Batman Begins

Started by ©brad, February 19, 2003, 01:10:29 PM

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i liked Michael Keaton, he was the best Batman so far. I havent seen him lately in any film. What happened to him?


Quote from: mollyi liked Michael Keaton, he was the best Batman so far. I havent seen him lately in any film. What happened to him?

He took a lot of time off for reasons unknown, but he made a movie for HBO last year and plays the President in the movie "First Daughter" with Katie Holmes playing his daughter that will be out some time this year.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


i hope he'll be back. Thanks Mac


the two villian thing is worrisome, if not a total recipe for disaster.  among the other problems in the later films, one of the biggest was attempting to cram in as many characters as possible, two villians, three, always obligatory love interest.  just simplify the damn story already, you know?  by the forth movie Bane was a goddamn gorilla and "julie madison"'s character arc consisted of like two scenes, "bruce, i want to get married", response 'uh, marriage, uh..."  so i guess its pretty obvious cillian murphy is scarecrow then because its very unlikely he's ras al ghoul.  i hope they dont fuck this up.  also concerned that batman is going on some sort of world journey like james bond here.  like, is is too much to ask to have it in gotham city?  does he have to see exotic locations?
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


i'm not sure i have much faith in Nolan...

Memento - Good Idea
Insomnia - Decent direction

It's not exactly a 'requiem for a dream' type of director with limitless potential.  I think this movie will really prove his will either be very safe and careful, or he could go balls out and make a great film.
I'm going to lay down a monster hand here.


Quote from: themodernage02by the forth movie Bane was a goddamn gorilla

Yeah, that really ticked me off because it wasn't the character Bane from the comics or the cartoon. He was hardly a villian, more of a henchman, which was a shame because the actual character is facinating.  If you read Batman: Knightfall, you'll see what I mean.

Quote from: themodernage02also concerned that batman is going on some sort of world journey like james bond here.  like, is is too much to ask to have it in gotham city?  does he have to see exotic locations?

Well, they have stuck with Gotham City for the other Batmans, so I wouldn't mind some of the movie taking place in another location. I don't think it will be like James Bond, because Batman is too dark and too insane. Ras Al Ghul was never really part of Gotham City, so I think most of that storyline will be outside Gotham (like a background story on his origins or something).  The Scarecrow should stay in Gotham.  

I have really high hopes for this Batman, so I'm trying to stay optimistic.  With one of the 2 darkest characters in the Batman world being in the same movie, I am really looking forward to it.  Hopefully the script is good enough to deal with the dark psychological issues with the characters.


"Batman" Story Details
Source: Dark Horizons

Having just read a full and in-depth synopsis of the shooting script of the upcoming "Batman" from yesterday's source, its time to share some small light on the spoiler details which will hopefully quell all the rampant speculation that will no doubt continue unless something like this is done. First off to those wondering I don't have the script or any pages from it - even if I did there's not a cat's chance in hell of me doing anything other than glancing over it and then locking it away in a drawer. I almost never read scripts because I don't like to be spoiled, and they are the studio's copyright so those who post scripts online whether it be a single page or the full baby, you are breaking all sorts of laws.

Reviews of scripts are fine, but again like most I don't want to be spoiled too much, thus what follows is tailored to that taste - there is some spoiler stuff here, almost all of it from the opening third or so, but what I've included doesn't have any real bearing on the plot, is stuff you're already familiar with and/or you'll find revealed in the film's trailers or official notes in any case. There's a few clever twists and jibes in the script, none of which I want to ruin for anyone

I was sent a multi-page breakdown/major spoiler review by this source and have since independently confirmed its genuine. The breakdown fits in with and spells out clearer the rumours heard so far, adds some whole new angles and is understandably critical about a number of points. In Nolan's hands it should be VERY different from what we come to expect from a "Batman" film (it took me a while to get used to it but I quite liked it).

After penning this item I have since deleted that breakdown as well so please don't ask me for or about it as I no longer have it. Like Warners, I don't want to see this spoiled but I will clear up some of the talk and lingering questions. This is a one-off as well, there won't be follow-up pieces or any more new details revealed although I will be able to shoot down inaccurate speculation as it comes up:

- All the characters mentioned so far are in it - Bruce Wayne/Batman, Alfred, Jim Gordon, DA asst. prosecutor Rachel, Jonathan Crane, and Ra's Al Ghul.

- Other characters include Ra's protege Ducard, Wayne Enterprise's Applied Science Dept. head Lucius Fox, mob boss Falcone, acting Wayne Enterprise head Earle, and various crims & law officials and a bunch of ninjas.

- There's no link or mention of the previous film's events, this not only ignores them completely but restarts the franchise as its essentially an 'origin' movie which changes elements such as the 'parents being shot' and 'how Bruce found the cave and took up the mantle' subplots.

- Despite the filming in London, almost all of the film is set around Gotham City (there's no mention of London) though there's numerous flashbacks to the past and early on the footage is set around a mountain monastery in China.

- The first portion of the film swaps between flashbacks and the present. In the past we see stuff we're all familiar with from the comics and earlier movies - Bruce as a child with his father Thomas Wayne, the famous alley shooting of his parents, being cared for by a younger Alfred, meeting regular beat cop Jim Gordon, etc. In the present its Wayne mano-a-mano fighting with Ducard whose 'training/testing' him as such for his master Ra's Al-Ghul whose watching from the shadows. This is no doubt the sequence being filmed in Iceland at the start of production

- With Ra's Al-Ghul he does have insidious plans but there seems to be no mention of immortality, the Lazarus Pit, or Talia. His sub-ordinate Ducard is an interesting character with a clever connection to his master.

- One subplot has Wayne Enterprise head Earle trying to take over the company and using his influence on public officials. Its revealed Gordon in the present is a Sargeant. There's also a small storyline about a mob boss whom Bruce has a personal score to settle with.

- One element I like is the discovery of the cave and its various entrances and the clever finding of the Batsuit described as "prototype spandex body armour". The Batman in full costume however doesn't appear for a while on screen (once he's there, he's there in force) which is a clever move and keeps one in anticipation.

- The Scarecrow is referred to only as Jonathan Crane who is the head of medicine at Arkham Asylum. There's a clever origin story to the fear toxin, and at certain points he covers his head in a sack/mask for protection.

- The second half (basically once the 'origin' elements are over) are more like a Batman movie we know but some cool new stuff and shots too which I won't spoil. Suffice it to say there's an elaborate plan which will wreak chaos on downtown Gotham. Key characters get drugged, Alfred pops in at the right time and place to save his master and offer wise counsel, and so on.

- Action fans will be happy with an extensive Batmobile chase through the streets, alleys and 'other surfaces' of Gotham. A decaying monorail system built by Thomas Wayne serves as the backdrop for some story elements.

- The coda includes mention of one of the Dark Knight's most famous villains - its pretty easy to guess which one.

Opinion: In the end this is one of those stories which at first glance will shock you, but then give time to process I think you'll come to really like it - fans of the comic especially should go nuts for this. With the Batman live-action movies we've become used to formula - Bats in costume hunting down a wildly costumed baddie who gets far more character development than our hero, and a dark twisted gothic fantasy sense.

That's all out the window, in this Batman really is the focus of the movie with the villains taking a sidestep. The villains themselves aren't garishly colourful or obsessively dark pastel-clothed freaks, they actually seem to be believable nutters and their connection is a quite clever twist even if their ultimate motives still feel underdone.

The love interest isn't a screaming helpless girl and how they handle it especially towards the end is quite mature, but she's not a particularly interesting character either. Alfred is handled nicely, Gordon especially seems to get some good stuff here. Even some of the plain human side characters like Lucius, Earle, Falcone, etc. are going to be interesting to see onscreen.

The action towards the end admittedly gets overly theatrical, but otherwise its quite shocking how un-blockbusterish this is, it plays more like an old-fashioned movie which allows its story to unfold than a big action spectacle - indeed the closest film I can think of in comparison is the first "Superman" and even to some extent "Spider-Man", in other words its very much a restart right from the beginning. With Nolan in charge it'll be interesting to see how it all turns out.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks

Gold Trumpet

My confidence level in this project just sank 50%. Too much shit going on and half of it likely will come across as goofy. I mean, come on, "a bunch of ninjas"???


yeah it seems like they are packing way too much into one film.


actually reading that makes me more at ease with the whole thing.  but whatever happens, at the very least its a new batman movie (and cant be any worse than Batman and Robin), and at its best it could be the best adaptation ever and a truly original different spin on a 'comic book movie' showcasing everything that makes Batman interesting and making a great movie out of it.  i guess we'll see.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


All I have to say is, so far, it sounds good.  I'm thinking this may turn out to be a longer movie.  Again, this better not suck. As for the Batman Year One references, they seem long gone by this synopsis.  I'm glad Gordon and Alfred are becoming a larger part of the story. I'm a little worried about the love interest 'Rachel' that just seems to be thrown in there. I've been waiting for a strong female lead in a Batman movie, and the closest was Michelle Pfiefer as Catwoman (and now Catwoman's good name seems to be trampled on by the new movie). I'm still hoping for the best and I hope Nolan can juggle all those plot points and keep them steady.


Laurence Fishburne Up for Batman Role?
Source: Dark Horizons

The casting rumors for Batman: Intimidation are flying left and right now. Here's the latest from Dark Horizons...

Laurence Fishburne is apparently being considered for a three-picture deal (ala Michael Caine) for the small but vital role of Lucius Fox. Nolan is believed to be doggedly pursuing Chris Cooper for Gordon despite the actor turning down initial offers.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffinNolan is believed to be doggedly pursuing Chris Cooper for Gordon despite the actor turning down initial offers.

Now that I would love to see!  He would do such a great job with that role.


Freeman a "lock" for Fox? Batmobile description?

LATINO REVIEW is reporting that Morgan Freeman has "...been in talks and its 90% certain that he will get the part [of Lucius Fox]." On Monday, Batman-On-Film was the first to report this from a new source that proved to be legit. This report from LR throws a bit more weight behind that rumor.

SUPERHERO HYPE has an unconfirmed report of what the Batmobile will look like. The scooper decribes Batman's wheels as "2 F1 style tires at front, and four huge monstertruck style nobbly tires at rear. Batmobile not long, but wide, also has jet at rear. 2 seater side byside, it was mobile and driving. The one I saw had no shell." The website also claims that the "Batman costume has short ears and that the Batmobile is indeed complete and ready for filming."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffinLATINO REVIEW is reporting that Morgan Freeman has "...been in talks and its 90% certain that he will get the part [of Lucius Fox]."

They are fitting a lot of characters into this movie.  It makes me a little worried, but I like how the casting is going. I would love to see Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox (even if the character looked like Al Roker in the cartoon).