Anybody ever actually work on a movie?

Started by Duck Sauce, February 26, 2003, 02:00:03 AM

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Duck Sauce

I know there are a bunch of people here who are film majors or aspiring film makers and I got curious to know if any of you have ever worked on a larger scale film, tv show or commercial whether it be as an actor, director of gaffer. Aside from shorts you do with your friends....


i've been an extra many times

...don't know if that counts


I was a camera PA on this movie called The Riff. It ended up going straight to video, and I never actually saw it. But I learned quite a bit while working on it...


I've been in a couple of music videos. On camera in one, and helped out on the crew in a couple of others (mostly hanging out by the craft service table there).

It was a whole lot of fun. I actually took a pie in the face in this one video. I should try to dig it up and put it online. It was great. I got dressed up in this cowboy outfit (which was about 3 sizes too small) and the bartender on this old tavern set hit me in the face with a pie in a big food fight scene.
Quote from: Pas RapportI don't need a dick in my anus to know I absolutely don't want a dick in my anus.


Was an extra on The War. Was trying out to be one of the kids but didn't look 'southern' enough. That was a LONG time ago. A couple of my friends were in Forrest Gump- the kids on the bus and what not, since they filmed much of the film in Savannah and Beaufort- all near Hilton Head.


i was a PA for an IGA commercial once. it was being shot at night and i was working at famous players during the day. what a tough 3 days that was.


Quote from: mogwaiI was an extra in PDL, I'm the guy who walks away and takes a sip of something groovy.

Nice backside you have.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


I was camera op for a music video for a band in Florida.  Not something that ever aired... just something for them to play at clubs and what not.

I also directed "The Shining", but I didn't like it so I put some other guy's name on it.

Rudie Obias

\"a pair of eyes staring at you, projected on a large screen is what cinema is truly about.\" -volker schlöndorff


I've been a p.a. for the last year or so. It's great to be there and see it all first hand, but as a p.a. your given the least amount of responsibility.... since our main job is crowd control we like to call ourselves "walking traffic cones"...........oh yeah, I also wrote American Beauty. :wink:


I was location scouting P.A./Driver for "Serving Sara."  It did absolutely nothing for my career.  However, one of the producer's left his contact list in the van so I got Oliver Stone's phone number.  I never called because I was afraid he might try to kill me.
Gorobei Katayama: You're Good.
Heihachi Hayashida: Yeah, yeah. But I'm better at killing enemies.
Gorobei Katayama: Killed many?
Heihachi Hayashida: Well - It's impossible to kill 'em all, so I ususally run away.
Gorobei Katayama: A splendid principle!
Heihachi Hayashida: Thank you.


one of my mates was an extra in lord of the rings and a bunch of xena stuff too- my claim to fame.


Sweet avatar, jmj.

Season 3 starts Sunday!
Quote from: Pas RapportI don't need a dick in my anus to know I absolutely don't want a dick in my anus.


Quote from: XixaxSweet avatar, jmj.

Thanks.  I mean seriously...who can resist the image of lipstick on a dead women's lips.  Plus Alan Ball is fucking Genius.

Nice avatar yourself.  Isn't there going to be a new Donnie Darko DVD release soon?  I thought I heard something about it on NPR.  What a great movie...I hope they have some better extra's than the first release.
Gorobei Katayama: You're Good.
Heihachi Hayashida: Yeah, yeah. But I'm better at killing enemies.
Gorobei Katayama: Killed many?
Heihachi Hayashida: Well - It's impossible to kill 'em all, so I ususally run away.
Gorobei Katayama: A splendid principle!
Heihachi Hayashida: Thank you.


I've been trying to land P.A. jobs and failing miserably since I got out of college.  Seattle is the armpit of the film industry.  My only consolation is that my classmates who went down to LA aren't doing that much better.  My best friend was a camera assistant on a yet-to-be-released Christian horror film called "The Hangman's Curse", starring David Keith, Mel Harris, and the fat kid from "Magnolia".  Apparently David Keith is a prima donna.  And the film was directed, as all good Christian horror films are, by a guy who made his name directing "Red Shoe Diaries" episodes.
My house, my rules, my coffee