saturday night live

Started by sphinx, March 09, 2003, 05:38:36 PM

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This is old news, but I caught the Christina Aguilera rerun last week and bust a gut laughing in every skit, I think. The high society ladies were terrific, the Spanish soap opera was dead on (and high on Armisien), and the bit where the guy gets fired was beautifully non sequitur. Brilliant writing, there. And that weekend update bit about the Jesus Horse deserves to go down in history.


It's weird how a sketch can be sitting around SNL for a while. That last sketch with all the porn star names (Rumpleforeskin, etc.) was written as far back as 2001. They were rehearsing it for the Gwyneth Paltrow episode and didn't use it. Apparently it's been in and out of shows 4 times this season.


I'm really glad you liked the Aguilera episode.  I think it's one of my favorites in awhile, along with the Timberlake one.  And I can't believe I'm saying that, because you wouldn't think those two would be great at comeday.  The Spanish soap opera sketch, Besos y Lagrimas (Kisses and Tears) is one of the funniest ever, and it's all about these crazy facial and vocal expressions.  Classic.  And "Yay, puns!"

I noticed how dates that sketch seemed to be, too.  It probably got put in either because of the length of the Debbie Downer sketch (as a filler), or more obviously because of the whole recent FCC debacle.


Fred was the best at not breaking character during Debbie Downer.  Can any of the admins make him a regular cast member already?
I like to hug dogs


Just remembered - the CLUB TRAXX sketch with the T.A.T.U. spoof must've been on the shelf for awhile, too.


Just had a wonderful double-header tonight (haha.. Lohan..oh, look..) with Mean Girls followed by SNL.

SNL HeadlightsHighlights:

Will Forte in back-to-back-to-back roles as Bush, the robot, and the evil professor. I was waiting for the mystery driver of the 4 girls to be Tim Calhoun. That would've been something! I disagree with Ono about the Debbie Downer sketch.. it would've been funny without the giggles, but naturally it's always more entertaining when the performers break. The mailbox was another highlight. Jeremy Piven, Jimmy Kimmel, and Saturday Night Live's Darrell Hammond. That was great. And the gonorrhea joke on WU was hands down the funniest joke. Poehler's character better catch on because that can be pretty good.

One more thing: If SNL doesn't take advantage of the Olsen Twins with a Merv the Perv sketch, then there's a BIG problem!

Oh yeah, and did anybody happen to see John C. Reilly in the floor audience in the opening monologue??


phile, you are seriously overdoing it now with the cross outs. don't make me fart on you.
The corpses all hang headless and limp bodies with no surprises and the blood drains down like devil's rain we'll bathe tonight I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls Demon I am and face I peel to see your skin turned inside out, 'cause gotta have you on my wall gotta have you on my wall, 'cause I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls collect the heads of little girls and put 'em on my wall hack the heads off little girls and put 'em on my wall I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls


i'll contribute a fart.

and lindsay lohan was cute on snl. i feel bad for admitting this.


Quote from: meatballand lindsay lohan was cute on snl. i feel bad for admitting this.
why, are u 30?
under the paving stones.


Quote from: Pubrick
Quote from: meatballand lindsay lohan was cute on snl. i feel bad for admitting this.
why, are u 30?


i just hate her, that's all. it was her artificial tan that won me over.


That girls bad. She finally has hips now too. I would.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


SNL is something terrible.  i think the switch happened when i became older than their target audience, but its more than that.  how many freaking musical artists are they going to let host this season?  like, actors make good hosts for a reason: BECAUSE THEY KNOW HOW TO ACT.  musical guests DONT.  aguilera, janet, timberlake, nick & jessica, snoop dogg, etc.  this is really getting ridiculous.   (also sucky: politicians, donald trump, atheletes).

here is a rule of thumb for SNL: if the host is playing themselves in more than 2 skits, THIS EPISODE SUCKS.  

that should also be extended to not JUST how many times nick and jessica play 'nick and jessica' but also when theyre 'singers' too.  the writers really need to pull in the reigns and just pick the best 2 or so skits that involve the actual persona and try to get them to do a, i dont know, CHARACTER for the other ones.  i know they have some good cast members, but this catering to some teen audience is really sucking the life out of this show and has been for a few seasons.  also: weekend update should try to take a few lessons from the daily show and make fun of everyone because last nights episode was SO pro-democrat anti-republican it was a little sickening.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


I did used to like SNL, but a few years ago I started finding it boring and unfunny.  Maybe their target audience is younger than I thought.  That would explain Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Black Eyed Peas, etc. appearing on the show as well as the inexplicable popularity of Jimmy Fallon.

The first time I saw Dave Matthews Band was on SNL.  I think this was before they were really popular.  Whatever happened to those days?

El Duderino

Snoop Dogg was horrendous, i turned it off after Weekend Update. avril lavigne sucked too.
Did I just get cock-blocked by Bob Saget?


Your argument would hold a lot more weight if the Justin Timberlake, Jessica Simpson/Nick Lachey, and Christina Aguilera episodes hadn't been as good as they were. Did you watch the Timberlake episode? He did a lot more than just play "himself". He played Ashton Kutcher, Jessica Simpson, Robin Gibb....he did the "Omeletville" sketch which was very funny. He threw himself into the show and wasn't afraid to look silly or goofy. Christina Aguilera was similarly impressive, doing a GREAT impression of Kim Catrall/Samantha from Sex in the City and showing off a decent range with various accents in other sketches.

In reality, it's been the supposed "actors" that have been responsible for most of the crappy episodes this season. Halle Berry did a terrible job when she hosted. Robert DeNiro also was embarassing- he just stared at the cue cards during every sketch. Colin Firth- good actor, horrible at sketch comedy. I admit that the Snoop Dogg episode was pretty poor- if anything, they didn't let him be himself ENOUGH. They should have had more fun with his persona- the sketches they wrote for him were pretty bland and didn't seem to capitalize on his talents.