first rejection

Started by metroshane, October 01, 2004, 06:50:45 PM

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Got my first film fest rejection today.  Might have to frame it.  I'm not bitter because at least they had the good taste to try and sell me a pass for $75 bucks at the end of the letter.
We live in an age that reads too much to be intelligent and thinks too much to be beautiful.


which festival?  not sundance is it?
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


Deep Ellum Film Fest, here in Dallas.

Sundance doesn't announce until first week december.
We live in an age that reads too much to be intelligent and thinks too much to be beautiful.

The Silver Bullet

I got my first rejection last year, and regretfully don't know what I've done with. I remember having wanted to frame mine as well.
RABBIT n. pl. rabĀ·bits or rabbit[list=1]
  • Any of various long-eared, short-tailed, burrowing mammals of the family Leporidae.
  • A hare.


i threw mine away, burned it, and shit on its ashes.

then i framed it.
under the paving stones.


Maybe I could burn it, eat it, shit it..then shit on the shit?
We live in an age that reads too much to be intelligent and thinks too much to be beautiful.


Got a rejection letter from a festival...with these comments attached:

Very impressive - a highly professional piece in terms of camerawork, acting, lighting and originally composed music. Crisp 16mm images (transferred).

Excellent - intelligently written, directed and produced.

Well-devised and well executed. The style (particularly as it's monocrome) reminded us of several earlier genres (from Harold Lloyd onwards). There was some lengthy discussions about the meaning of certain parts of your film given the extreme nature of your narrative's conclusion

If it's that good...why on earth did they reject it??
This is crap!


No idea.  If anything, it makes me want to see the movie!


It's been up here before...Lovestruck.

It's a nice short but it's not as good as they want to make it.


I got my rejection letter from Slamdance which someday I will frame and place along with my successes. It was the nicest rejection I have ever received.


hey if you guys don't mind i just had a few questions.

well 1. how old are you guys? Or how old were you guys when you started film makeing?

And how much did your first film coast?


Quote from: Dtm115300And how much did your first film coast?
My first film, we didn't coast too much at all.  Yeah, it was pretty much all uphill.  But once you knock out that first one it gets easier.


I'm 31.  My film cost 3K.  And I got my Sundance rejection.  I would personally love it if someone gave me feedback like that.
We live in an age that reads too much to be intelligent and thinks too much to be beautiful.


Any new news, good or bad, on today, this most auspicious of days?  Mine, bad.  All bad.  And then I did a little digging into last year's projects, reminding myself not to put all eggs in one basket (I never do, anyway -- fragile, those): Last year, this was the story, these were the tellers.  Good pedigrees, resumes, most.  But!

QuoteSamantha McIntyre (writer) / Unicorn Store (U.S.A.):  A lonely young woman who has never had a boyfriend tries to fix her life by purchasing a unicorn.

I like how that was the last one.  That's what we're up against?  Touche.  No, it hasn't been made yet.

I'm gonna get mad, sulk, and then do more now.  'scuse me.


knowing nothing about it other than the logline you quoted.. it sounds like the usual indie quirky bullshit that everyone loves to circle jerk over these days.

i wish miranda july would come back from the dead.
under the paving stones.