Arrested Development

Started by Weak2ndAct, October 24, 2004, 12:25:59 AM

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I've seen people mention this once or twice in other threads, but after watching season 1 on dvd, dammit this show needs it's own.  

I watched maybe one episode when it was originally broadcast (football, Alias, and drinking usually prevented so), so I blind-bought the dvd based on a friend's rabid recommendation (27 bucks at Best Buy too, quite a deal) and LOVE LOVE LOVE it.  

The humor is so off-the-wall and insane... god, there are too many favorite things to mention, but hands down Gob is my favorite character.  His sexual misadventures (banging that woman/dude to get back at Bateman had me howling), bad magic tricks, and that perfect mix of stupidity and arrogance just get better with every show.  And the topics of humor!  Incest, non-nude-fear, prison life, the blind, girls gone wild... the list is too long.  A great mix of highbrow and slapstick.  Great guest stars too (who knew Henry Winkler was this funny?).

And god bless Mitchell Hurwitz for understanding the comedy of bleeps.  "I'm so happy, I could kiss your *BLEEP*!"


I'd been avoiding this after I missed the first hanful of episodes because I didn't want to start in the middle of the season.  After renting only the first disc so far, I know that this is one of the best shows on TV in a looooong time, even beats out some other famous HBO comedies.

The bleeping IS great, except for the kid magician scene.  After watching the uncensored cut, the beeping in the aired version was ALL wrong.
I like to hug dogs


Great show.  Everyone on the show is hilarious.  I hope the DVD and 2nd season do well.  The one with Carl Weathers was so funny.  "Throw in some potatoes and you've got a stew goin'."


yeah, i was just going to look for any Arrested Development thread and i cant believe there wasnt one.   a brief history....

i think tv sucks for the most part so i dont watch much of it.  i had heard about AD when it started last fall but since i didnt watch tv, i wasnt interested.  somehow over the summer when they were re-running the shit out of it i caught about 4 episodes and loved it.  since i have been doing the 'tv show' thing this year this has become my new one.

so i started going through season one on dvd last week and its great.  love the show, love the cast, love the fact that its still on tv!  *unlike so many other shows i've fallen in love with recently (twin peaks, freaks and geeks, etc.) i think the traditional sitcom has been dead since seinfeld ended and this is the next place for it to go.  i just started disc two so i'll check back in with more thoughts.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.



This is my fave show, it has me bursting out laughing at almost every second. Every actor that is on here has been pitch perfect. To those who have never seen it, and it seems we all pretty much have the same sense of humor on here, you will love this.


I watched the first disc and half of the second and am falling in love with the show all over again.  I can't wait to start watching the 2nd season.

The bleeps from Buster were hysterical.  We barely hear him say anything most of the time and he lets out this stream of curses.  David Cross is a hoot, but I don't want to spoil any scenes for those who haven't seen the show.

The DVD transfers are 16:9, but everything is framed to fit within the 4:3 center of the frame.  I watched some of it zoomed in on the DVD player and the framing is actually a little better.


"They don't allow bees in here"
I like to hug dogs


under the paving stones.


yeah i just finished season one.  this is a great show, and i'm so happy its still on tv despite the fact that no one (including me) watched it when it was on.  hopefully the endless reruns, awards, and dvds will get it the audience it deserves.  i love the running jokes and continuing storylines and the 'next time on' even though most of the time its not what happens the next episode.  all of the characters and the whole cast is great.  david cross is particularly hilarious.  its going to be painful after blowing through the whole first season in a week to have to wait a week at a time for that precious 20 minutes.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


honestly, the best sitcom ever.  everything about it is so perfectly done.  the whole verite style is excellent.  the editing also is able to pack so much  funny into so little time.  

but of course, the acting is easily the best part of the show.  all of these brilliant characters are played by who seems to be the only person fit for the role.  favorites are Tobias and Gob...

i could go on forever.  if you have a television.  watch this show


ONE PROBLEM....wayyyyyy too much narration
I like to hug dogs


Quote from: SleuthONE PROBLEM....wayyyyyy too much narration
i'm up to episode 9 and i just HAVE TO VENT!!!!!! (it's ur fault)

there are so many things i like about this show (eg. the cast!) but some things are driving me insane:

- repetitive backstory narration
- "on the next episode", not on episode 6 for sum reason.
- the jerky camera goes overboard sumtimes.
- and the worst thing, it seriously made me stop watching it and post this whole thing..

the replacement of the actress who plays MARTA.

from this beautiful goddess:
in the aptly titled 'Key Decisions' (ep 4)

to this.. monstrosity:
appearing in a quick flash in 'My Mother The Car' (ep7); fully "fleshed" appearance in 'Storming The Castle' (ep9); and more to come, probably.

i'm finding it hard to believe that michael would want to betray his brother for this skeletor. ugh. FUGLY.

if anything, it betrayed one of the season's (so far) most ekzellent moments, where michael officially fell for her..

thanks in part to her acting and their perfect chemistry, which is immesurably superior to the walking cadaver replacement. i'm sorry but i can't see this subplot advancing any further with the new chick, not only does she make me unhappy in the pants, she is just WRONG WRONG WRONG for (what i imagine has potential to be) the crucial role that will eventually bring sum justice to michael's life.

i'm really...FUCK.. really disappointed.
under the paving stones.


Yeah, that pissed me and the wife off too.


Quote from: Pubrick

the replacement of the actress who plays MARTA.

from this beautiful goddess:
in the aptly titled 'Key Decisions' (ep 4)
see pics above

to this.. monstrosity:
see Fugly pics above

i'm finding it hard to believe that michael would want to betray his brother for this skeletor. ugh. FUGLY.

thanks in part to her acting and their perfect chemistry, which is immesurably superior to the walking cadaver replacement.

I love that the pics are named goodmarta and badmarta, badmarta looks a little like Sarah Silverman although I like Sarah and not this walking cadaver.  :lol:

I've never seen this show but like you, I will eventually see it because the 'right ppl' liked it.


I hadn't seen the first Marta until I watched the DVD and I thought she was better looking than the second one (Okay, so I'm shallow).  Not sure why they replaced her.  The new one isn't as good an actor either.  But the caps are hilarious.

Sleuth and Pubrick had a problem with the narration.  So, mistaking a group of garishly dressed men for homosexuals they boarded a van full of pirates.