about some girl who loses weight and becomes a cheerleader - let me tell you these shows have NOTHING on the original "Dunbar True Life: I'm a cheerleader".

-tim d-

Duck Sauce

buck swope

QuoteBuck Swope, you watch too much MTV

i don't see how repeatedly watching a 2 year old documentary with the commercials edited out constitutes watching too much MTV

this was literally the only bit of MTV programming i watched between 1995 and 2002 (when i caved in and watched a few episodes of the osbournes) - i hate the network, i never watch it unless someone else is controlling the remote and changes it to MTV - in that case, i immediately leave the room

don't dismiss this classic because it was aired on MTV - this documentary transcends MTV - it belongs on Comedy Central or HBO

-tim d-