Lost (spoilers)

Started by MacGuffin, October 07, 2004, 01:10:26 AM

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i liked this episode a better than last week's. i keep telling myself that maybe sawyer did this because he doesnt want people to run around shooting everything that moves. and i can understand charlie getting desperate like that. he seems childish like that. the way his big brother constantly brushed him aside makes it seem possible that he's tired of being treated like that. the only one who is pissing me off is Locke. he's acting way out of character and I can't even make up some outlandish desperate explanation for him. the preview for next week looked more promising.


I liked this episode, way more entertaining than last weeks borefest, but I knew that last week was set up for something. With that mention of how Sawyer is acting out of character by turning all bad-ass all of a sudden, I believe that all these episodes of him being "good" was him really being out of character and he is plain and simple a bad guy who doesn't like to be messed with. Remember he killed that guy in Australia who begged for mercy and while he may have really liked Kim Dickens he still could have run off with her but opted to take her money. There is no way his Sherriff role can last for long, all they have to do is get anna-lucia to kick his ass all over the island and off one of the many cliffs like she did when she first met him. Liked Hurleys line about "when are we" clearly a stab at all the talk about theories of when the show is taking place. Next week looks pretty exciting but doesn't every episode look that way when it comes to previews?

Fun Info:
Kate's mom was he waitress when sawyer had his meeting with his partner
The screenplay Hurley is reading will soon be released as an actual novel
Author of Occurrence at Owl Creek bridge went missing in Mexico
Glen Miller, who composed the song at the end, also went missing during WW2 over the English channel


Mod is overreacting again.
There were some stretches here for sure (mainly Locke believing Sawyer so quickly and Jack getting so gun-crazy), but I think everyone is missing the point of Sawyer's flashbacks.  Sawyer's doing this because he was getting too attached.  He can't deal with being attached to anyone as shown in the flashback.

anyway, it was better than the last one, for sure.  I think they're just reestablishing relationships and having to do it in an akward way.. that's what happens with television shows.  I still have some faith.  It won't get bad until at least season 3 and it won't be horrible until the end of 4 or beginning of 5.

grand theft sparrow

They're building up to something.  That moment when Locke says "Will you help me?" to Sawyer, he meant more than "Will you help me move the guns?"  You could see it in his eyes; there was more to that statement than that.  Something big is definitely happening. 

One of my friends had the exact same reaction as mod, to which I told her that she's not entirely wrong.  This season, while I have had no major complaints with it, isn't as spectacular as season 1, but there's some great stuff just around the bend.  It's not like the show has gone in a COMPLETELY different direction (even taking into account Charlie, Locke, and Sawyer of late) or anything too ridiculous.  But right now, it's like how some Stephen King novels have 200 pages of everything you'd ever want in a suspense story at the beginning and 200 pages at the end, but in the middle, the characters are just running around like morons, biding their time until the supreme awesomeness of the end finally shows up.

I believe in them.  I think the writers/producers have learned enough from the Wachowski brothers to not make the same mistakes they made with Revolutions.


I also think they are building up to something big... I dont think they are stupid when they write this and I think they needed some of this nonsense to happen in order to get to where they really want to get for the season finale.

That being said, I loved the episode because I think Sawyer is one of the most interesting characters. And what he did today, as some of you mentioned, is acting exactly like himself. He had a rough time being shot and all that, but now he is strong again and he saw that while he was gone, things went out of hand. He used to have the stash with everything, and he used to be in control of his situation. Now, he came back and everything changed, so he needed to step up.

It was cool to see that the whole episode was going to that clash between Locke and Jack, and then it was Sawyer against everyone. And Charlie is just lost and stupid, and the more he says he doesnt want the heroin, the closer he will get to it.

Couldnt see the preview from next week (got the ep. on iTunes) but I'm sure it will get better and better. For me it's really the only show besides 24 where I think they really care about not fucking up their story and making the characters do what their personality really makes them do. And I think the quality of the writing is as good as ever... but having such a great first season is very hard to always be so great.


I thought the episode was good, I like Sawyer's position on top now, it's an interesting new dynamic. But the writing was pretty bad, eg the interrupting flashback at the end followed by "I guess I'm not a nice person". Great, we got it one million times before. Also the dialogue, "we're con artists, this is what we do." What a horrible line. but Sayid and Hurley had some awesome moments. And Charlie's bad episode was kinda validated.


i think you guys are forgiving the show because you're trying to see where its going and not that it has to be terrible to get there.  i want it to get to a crazy interesting place too, i just wish they didnt have to go against all manner of logic and character development to do so.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.

grand theft sparrow

Quote from: modage on February 14, 2006, 09:38:43 AM
i think you guys are forgiving the show because you're trying to see where its going and not that it has to be terrible to get there.  i want it to get to a crazy interesting place too, i just wish they didnt have to go against all manner of logic and character development to do so.

Of course we are, because we don't want to think that they might be full of shit and the season and a half that we've been invested in this show might have been a waste of time.  It's still too early to judge; we won't really get a clearer picture of where they're going until at least the season finale.  And everything going on is building up to the season finale, not the end of the show.  This finale, much more than the first finale, will make or break the show.  If they don't answer enough questions, at least half their audience will tune out for good and that will kill it.  The plus side is, I think the writers know this.  Of course, I'll be pissed if the season finale turns the show in a shitty direction.

All in all, it could be a lot worse than it is.  I'm about to give up on this season of 24 because it's really been nothing but cut-and-paste of the previous 4 seasons from the get-go.  David Fury writes one of the best hours of TV I've ever seen but can't get the writers of 24 to do something they haven't already done?


Maybe the reason why this season is not so good...

Abrams Laments Missing 'Alias' Finale, 'Lost'
By Daniel Fienberg

Even when J.J. Abrams seems tired -- and at San Francisco's WonderCon, he arrives looking as if it's been weeks since his last night's sleep -- it's difficult to believe that he's approaching his 40th birthday later this year. Hearing Abrams confess that he only has so many hours in his days is even more striking.
Abrams is addressing a crowd of rabid devotees about "Mission: Impossible III," the high pressure, megabudget summer sequel that marks his feature directing debut. It's kind of a big deal for Paramount, but for the genre fans in attendance, it may pale in comparison to Abrams' ABC dramas "Alias" and "Lost." Unfortunately, for the past year or so, Abrams has been eating, drinking and breathing fireballs, high-tech gadgets and Tom Cruise. That commitment has caused his involvement on both shows to be seriously reduced.

"I wish I could take more credit for 'Lost' this year, but I can't," Abrams says, referring to the show's second season. "Everyone's like, 'I love 'Lost' this year!' and I'm like 'I had nothing to do with it!'"

It was during production on the "Lost" pilot that Cruise called Abrams and set "Mission: Impossible III" plans in motion. With the franchise sequel already running behind thanks to several director shifts, Cruise was ready to get rolling, but Abrams recognized his responsibilities to "Lost." He asked the most powerful actor in Hollywood for a one-year delay, which Cruise granted.

"I said to [co-creator Damon Lindelof], 'Look, this has come up' and he said, 'Dude, you've got to do it.' He was so cool about it," Abrams recalls. "I'm not just grateful that meeting Damon was sort of the catalyst for and the alchemy to create the pilot and series, but that he and Carlton Cuse really took all the reins to run the show this year. I've been perfectly involved this season, but I'm as much a fan of theirs as anything."

Abrams has more regrets about having to let go of his older series. After a five year run, "Alias" will go off the air this May. Unfortunately, the Jennifer Garner spy series will vanish at exactly the moment Abrams will be concentrating on launching a very different spy venture.

"I wanted to direct the last episode of 'Alias,' but I have to go on the international tour for this, so I won't get to do that, which is a very sort of heartbreaking idea that the show will end without me there," Abrams explains.

Even after hearing about the writer-director's divided attentions, one intrepid "Lost" viewer is still looking for answers.

"Is the island Jesus?" he asks.

Abrams does a double-take, pauses, smiles and plays along.

"Yes," he says.


FUCK, he's not going to come back to finish Alias?!?  damnit.  :yabbse-angry:
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Everyone I talked to seemed to think last weeks episode was the best/ so good.  I just hope xixax didn't bias my opinion of the show last week, but I don't think it did.  I tried to explain to people that they're completely manipulating the characters to create conflict.  People I argued with said, "But dude the flashbacks explain why there are acting like that!"  and while it's sort of true, i think that's the problem.   they're using the recent flashbacks to justify their erratic behavior.  if i remember correctly, the flashbacks use to be more of a way just to get to know the characters and wasn't tied to the eppisode nearly as much as it is now.  last week was a perfect example:  he would say something in the flashback and then he would say that same exact thing in the present time.    it's not like jack's recent behavior was foreshadowed at all up until his recent flashback episode.  it's not like he seemed like from the get go.  which makes it seem obvious, at least to me, that the recent conflicts are so contrived.  

and up until last weeks episode i told myself that they're just stalling until the good stuff.  i can't think that way anymore.  it seems like the whole future of the show is gonna grow from the last few weeks' contrivances.  which will really be a problem cause i just won't buy into what happens from here.  it's not like things are just gonna go back to the way there are.   i wanted to like the past few episodes, i really did, but i just don't think i can.  

someone talk some sense into me.  


well Lost is back on track and THANK GOD.  because seriously, at the beginning of the episode i was thinking 'you know, it may never come back at this point', but i'm just going to assume those episodes being off was a fluke and it wont happen again.  probably in the grand scale of things they wont be that noticable even (when speeding through the dvds without waiting weeks/months between episodes).  so yeah, tonites episode was completely great from beginning to end.  even having the awesome evil dude from Carnivale show up in Sayid's flashback helped through it over the edge of awesome.  i wish he actually had more to do, (an other perhaps?)  i see that they're trying to break everybody off into little sects and thats cool and the way it was done tonite was more reasonable.  everyones actions seemed justified and in character.  locke changing the lock on jack seemed reasonable because they've been clashing like hell recently AND he knew about jack trying to 'start an army' behind his back and confronted him about it.  good stuff.  Sayid losing it a little bit because A. he's a torturer and he knows how to get the info and if you're telling the truth and B. since his honey is dead he deserves a little freak out.  completely justified.  the little look that asshole gave when he got the door shut on him was creepy as hell too.  and jin blowing off sawyer, also good. small moment but yeah, everyone would hate him.  the only way he got hurley to go with him is through blackmail.  see, everything made sense.  so  :yabbse-thumbup: :yabbse-thumbup: :yabbse-thumbup: to co-creators Lindelof and Cuse for writing this episode and getting the show back on track.  THANK GOD.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


The fucking frog nearly killed it.  Great episode (actually, unlike Mod, I thought they've been great ever since the Eko episode, not counting the Charlie mishap), but man... that fucking frog story....

Anyone notice that the army guy who asked Sayid if he had a wife and kids was Kate's dad?  It was a picture of her that he was looking at in the truck.
My house, my rules, my coffee


yeah i noticed.  kate was totally young.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.

grand theft sparrow

Quote from: modage on February 15, 2006, 10:21:41 PM
well Lost is back on track

Told ya.

Definitely best ep since Eko's flashback.

But what's Sayid's angle with Charlie?  "Have you forgotten?"  What's he getting at?