I Heart Huckabees

Started by MacGuffin, February 15, 2004, 10:47:22 PM

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how did you get to see an advanced screening in Dallas?  

p.s. how was Naomi?
I am Torgo. I take care of the place while the Master is away.


it was shown at "TalkCinema" at the magnolia theater. you never know what youre going to see until you get there, so this was a lucky one. the next showing is 'primer' and shane caruth will be there, so that should be cool.


Quote from: Ultrahipyou never know what youre going to see until you get there

Quote from: Ultrahipthe next showing is 'primer'

"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks

Just Withnail

Well, duh. He's obviously posting from the theater right now.


apologies macguffin, i was unclear. typically, you never know what you're going to see. however, since it's a big deal that the director will be there, they were nice enough to let us know in advance so we'd be sure not to miss it.[/i]


ok, i got an e-mail about that. you can either pay a fee for the whole season or show up and pay $20.

hmm, the lead in Primer is from a neighboring town, so i would like to see it. how much demand is there?........i would hate to make that drive and not be able to get in.
I am Torgo. I take care of the place while the Master is away.


I'm pretty sure you'd have no problem getting in. For Huckabees there were probably only 20, 30 tops people there, in a full sized theater that holds probably 100 if not more. I'm going to get the $120 season pass, definitley worth it to me.

They show foreign films too, so I'm really just keeping my fingers crossed for A Very Long Engagment. That alone would make it worth it. Plus, since they showed Huckabees, I feel like Life Aquatic is a possibility.



Quote from: Ultrahipit is excellent. wahlberg is the standout, hilarious and sad.
very funny, playful, intelligent...and a few people walked out ten minutes in. but the good people at xixax will love this one.


Quote from: UltrahipI'm pretty sure you'd have no problem getting in. For Huckabees there were probably only 20, 30 tops people there, in a full sized theater that holds probably 100 if not more. I'm going to get the $120 season pass, definitley worth it to me.

They show foreign films too, so I'm really just keeping my fingers crossed for A Very Long Engagment. That alone would make it worth it. Plus, since they showed Huckabees, I feel like Life Aquatic is a possibility.

hmm, Life Aquatic.......i guess they wouldn't show it til mid December. was there a long discussion after Huckabee's?
I am Torgo. I take care of the place while the Master is away.


yes, probably about a half hour. led mainly by a film critic from...i think the dallas observer, who knew what was what. but he totally wanted to hear from everyone, told one guy was apparently a philosophy major somewhere that he should be leading this discussion instead, because the philosophy guy was pointing out all kinds of interesting sub themes and what have yous that were not quite apparent to everyone. a very nice discussion.


Quotefrom JoBlo.com:
Fascinating Huckabees article   Sep. 21, 2004
Source: New York Times    by: Mike Sampson

I know I've been talking I Ü• HUCKABEES a lot lately but I swear I have nothing vested in this film. I haven't even seen it yet. But it's being described as one of the weirdest films in recent memory and for that I'm oddly fascinated by it. Then comes this article from the New York Times that follows David O. Russell's saga getting the film made. And this paragraph alone convinced me that I have to shell out the $10 to see this movie. Read:

...And then Jude Law quits (the explanation Mr. Russell hears is that he needs to make a big-budget movie because of an impending divorce settlement; Mr. Law's representatives deny that money was a factor). Mr. Russell is devastated: instead of doing his movie, Mr. Law has decided to take a role offered by Christopher Nolan (MEMENTO).

At a Hollywood party, Mr. Russell, a lean, muscular 46-year-old with dark, lanky hair, runs into Mr. Nolan and — in full view of the party guests — puts him in a headlock. Wrapping his arm around Mr. Nolan's neck, Mr. Russell demands that his fellow director show artistic solidarity and give up his star in order to save HUCKABEES. (In the meantime, Mr. Russell has met with Jim Carrey as a possible replacement.) The next day Mr. Law calls Mr. Russell from a boat while crossing the Atlantic and discusses his HUCKABEES role at length, never mentioning Mr. Nolan or his project. The headlock story makes the rounds in Hollywood.

A headlock. David O. Russell catching Hulkamania and putting Christopher Nolan - this quiet, proper British lad - into an effin headlock. Classic. And if you think that's it, you're way off. Here are some really, really brief excerpts just to tickle your ass with a feather:

...Mark Wahlberg must repeatedly punch himself in the face...

...Mr. Russell is touching them — a lot, and sometimes in private places....

...Mr. Russell sheds the rest of his clothing.....

And apparently some of this is caught on videotape. Here's hoping they save it for the DVD. To read Sharon Waxman's article at the New York Times, click here to head to their site


i saw gala for "I heart huckabees" at the toronto festival and even though there are some really funny bits it comes off like pretentious garbage. i'm a big o. russell fan and tried my best to like the film, but just couldn't bring myself to it when the end credits rolled. it tries too hard to be something it should have never attempted in the first place. i couldn't help but think during the screening, "yes david we know that your smart. we really do. oh, yes again so clever. gee david o. russell you're such a genius" he beats this into your fucking head constantly, you never have time to catch your breath.

on that note i will say this is mark walberg's best performace. he is fucking amazing, really funny. i love when mark is washed up, he's so fucking good at it. jude law is really good too.

good films i did see at the festival were "motorcycle diaries" and "Imaginary Heroes". "red dust" was alright, but if you miss it don't worry.

the one last hit that spent you...


Quote from: socketleveleven though there are some really funny bits it comes off like pretentious garbage. i'm a big o. russell fan and tried my hardest to like the film but just couldn't bring myself to it when the end credits rolled. it tries too hard to be something it should have never attempted in the first place. i couldn't help but think during the screening, "yes david we know that your smart. we really do. oh, yes again so clever. gee david o. russell you're such a genius" he beats this into your fucking head constantly, you never have time to catch your breath.

damn, thats exactly what i feared after seeing the trailer. meh, i still have high hopes.


Quote from: RegularKarateI hear this movie is only going to be kind of funny because it tries too hard.