Lost (spoilers)

Started by MacGuffin, October 07, 2004, 01:10:26 AM

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Chest Rockwell

I thought the same thing, actually. It seemed wierd to me that they separated Jack from everybody else, including Kate and Sawyer, while Kate and Sawyer are not only together but also with other people. I think they most definitely planned on there being some action between Kate and Sawyer, perhaps because they realize that that's what keeps Sawyer in his place and also because that'd torment Jack even if he outwardly doesn't show it. I'm sure they'll show him something of it before too long.

So if that explains why they wanted Sawyer and Kate then I guess the next question would be why Jack is so important to begin with. I doubt it's as simple as the fact that he's the "leader" of the group.


Yeah, so these two episodes...very very awesome. Though I have many qualms with Jack's flashback, given that he seemed very much like the good son turning on his dad in the first season, now there's all this animosity that's built involving his wife, and I don't think the two events connect emotionally and chronologically. They're gonna have to do some footwork to cover that, I think. In any case, the transition back to present time where Jack just fucking goes ballistic and they cut mid-punch, that was some incredible work. Sun's backstory was also amazing. I was very distracted (roommate cleaning and fucking thunderstorm warning cropped screen bullshit), but it made me see how incredibly manipulative Sun is and how they've made her both sweet and heartwarming as well as coldly dishonest, all at once and in synchronicity. It's very strange, but makes here character much more dynamic and, for once, interesting.

Bald lover landing ON Jin's car...nice touch.

The preview for next week, "I think the explosion blew off your trousers"....haha, that seems like a very interesting idea of rebirth for Desmond. Hopefully Locke too, his fall from faith last season was moving and sad to see.

Also, Jeremy Blackman's dad is gonna be pissed when he finds his girlfriend shot on the boat.


"Lost" Hit by Battleship Patinkin

Forget the Others. The greatest single threat to the survival of Oceanic Air Flight 815's castaways may just be Mandy Patinkin.

On Wednesday night, the mild-mannered star of stage, screen and Crestor commercials saw his two-season-old CBS crime drama, Criminal Minds, come within about 200,000 bodies of toppling ABC's Lost.

For the 9 p.m. hour, Lost tallied 16.9 million viewers; Criminal Minds, 16.7 million, Nielsen Media Research stats said.

That was the closest Criminal Minds has come yet to Lost during a regular-season matchup. And it was the latest sign that ABC's former Emmy winner has shoring up to do with its fan base.

CBS declared Wednesday's results a "virtual tie," and boasted that Criminal Minds beat Lost for the first time ever in household ratings. (As opposed to total viewers, which is akin to an old-fashioned headcount, household ratings represent the percentage of TV homes that are tuned to a particular show.)

Unbowed, ABC declared Lost the most watched show of the hour, and proclaimed it the highest-rated show of the night among demographically desirable 18-to-49-year-olds.

Still, the show was down 10 percent in viewers from last week's third-season premiere, which itself was down 20 percent in viewers from its second-season premiere.

Second-season characters and plotlines, such as Michelle Rodriguez's Ana-Lucia and "They enter the hatch," have taken the brunt of blame for the listing Lost, at least at Jump the Shark, where the site's users debate the exact moment when Lost became lost.

But for all the suggested reasons as to where the show has gone wrong, the Jump the Shark category that has elicited the most votes is the one that suggests nothing has gone wrong: "Never jumped."

Ratings-wise, Lost isn't so much freefalling, as Criminal Minds is skyrocketing. Last season, Lost averaged 15.4 million viewers; Criminal Minds, 12.5 million.

Criminal Minds is making up some, but not nearly as much ground with young viewers. On Wednesday, Lost held a 53 percentage point advantage in the 18-to-49 demo over the show starring the cholesterol-lowering medicine pitchman.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks

grand theft sparrow

Which just goes to show you... what the fuck show is Criminal Minds?  I've never heard of it.


that was good. i loved the "you're shittin' me" look on jack's face when he heard that bush got reelected, superman died, and the red sox won the series.


Just watched it last night... it was great.

I think there's even more behind Sun than we've seen.  She may have had baldy killed herself.

I think the guy that tried to escape with Sawyer and the former owner of Kate's dress are plants.  They're there to earn trust.

I also think that Michael IS on his way home, but he'll be back.

also: Season 1: Cave, Season 2: Hatch, Season 3: Villiage... maybe we'll see people get off the island sooner than expected.



Quote from: RegularKarate on October 13, 2006, 01:58:16 PM
I think the guy that tried to escape with Sawyer and the former owner of Kate's dress are plants.  They're there to earn trust.

Wasn't she the former owner of Kate's dress the one who helped Claire escape?  Did she have some ulterior motive for letting her out?



Right, I thought that woman was Alex -- the French lady's kid.
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free, silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands, with all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves, let me forget about today until tomorrow.


do we really still need to write SPOILERS!!!

I guess I missed that... weird... I'll have to rethink my theory, but it's still possible.



I'm just doing it because everyone else is. In other news...


I just shit myself.
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free, silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands, with all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves, let me forget about today until tomorrow.


Quote from: Raikus on October 13, 2006, 03:17:26 PM

Right, I thought that woman was Alex -- the French lady's kid.

Yes, she is Alex, she helped Clair escape from the medical hatch last season.


anyone else think kate's been turned?
I'm not racist, I'm just slutty


My house, my rules, my coffee

Chest Rockwell

haha. I had that same exact response planned but decided against it.

Reasons I don't believe Kate has turned:
1) it'd require an incredible leap of logic from what's been actually shown this season
2) Kate wouldn't turn that easily, and thus the process would be gradual and probably depicted in the show itself since she's a major character and hasn't disappeared or anything
3) if the Others are planning on turning on of their three captives I'd think it's Jack since he's isolated from everyone else
4) I dunno...no evidence to say that she has turned, that I can see.
