Lost (spoilers)

Started by MacGuffin, October 07, 2004, 01:10:26 AM

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grand theft sparrow

The fact that she kept smiling when she talked is what bothered me.  She smirks in such a condescending way.  I wanted Jack to punch her in the face too but she's not completely insufferable like Ana Lucia.  I like that she's strong enough to knock him the fuck out in one punch.  Ethan never did that.  But I guess this is part of the Others mystery.  They obviously train like boxers.

So is anyone admitting yet that the 3 month break in between these 6 episodes and the remaining 17 is a bad idea?

And does that "You're not my type" quip from Zeke mean he's gay or that he just likes 'em big-boned?

I love this show.

Oh, and I looked again.  The book they're reading in the beginning is Carrie.  A hint, perhaps, or just a shout-out to their #1 fan?


and we know where the bears came from...

The only thing I didnt' like in this episode was the "is she happy?" line... I understand the point of the sentiment, but I just don't think he would immediately ask "Oh, does it say in your file there that my ex-wife is happy?  because if you say 'yes', I'll totally believe you".

I'm a little worried that we know too much about the island now... I know they're going to have to either introduce a shit load more questions or just not answer anything else for two seasons.

Quote from: othersparrow on October 04, 2006, 09:58:40 PM
So is anyone admitting yet that the 3 month break in between these 6 episodes and the remaining 17 is a bad idea?

No, I understand and appreciate the reasoning behind this... it's like two seasons in one... it's not like we're getting less Lost, we're just not guessing whether each week will be new or a repeat like we have been.


Quote from: modage on October 04, 2006, 09:22:36 PMi think the episode would've been even more awesome had when she said she was coming in to feed him again he had done the exact same thing and tackled her again and tried to escape.  it would've shown that he's CRAZY DRIVEN like in the flashbacks.  oh well!

But I think that they learned his Achilles Heel; what tamed Jack. Which is why Henry Gale Ben tells Juliet, "Good work."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: othersparrow on October 04, 2006, 09:58:40 PM
Oh, and I looked again.  The book they're reading in the beginning is Carrie.  A hint, perhaps, or just a shout-out to their #1 fan?

Goddamnit.  I bet my brother 5 bucks that it was The Stand.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Quote from: polkablues on October 05, 2006, 01:17:47 AM
Goddamnit.  I bet my brother 5 bucks that it was The Stand.

Not that I knew it was Carrie, but The Stand was a shit choice because that book would have had to have been carried around in a wheelbarrow it's so big.


Quote from: polkablues on October 05, 2006, 01:17:47 AM
Quote from: othersparrow on October 04, 2006, 09:58:40 PM
Oh, and I looked again.  The book they're reading in the beginning is Carrie.  A hint, perhaps, or just a shout-out to their #1 fan?

Goddamnit.  I bet my brother 5 bucks that it was The Stand.

Actually, it was The Stand that Juliet had. The guy with the glasses and yellow shirt had Carrie, and the Black woman had Insomnia I believe.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: RegularKarate on October 05, 2006, 01:23:11 AM
Quote from: polkablues on October 05, 2006, 01:17:47 AM
Goddamnit.  I bet my brother 5 bucks that it was The Stand.

Not that I knew it was Carrie, but The Stand was a shit choice because that book would have had to have been carried around in a wheelbarrow it's so big.

I just remembered all the book club dialogue about how "there's no metaphor there... it's just standard religious symbolism... blah blah blah," and immediately assumed (even before I saw Juliet holding the book with STEPHEN KING so prominent across the front) it must be The Stand.

Why the hell would it be Carrie, though?  Carrie doesn't have anything to do with anything.  Anyway, the important thing is that I didn't lose my five dollars, because my brother bet that the book was It.

Did anyone else get the impression that while the producers were looking to cast the part of Juliet, they happened to watch Running Scared, saw Elizabeth Mitchell in that, and stopped looking?  Nobody in the world can play creepiness masked as friendliness quite like she can.

Quote from: MacGuffin on October 05, 2006, 01:30:09 AM
Actually, it was The Stand that Juliet had. The guy with the glasses and yellow shirt had Carrie, and the Black woman had Insomnia I believe.

Totally vindicated.   8)
My house, my rules, my coffee


what a wonderful show.  this is the first full thing i've ever seen in actual HD and it blew me away.  boom boom boom

Chest Rockwell

Loved it. Jack is seriously the best character in this fucking thing with the possible exception of Henry "Ben" Gale. Sawyer and Kate kissing next week will piss me off to no end, I know it. I actually liked Juliet; I think she actually likes Jack and dislikes Ben, judging by how she acted toward Jack (which, while possible it may have been for show, I thought was mostly genuine and she didn't like having to do it) and how she acted toward Ben (seemed pretty disdainful to me).

Meanwhile we learned this about the island:
The others have a suburban community there
They had the polar bears
Jack's nuts
Zeke's nuts for nut (maybe)
They know everything about Jack

Quite a lot for one episode.

grand theft sparrow

Quote from: MacGuffin on October 05, 2006, 01:30:09 AM
Quote from: polkablues on October 05, 2006, 01:17:47 AM
Quote from: othersparrow on October 04, 2006, 09:58:40 PM
Oh, and I looked again.  The book they're reading in the beginning is Carrie.  A hint, perhaps, or just a shout-out to their #1 fan?

Goddamnit.  I bet my brother 5 bucks that it was The Stand.

Actually, it was The Stand that Juliet had. The guy with the glasses and yellow shirt had Carrie, and the Black woman had Insomnia I believe.

I'll look again but I remember Juliet's book looking way too thin for The Stand, even the original printing was over 800 pages. 

The red/orange book that one of the women had was definitely this Carrie:

But anyway, why would a book club not be reading the same book?

Quote from: polkablues on October 05, 2006, 01:32:18 AM
I just remembered all the book club dialogue about how "there's no metaphor there... it's just standard religious symbolism... blah blah blah," and immediately assumed (even before I saw Juliet holding the book with STEPHEN KING so prominent across the front) it must be The Stand.

Why the hell would it be Carrie, though? Carrie doesn't have anything to do with anything. Anyway, the important thing is that I didn't lose my five dollars, because my brother bet that the book was It.

Not that it's not already too blatant with any direct Stephen King reference (which is now blowing my mind because when Henry's locked up in the hatch, they give him Dostoevsky to read and he asks, "You don't have any Stephen King?" to stay in character), The Stand is too well known as a major influence on the show. 

Carrie fits that book club talk as well.  I was asking if it was a hint since it's about telekinesis and all that but now that I think of it, the book itself is irrelevant since it's clear Juliet and the other formerly known as Henry Gale are at odds, probably divorced, and the Stephen King thing is just a representation of that.


ok so time for me to stop reading this thread again.

i didn't do a year-end review when the 2nd season finished here cos it was ridiculously late, just like 2 months ago.

see you all (in this thread) in a year! (reason i can't steal shows is cos my monitor is totally broken, colours don't look right and is too dark, until i get a new one it's too much effort to steal a show, put it on cd/dvd in avi form or whatever, take it to someone else's computer and watch it.) sucks cos if i'd be watching it at the same time as you jerks, i'd be posting in here pretty much non stop. as it is, it's just no fun to come in late with it.. the communal discovery/speculation is half the fun.

oh well, long live this show.
under the paving stones.


Quote from: RegularKarate on October 04, 2006, 10:15:45 PM

The only thing I didnt' like in this episode was the "is she happy?" line... I understand the point of the sentiment, but I just don't think he would immediately ask "Oh, does it say in your file there that my ex-wife is happy?  because if you say 'yes', I'll totally believe you".

I actually believe that Jack asked that because he was hoping she WASN'T happy with this Other Man.
Shit I've dealt with a fucked-up girl who was all ready to marry me for our few months dating, and then when we decided "we cant do that right now" she finds a guy who is NOT in school and is a real retard and I have no idea what he's like and then...
well, finding out a person you cared for is happy when you're not...you'll accept that they are and want to throw up over it no matter what.

ok enough personal drama

I thought the beginning was cool, a li'l silly when he sends Ethan and Goodwin off real quick-like to be "survivors".  But then, when I think silly is too much, I look back to the first episode where Kate, Charlie and Jack walk past some bushes and Vincent is hiding in them.  They play this OMINOUS MUSIC that makes you go "SHIT! that dog is EVIL!!!!"
Yup. Like the Shifty-Eyed Dog from The Simpsons? hahah ok I got over that moment fast and looked more into the show.
I can't wait for the rest of the season.  I do not think they can let it dissolve into complete crap because I would hate that and then kill the people who make television.

Chest Rockwell

Yea I couldn't tell what his motivation for asking if the wife was happy...was. I was thinking the whole time that I'd want her to be miserable, but it seemed his reaction was one of those ubiquitous 'tears of joy/regret' moments, and not necessarily anger that she's happy without him. But fuck, I can't get over Kate-Sawyer. Those fuckers are going to be haunting my nightmares.


Really great season opener IMO. I like the direction this seems to be going in but I just can't stand Jack's flashbacks anymore. Couple funny parts I thought: "You're not my type" line, the quip about the bears doing it in 2 hrs and then Sawyer asking how many there were. Then the really creepy part when Ben told Kate to get ready for the next 2 weeks. Yikes. Wonder what kind of torture/training they have in mind. It was cool and all to see that money shot of the island but there is no way those two guys could have ran all that way and been there in an hour.

Pubrick: So why can't you get another monitor before next year?


I dont think the fact Ethan and the other guy went fast means they got in an hour. If you think about it, between the crash and the whole mess it took several hours until people realized what happened and were able to regroup and start taking care of each other... but anyways I thought the openning sequence was excellent... like the 2nd season, with the music, and making you wonder who the fuck that is and if its a flashback or what is going on.

Pubrick, I may have a cheap solution for you, but I dont know if you can get it. The cheapest DVD players on the market (less than $50 in the US) read almost every format availble. I have a Philips DVD player that cost me $39.99 in BestBuy a while back and reads .avi, .mpegs, etc... I usually watch the downloaded shows with that when I dont use my laptop.

Anyways, I cant wait for next week... it was an amazing episode and they only showed Kate, Jack and Sawyer... I want to know what the fuck happened with Desmond and Locke!