Raging Bull

Started by Xixax, March 03, 2003, 08:55:00 AM

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Finally saw this last night (thank you Netflix).

Wow. DeNiro was incredible.

I found it to have a lot of disjointed storytelling like most of Marty's early films had. You had to really listen and watch closely, and it seemed like there was more action than dialogue so you had to do a lot of mental "connect the dots" (for last of a better explanation). A lot of his early work feels that way to me. Somewhat disjointed, like a bunch of spliced together scenes.

But I have to say that all in all, DeNiro was incredible. Did he actually put on a ton of weight for the role for those later scenes, or was that makeup? It looked so realistic, and he was so convincing. I think it was DeNiro's best role ever.

:yabbse-thumbup:  :yabbse-thumbup:  :yabbse-thumbup:  :yabbse-thumbup:
Quote from: Pas RapportI don't need a dick in my anus to know I absolutely don't want a dick in my anus.


All real! And all pancakes and beef, if I remember correctly.

Sigur Rós

Quote from: XixaxFinally saw this last night (thank you Netflix).

Wow. DeNiro was incredible.

But I have to say that all in all, DeNiro was incredible. Did he actually put on a ton of weight for the role for those later scenes, or was that makeup? It looked so realistic, and he was so convincing. I think it was DeNiro's best role ever.

Couldn't agree more with you! I also saw this a couple of weeks. What first struck me was Robert De Niro's performance but Joe Pesci is brilliant too....... agree? disagree?

I really loved Goodfellas and damn I even like Home Alone......so I guess i love Joe Pesci......of course in a platonic way :wink:

btw. oops I forgot Lethal Weapon 1-2-3 didn't like them...but I still love him

phil marlowe

One of the brilliant things in De Niro's performance is that he plays this gigantic angry motherfucker-asshole but still i seem to like him every second of the movie.

Sigur Rós

Quote from: Phil MarloweOne of the brilliant things in De Niro's performance is that he plays this gigantic angry motherfucker-asshole but still i seem to like him every second of the movie.

I guess that's just the speciel "De Niro-charm" at work :) I agree with you. That guys got charm! I loved the stand-up comedy scenes. La Motta is so funny :roll: And the closing scene is also damn funny. Mainly because is saw Raging Bull after Boogie Nights.

children with angels

Has anyone seen Arizona Dream with that scene where Vincent Gallo and Johnny Depp are watching Raging Bull at the cinema and Gallo gets up and starts acting out the dialogue? Fucking funny...
"Should I bring my own chains?"
"We always do..."



Quote from: children with angelsHas anyone seen Arizona Dream with that scene where Vincent Gallo and Johnny Depp are watching Raging Bull at the cinema and Gallo gets up and starts acting out the dialogue? Fucking funny...

That sounds fucking awesome. I love Johnny Depp and Vincent Gallo is hilarious in Buffalo 66...I gotta rent this.

Raging Bull is a masterpiece.


It is. And it has, I think, one of, if not the best opening credits of all time. I'm talking about DeNiro in the ring and the credits on screen left. Amazing.
"The idea had been growing in my brain for some time: TRUE force. All the king's men
                        cannot put it back together again." (Travis Bickle, "Taxi Driver")


I've never seen Raging Bull, I want to but it just keeps slipping my mind. I really should rent it.. or maybe just buy it, everyone seems to love it.


It's a bloody excellent movie.
I remember being a bit put off from the fact that it's black & white before watching it but that didn't even matter. It's fantastic. Completely involving and unpredictable. I think it's a way better movie than 'Taxi Driver' (before anybody puts a hit out on me, people are allowed their own opinion).
'Welcome the Thunderdome, bitch'


Quote from: oakmanc234(before anybody puts a hit out on me, people are allowed their own opinion).

waitaminute... DAMN, hes right!


Message to xixax contract killers: ABORT! ABORT! I REPEAT: ABORT!
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffinMessage to xixax contract killers: ABORT! ABORT! I REPEAT: ABORT!

nice and subtle. that's the way we like it here at ksicksicks.


Strangely, Pauline Kael panned Raging Bull.  She had been one of Scorsese's staunchest champions up til that point.

Ordinary People winning Best Picture over Raging Bull is one of the all-time howlers in Oscar history.  Redford won Best Director over Scorsese.  At least Polanski's a real director.
Music is your best entertainment value.


Quote from: soixante
Ordinary People winning Best Picture over Raging Bull is one of the all-time howlers in Oscar history.

It's not half as bad as Dances With Wolves beating out Goodfellas...that's fucking sad.

Didn't Costner also beat out Marty for best director? Yipes.