hitchcock forum

Started by cowboykurtis, January 25, 2005, 03:06:04 PM

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i apologize in advance if this has been adressed before -- my search funtion does not work.

when taking into consideration the body of work as well the stature/legacy that hitchcock has left behind, I think he should have his own forum. I think it's a tragedy that cameron crowe has one and alfred does not.

...your excuses are your own...



I think it's a tragedy that Woody Allen and Robert Altman don't have forums, either, and Cameron Crowe does.  But we've sung this song before.


Quote from: wantautopia?http://www.xixax.com/viewtopic.php?t=3&highlight=directors+forum

I think it's a tragedy that Woody Allen and Robert Altman don't have forums, either, and Cameron Crowe does.  But we've sung this song before.

agreed - crowe should be ditched for altman at the least -- but as you said this road has been traveled and it seemed to have led to nowhere.
...your excuses are your own...


How about a forum for "Classic Directors" or "Dead Directors," to focus on Hitchcock, Ford, D.W. Griffith, Chaplin, Renoir, Welles, Hawks, Wilder, and so forth.

There could also be a forum called "Easy Riders Raging Bulls" focusing on 70's directors like Altman, Malick, Coppola, Cimino and others who aren't covered by other forums.
Music is your best entertainment value.


I love Hitchcock, but you three would post there for about a week then it would just sit there, I guarantee.

Let's talk about him though.


a lot of older directors of american movies get ignored around here.  like, if its not foriegn and old its not worth talking about.  hitchcock possibly being an exception...
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


what's your favorite hitchcock.

vertigo is a give in.

im a big fan of the second attempt at the man who knew too much -- the last scene is captivating.

love spellbound -- if you havent seen the criterion theres an intersting doc on the dali involvement -- i think that dream sequence is still impressive in todays standards.
...your excuses are your own...

Two Lane Blacktop

Quote from: cowboykurtiswhat's your favorite hitchcock.

Can't pick just one....

Lifeboat, Rear Window, and Rope.  All single-location movies, which I found fascinating.  I got to see Rear Window on a big screen in college, and it was wonderful.

Body by Guinness


Quote from: cowboykurtiswhat's your favorite hitchcock.

vertigo is a give in.

im a big fan of the second attempt at the man who knew too much -- the last scene is captivating.

love spellbound -- if you havent seen the criterion theres an intersting doc on the dali involvement -- i think that dream sequence is still impressive in todays standards.
what the hell, are we discussing hitchcock in this thread now? cause its already been established that we HAVE a thread to talk about him. so here it is again: http://www.xixax.com/viewtopic.php?t=811&highlight=alfred+hitchcock