saturday night live

Started by sphinx, March 09, 2003, 05:38:36 PM

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This was one of the stronger episodes of the season.  Helped that they had a lot of good material to work with, and Miley was game for everything they threw at her (her Bieber impression was especially amusing).  Weekend Update was especially good, too, even aside from the Sheen material.  I'm one who wishes Seth would have someone to play off of, and have grown a bit tired of him doing it on his own, but he was on fire this week.  Miley falls into that category of young pop stars who have unexpectedly produced good shows, including Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera, Taylor Swift, and Blake Lively.   Good company.  Timberlake's first appearance changed my opinion of him in one fell swoop, and he's come to be one of SNL's go-to hosts.  Taylor Swift has that potential, and so does Cyrus.  Good to see a new installment of Les Jeunes des Paris, too. Here's a bit about where Taran got the ideas:


that Les Jeunes des Paris sketch was the main reason I loved the show. It was so irreverent, finally they weren't trying to jam funny down our throats and you can just sit back and watch a cool, well choreographed scene, and the girls were fucking hot in it.


Quote from: Reelist on March 09, 2011, 08:40:46 AM
that Les Jeunes des Paris sketch was the main reason I loved the show. It was so irreverent, finally they weren't trying to jam funny down our throats and you can just sit back and watch a cool, well choreographed scene, and the girls were fucking hot in it.

That is one sketch I never thought they'd do again, mainly because it was pretty weird the first time, but I guess we must not have been the only people to get a kick out of it.
My assholeness knows no bounds.


yep this was a nice surprise. i'm glad to hear it was killam's idea too, he's my favorite new recruit and he's been on fire lately.


It was good, SNL must move away from fake talk shows and more into modern absurd humor. Or just stop doing 99% topical jokes


Quote from: Pas on March 09, 2011, 10:58:33 AM
It was good, SNL must move away from fake talk shows and more into modern absurd humor. Or just stop doing 99% topical jokes

This will never happen.  Otherwise it wouldn't be SNL.

Still... this cast is on fire.  Miley was fucking it up.  She was just a wall.  She only gets in the way of funny.


Yeah, Miley's not so good.  For someone who's been performing for so long, she's incredibly awkward in front of an audience.

But next week Zach Galiafanakis is back to save the day.  I just rewatched his episode from last year, and it's still minute for minute one of the best episodes SNL has ever put together.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Yeah, even the promos are creative and funny.


Live action Ambiguously Gay Duo was better than I ever imagined it, when I imagined it.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


Is it safe to anoint Timberlake the best SNL host out of the current generation of good SNL hosts? He killed again. Just like he does every time he hosts.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


Well, if not him then Hamm or Fey.  Yeah, he was pretty great tonight.  My only beefs with the finale were the number of recurring sketches and that we didn't get much indication if anyone would be leaving.

Two-word best sketch summary?  "Helicopter dick!"


yeah he was really good hosting the same episode he's been hosting since his first episode. i enjoyed it but i hate the fact that they aren't giving him anything new to do despite the fact that he's the perfect host. it's such a waste. borderline cowardly at this point.


does anyone think the sketch of the gameshow where you're not supposed to say the word is funny?
I am Torgo. I take care of the place while the Master is away.


Quote from: picolas on May 22, 2011, 02:39:58 PM
yeah he was really good hosting the same episode he's been hosting since his first episode. i enjoyed it but i hate the fact that they aren't giving him anything new to do despite the fact that he's the perfect host. it's such a waste. borderline cowardly at this point.

Exactly. The amount of reoccuring sketches (all?) was really lazy. He's capable of so much more.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Lady Gaga should totally host next year. I didn't start watching until the game show skit where they have to name a person they've met/slept with. For the longest time I wasn't sure if it was her or a spot on impression. I hadn't heard she was the musical guest so I was right to not be sure.  Turns out it was her. I then went back and watched the beginning with the music video. She's pretty funny.