going to the movies alone

Started by snaporaz, March 04, 2003, 12:31:54 AM

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Quote from: Pi'm normal.

Just keep telling yourself that.

is that a naked woman up there?


Quote from: Poverreactors.

i was being sarcastic.

however, i still think that people who think the movie sucked because of it's irregular use of sandler are idiots, to a certain degree.


I have never been to a movie by myself. What do you think I am, some loser with no friends!? BY ALL MEANS, NO!
The corpses all hang headless and limp bodies with no surprises and the blood drains down like devil's rain we'll bathe tonight I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls Demon I am and face I peel to see your skin turned inside out, 'cause gotta have you on my wall gotta have you on my wall, 'cause I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls collect the heads of little girls and put 'em on my wall hack the heads off little girls and put 'em on my wall I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls


First of all, I hate my "friends", alright...I don't have any real friends. When I say "friends" I mean, people that I talk to occasionally at school and sit with at lunch. Not the traditional group of best friends that hang out after school and stuff like that. The few "friends" I do have tell awful, immature, just plain unfunny jokes constantly and piss me off to no end...why do I put up with it? Well...Because, I've sat alone at lunch before and to me, it's better to sit with people you hate than completely alone.

Alright, so...as you can probably guess, I don't relate to these people at ALL. I'm not saying I'm above them, I just don't relate to them. All they do is either talk about fucking girls that they have no chance in hell with or talk shit about people that could kick the fuck out of them. This is literally all they do. So, let me get to the point...even if they were interested in movies...which they are definitely are not (they only see the XXX's, the Spiderman's and the Goldmembers)...I wouldn't be interested in going with them. Please know this, I don't dislike them because they have no taste in movies...I dislike them because they are little immature fucking prejudice, misogynist high school stereotypes that I am only putting up with for 2 and half more years of hell so that I can talk to somebody every once in awhile and sit with somebody at lunch. I'm not anti social, please understand this as well...I've just always gotten along with and related to 20+ year olds better than I have with fellow teenagers. Luckily, that's not too far off now at all.

So lastly....until I get my license (I have my permit)...I always go either with my mom and my sister or with one of my cousins (who are all really cool). Once I get my license, I bet I'll see 85-90% of the movie I see alone. If by some miracle, I make some real friends before I graduate from high school, I'd love to see some movies with them. If not, I can wait until college...where I am sure (I hope) I will make a lot of real friends and meet cooler, more open minded people.

By the way, I'm glad I'm not the only one that sees them alone...I'm not saying there's too much shame in it, but I don't know really. It's just that when your in high school, it is kinda embarassing if anybody finds out. God I hate how my posts end up being so long...I really don't mean to type so much, sorry about that.


Quote from: ebeaman69It's just that when your in high school, it is kinda embarassing if anybody finds out.

speak for yourself.

however, this was pretty humiliating...

one time after school [high school], i decided to go watch a movie, so i walked from campus to the cinema [10 minute walk] and it was raining. i don't know why i didn't care about walking in the rain, but this car came by and drove into a huge ass puddle next to me. a wave of filthy street water splashed me and almost pushed me over. so i walked the rest of the way soaking wet and everyone getting out of school could see me looking like an idiot. i spent like half an hour in the bathroom trying to dry off with those air-blower things.


Quote from: snaporazthis car came by and drove into a huge ass puddle next to me.
In drivers ed, they always taught us to avoid ass puddles.
Quote from: Pas RapportI don't need a dick in my anus to know I absolutely don't want a dick in my anus.


I probably see about 2/3 of movies alone.  That's a combination of seeing films that most of my friend wouldn't appreciate/aren't interested in and needing to drive to Kansas City (half an hour away) to see stuff that isn't in massive release (i.e., The Hours, Narc, etc.)
Fresh buttered toast.

Gold Trumpet

I always go alone, and prefferably during the afternoon. I went to the movies alone before I ever knew it was an "uncool" thing to do so when I realized it was, I didn't give a shit. I know friends who are into movies and all, but I don't trust them to shut the fuck up during a movie. Some friends went to see PDL together and didn't like it. I knew it was because they were talking and all, and told one to go see it again. He did and loved it and told me it was because they were all talking. I don't take chances and usually go alone because movies are too expensive these days.



Quote from: snaporaz
Quote from: ebeaman69It's just that when your in high school, it is kinda embarassing if anybody finds out.

speak for yourself.

however, this was pretty humiliating...

one time after school [high school], i decided to go watch a movie, so i walked from campus to the cinema [10 minute walk] and it was raining. i don't know why i didn't care about walking in the rain, but this car came by and drove into a huge ass puddle next to me. a wave of filthy street water splashed me and almost pushed me over. so i walked the rest of the way soaking wet and everyone getting out of school could see me looking like an idiot. i spent like half an hour in the bathroom trying to dry off with those air-blower things.

Wow, that fucking sucks man, almost knocked you over? That sounds harsh. And on your way to a film no less....ouch. I don't think I've ever heard of that actually happening to somebody. Sure, I've seen it in movies and tv tons of times, but in real life...never.

phil marlowe

I never go alone. Not because I think it's cool, but because I want someone to pay for me.


I've only seen one movie alone in my entire life. I was about 11 and I saw 'STARGATE'.

At the time I thought it was pretty weird but I remember it was a cool experience and I don't know why I havn't done it again

I might see Punch-Drunk Love alone when it comes out here.


I think alot of people are still trying to get over the "high school" mentality that doing things alone is nerdy.  In college I could always tell freshman at the student union because they were never alone.  I finally saw a movie by myself this year because noone was free to go when I wanted to.  I thought it would be a big deal but it wasn't.  I'm still apprehensive to go see a movie on a friday or saturday night when it's mostly packed with couples or groups of friends.  But then, I've discovered that's the absolute worst time to see a movie anyway.


I have no problem seeing movies alone. I'm ok with seeing movies with other people, so long as they aren't to closed minded. If they are, I'll usually save stupid movies for them. The worst is when I'm planning on going to see a movie on my own and someone I don't really like invites me to go see it. Then, I have to either go with them, which isn't cool, say no and jsut not go see the movie altogether, or say no and have to sneek around so that that person doesn't see me if they decide to go see the movie without me. It happens more often then you would think.
"The idea had been growing in my brain for some time: TRUE force. All the king's men
                        cannot put it back together again." (Travis Bickle, "Taxi Driver")


If there's a movie out that I want to see, and my friends show no interest in seeing it, I'll go alone. I don't like to drag them along to art movies and have them feel like I've wasted their money. I'm still deciding whether to get them to see PDL.

Example: A couple years ago we arrived at the cinema with no plan of what to see. Their instant preference was to see Shanghai Noon, probably it was first on the list of session times, and had the biggest promos. I rolled my eyes and suggested High Fidelity, I said it was a highly acclaimed comedy from a male point of view and Roger Ebert loved it. ("who?") So HF it was.

I'm glad that they usually shut shut shut up during the film (only the occasional comment) but I can always tell if they are hating it cause I'll hear one of those long bored sighs in the first half hour. That means they already hate it and have stopped giving it a chance.

So I loved High Fidelity, they were bored ...... as one put it "it didn't do much for me" (even though they are music fans looking for reasons why they are losers when it comes to love). They left the cinema wondering how kick-ass Shanghai Noon could have been.

I've learnt they will not adapt to my tastes. When we go together now I always let them come to a consensus of what to see. Besides, I always enjoy going to the cinema, even if the film sucks.

Last year we all saw Spiderman, and they hated it. I was impressed.
A shiny, gold, tall, inexpensive prick.


when boogie nights came out i wanted to see it and nobody i know wanted to see it, well they did but ya know people in their late teens have a way of doing things " Yeah lets go im down yeah cool, ..............hey look drugs" my point is they would get distracted to easy and all they really cared about was sex and drugs, and so did I, but i also craved good art

i knew that they would drag their feet, and i fucking hate going anywhere alone, but i up and went to a late light showing on a weekday alone, and that movie changed my life ( it helped me see things more clear as a artist, what type of work i should be doing, it helped that i saw gummo the same week. One stood out as the type of work I should be doing and the other stood out as what kind of work i may end up doing if i do not put Pretentious influences in check)

anyway after that night i became a huge PTA fan, then come magnolia time,  Nobody i know wanted to watch that, i ended up alone again. And that film just fucking rocked me. I know that being alone added to the film, because it spoke to me in such a personal way, that i almost didn't  give a fuck what anyone else would have to say about it. That really is one of those films some people will get and others wont. I know that is a cliche that is used to defend shitty films, but in this case its true, its sad to say this but a lot of the people who claim to love that film, are on the list of people who do not get it, but they would never admit that , god forbid they look uncool, shudder to think. I would list kevin smith as someone who walked into that movie wanting to like it, he loved boogie nights, and well magnolia just didnt speak to him, at least he is honest enough to admit it. He could of said " Ohhhh yes i found that film to be BLAH BLAH BLAH" but that he would of had to change his name to budgie, :: giggles::

When PDL came out i brought my girl with me .