The Shining running times

Started by Xx, May 28, 2005, 01:31:30 AM

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not sure if I can help but I'll give some a shot.

Quote from: flagpolespecial-when jack walks into the empty gold room and sits down at the bar the last thing he says before lloyd appears is something like 'i'd sell my soul for a beer'. i don't believe this is the key to unlocking the secrets of the film. i don't believe they (the secrets) can be explained cept to be descirbed as supernatural occurances but i also don't believe it's a coincidence either.

as memory serves, Jack was an alcoholic. With the help of Wendy he gave up alcohol after hurting Danny. When he gives in to the temptation of alcohol at the Overlook, he's symbolically agreeing with Lloyd to attack his son for being such a "naughty boy" and bringing a "nigger cook" into the hotel. He's also rejecting the help that Wendy had given him in the past and breaking their bond.

The thing that could work against this is the look on his face (a smile if I remember?), which would usually signify that he was happy about this; however, I could see Jack as being that gone by this point in the movie to be almost sadistic.

Here's my question:
Is it even Jack? Has he been posessed by satan, the hotel, Grady, other forces? Or has he really just lost it? I'm thinking that it's Jack, but he's being aided physically by something else. I don't think he'd have had the endurance to go through all the chasing at the end otherwise.
Long live the New Flesh


it's no secret the american version is longer.

it's too late now but in the last few months on SBS u may hav noticed they were showing a kubrick movie every week. since i had nothing better to do i checked out the Shining screening. well, dude, it was the AMERICAN version. they had all those extra scenes u mention. including the (dumb) skeletons and cobwebs shot, which is glaring and really unnecessary.

what u get in the longer version is a lot more exposition, often repetitive. u see hallorann actually go to the airport, visit sum friend, useless scenes really.

so yeah, u hav to see both, but the shorter version is easily the winner.
under the paving stones.


Quote from: flagpolespeciali'm fucking drunk. smashed out of my gawd. ther's this gilr. a whole other story. anyway. pubrikc you likve in austraia fuck dude? i had no idea. whaereabout? i doidnt' watch the sbs thing cos i assummed i 'd seen it all already. fuck. i should go to be.d.

yeah form th scenes analysus of the stuff cut itheaustalian vut seems heaps better. you stook the words right out of m  y moruthh.

this girl i met. her name is kye or kai or something. she's wonderful. night.

not deleting this one, once you're sober
"In Serbia a lot of people hate me because they want to westernise, not understanding that the western world is bipolar, with very good things and very bad things. Since they don't have experience of the west, they even believe that western shit is pie."
-Emir Kusturica


flagpole, ur drunk of ur ass at 8:30 am? we should hang out.


Long live the New Flesh


Quote from: Jay Tee Emflagpole, ur drunk of ur ass at 8:30 am? we should hang out.
u should read this page or just look at his location or anything else in this thread.

flagp, i'm in brizzy.
under the paving stones.


Quote from: Pubrick
Quote from: Jay Tee Emflagpole, ur drunk of ur ass at 8:30 am? we should hang out.
u should read this page or just look at his location or anything else in this thread.



Quote from: Jay Tee Emiwasdrunkgofuckurface.

At least think of an original excuse.


trust me i was. hence the "we should hang out sometime"

go delete some more posts ball eater.


I hate when people act like they are drunk and type like a supposed drunken would. I'm guilty of that though. I'm drunk right now and I type exquisite. As a matter of fact, I may type better when I am drunk cause I actually pay attention as to not come off like a fake drunken typer when criticizing drunken typers. We need more drunken posts at xixax. I love that shit. When you are all embarassed the next day and are like "Fuck you, I was drunk, I don't care, quote my shit!" but deep down, you're staring your hands. Cracks me up.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


I know what you mean, my grammar/typing gets hella good when I'm drunk.  I can't write worth a damn drunk, but Xixax posting-- that I can do blotto.


chances are i'm tipsy during most of my posts.  i'm borderline alcoholic.


Well, I drink often and alot. But sometimes I go a few weeks without drinking. My antidrug is definetely alcohol, but I don't think I'm an alcoholic. I just live a very alcohol driven lifestyle. Best forum hijack right here. We've done threads, but whole forums was a massive wet dream. I'm proud. I heard Kubrick was a fan of the juice.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


thanx to this thread i've decided to try and stop drinking.

still gonna smoke weed god damn it.

edited for alcohol induced poor spelling.