Arrested Development

Started by Weak2ndAct, October 24, 2004, 12:25:59 AM

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has anyone noticed the two(or is the same one?) kinda quirky shows they've been advertising now? i don't know why they think these new quirky ones will fare better than a proven show already with a fanbase.
I am Torgo. I take care of the place while the Master is away.


Quote from: bigideas on February 15, 2006, 09:38:28 PM
has anyone noticed the two(or is the same one?) kinda quirky shows they've been advertising now? i don't know why they think these new quirky ones will fare better than a proven show already with a fanbase.

that was just like rubbing it in. they showed more ads for those shows during the two hours of AD than they did for AD in three seasons.


And these shows are handheld too, but they don't seem funny at all.  I'm willing to give them a chance in case they turn out to be good, but I can already say that they're no Arrested Development.

At least one of those shows has PBH in it.  Which is a good sign for the show or a bad sign for PBH.



:rofl: do you realize the complexities of im no scar   aka im n oscar (im an oscar) as in, "i'm a victim of being switched with a look-a-like and thrown in prison" just like Oscar Bluth!!! "I'm an Oscar!" also has a keen similarity to "I'm a Patsy!"....oh AD, how magnificent was your glow? Let me count the ways....
Doctor, Always Do the Right Thing.

Yowza Yowza Yowza

Weird. Oh

I can't believe no one has posted this news!!! unless it's a hoax, which if so would mean my life is ruined...but let's hope not!

Edit: Bah I looked into it further and it's unconfirmed just a rumor...but at least a rumor is like a beep on the Heart Monitor when a person is flatlined and you think they are dead but miracuously they gain a's kinda like that.
The more arguments you win, the fewer friends you will have.


Quote from: Refined Sweet Crude  Weirdo on February 24, 2006, 01:46:51 AM
Edit: Bah I looked into it further and it's unconfirmed just a rumor...but at least a rumor is like a beep on the Heart Monitor when a person is flatlined and you think they are dead but miracuously they gain a's kinda like that.
i'm a strong proponent of euthanasia. let em die with dignity. no one wants a vegetative carcass being kept around just to prolong the inevitable. it's only comfort to people who can't let go. schiavo was dead long before they pulled the plug.

life goes on, join the living while you can.
under the paving stones.


AD should have done a Terry Schiavo joke relating to the show.  Nobody was watching anyways.


there were some references when buster fell into the coma.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


Quote from: pete on February 24, 2006, 11:36:26 AM
there were some references when buster fell into the coma.

Ah, that's right.  The Schiavo thing seemed like so long ago that I forgot about it.  I guess I "went Schiavo" there for a second.


hey kids, i just got into the show late this season. i've wanted to get the first two seasons dvds, so i saw that Target had season 2 on sale for 14.99. i bought it.

should i wait until i can secure a copy of season one before watching it?
i'm thinking when season 3 comes out, probably season one will go on sale.
I am Torgo. I take care of the place while the Master is away.


best to watch it in order, not that it will kill you to watch season 2 first.  when you do get season 1 rewatching 2 will totally enhance your viewing experience so you win either way.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.



The episode "Marta Complex" in season one was just brilliant.

"If she's there, say nobody."
"Now I don't know what's going on." 
"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye

Weird. Oh

'Arrested' Star Hale Has Backup Plan

LOS ANGELES -- Even if "Arrested Development" doesn't find a second life on Showtime or elsewhere, Tony Hale may not lack for work next season.

Hale is set to co-star with Andy Richter in the NBC pilot "Andy Barker, P.I.," in which Richter plays an accountant-turned-private eye.

For Hale, "Andy Barker" is in the proverbial second position to "Arrested Development," Variety reports. Should "Arrested" find life after FOX -- Showtime is considered the prime contender to pick up the show -- Hale would reprise his role as Buster Bluth, and the NBC project would be recast.

The more arguments you win, the fewer friends you will have.