david lynch's genius protege....Eli ROTH..

Started by NEON MERCURY, January 24, 2004, 10:39:22 PM

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Quote from: Eli Roth
"I mean, I went into Warner Bros. and I said, 'I want to kill more kids than Schindler's List.' And they were like, 'Okay, all right.' They were totally down with that."
wow.  taken out of context....no, just wow.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


In the Future with Eli Roth
Source: ComingSoon.net

Making an appearance at the 2nd Annual New York Comic-Con to debut a few clips and talk about his upcoming sequel Hostel: Part II, the excitable Eli Roth told ComingSoon.net whether he'd take the opportunity to meet with author Stephen King, who was also at the con, being that Roth's attached to direct the adaptation of King's novel Cell. "I'm trying to do as much press stuff as I can and I know he's pretty swamped," he told us, "but we're trying to link up. I know there's a plan in the future for us to meet if we don't get to meet today."

When asked about the low-budget horror flick called The Signal, which premiered at this year's Sundance Film Festival, and its similarities to the premise of Cell, without batting a lash he responded, "You see these movies come out and it's weird. That movie 'The Signal' coming out of Sundance, yeah, I heard about it. When 'Cell' was going, my friend who was at Sundance told me that there's this movie that is a similar thing. I haven't seen 'The Signal." I know it's got a similar premise than 'Cell' but what are you going to do? I think that where I'm going with 'Cell' is so far different than what they did with 'Signal' and I also know that some people say 'The Signal' is great, some people say it's not so great. I know it's similar territory. In 'Hostel" and 'Saw' there were similar things and it's just similar territory, there's nothing you can do about it. I remember there was a movie I was going to make called 'Ice Cream Man,' this idea I had with a friend, we had it all written out beat for beat and then I watched the Serrador film called 'Who Can Kill a Child,' I saw it two weeks ago. And I'm like, 'Oh, my God! It's the same movie!' and it's very similar to 'The Signal' and it's very similar to 'Cell.' So there are just certain ideas that get out there in the ether. Look, what can you do? You just go out and make the best film that you can and if there's films that are similar territory, as long as they're both good films, I think people will go see them."

And responding to whether or not he'd actually see the movie before making Cell: "I'm not thinking about anything else except 'Hostel: Part II' right now, that's really it. If I'm working on 'Cell' I probably would see 'The Signal' at some point just so I don't... you know, the 'Saw' guys, we check in with each other. They call me and they're like 'Oh, we just filmed this f*ckin' scene and we got this guy and he's got all these piercings and we're going to rip 'em out and he blows up.' And I'm like, 'Okay, F*ck! I had cut to interior torture room, Whitney gets her belly button ring ripped out.' And I just crossed it out of the script. 'Godd*mn it! That was the perfect torture!'. We actually check in with each other, none of us want to repeat the same deaths they're doing. I notice there's the same plastic sheeting in 'Saw III' then we had in 'Hostel: Part II' but it's okay. I guess Jigsaw and the factory, they all go to the same Torture Depot. We check in and talk about every kill and about what got in through the MPAA. There's a real good 'Splat Pack Line of Communication'."

i think he comes off like a real dick right there.  just a few years ago he was the little guy making Cabin Fever out of nowhere and 2 movie later he's already subtley trashing the new guy for doing it down and dirty and first when he should be getting behind them for supporting horror movies.  how quickly things change.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


This just has me imagining: what if Michael Haneke was always talking about his movies all the time like this... "Duuuuude, this part is gonna blow your mind!  Wait for it, wait... wait... OHHHHH DUDE that was fucked up, right?  My next movie's gonna be even more fucked up.  Totally.  Yeah we're gonna win Cannes with it I think."


King OK'd Roth's Cell Take

Eli Roth, who will direct the feature-film version of Stephen King's best-seller Cell, told SCI FI Wire that he won the endorsement of the famously finicky author for his version of the story. "My first question when I adapted it was can I deviate from the book?" Roth said in an interview in Beverly Hills, Calif., on March 25 while promoting Grindhouse, in which he has a small part. "It's Stephen King. Am I going to piss off Stephen King? He was mad at Stanley Kubrick [who adapted King's The Shining], I don't want him mad at me. And, finally, Stephen King was like, 'Do whatever you want.'"

Roth (Hostel) and writers Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski are now writing the script for Cell, based on King's apocalyptic book in which a mysterious cell phone "pulse" drives some people insane all over the world, turning them into ravening killers.

Roth said that he would necessarily change elements of King's book, while maintaining other elements. "I love the opening [scene]," Roth said. "But I also want to keep, ... not necessarily that same chaotic tone, but I want to keep the tension of the opening 40 pages of the book going throughout the whole film and introduce other elements. Because I think the book, for me, where it loses tension is where suddenly you don't feel like the phone crazies are trying to kill them. ... I find that it's finding other ways to make it so you still feel the tension that any second you could get killed [and] carrying that throughout the whole film."

Roth, a native of Boston, added that he hopes to shoot the movie in that city, where it is set. And he'd even like to persuade King to make a cameo in the movie, which Roth will begin after he wraps the upcoming sequel Hostel 2.

"If he'd like to, sure," Roth said of a King cameo. "There's always room. That's the good thing about Cell. Because it's like crazy people running around trying to [kill you] It's like everybody gets a cameo."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Roth Loves Trailer Trash
Source: Sci-Fi Wire

Eli Roth, director of such gorefests as Hostel and Cabin Fever, told SCI FI Wire that he is developing a film called Trailer Trash, which will be made up entirely of fake trailers for nonexistent films. "I want to make a movie like Borat or Jackass or that kind of movie that's literally just completely ridiculous, totally silly and absurd, that's just all fake trailers," Roth said in an interview at the Saturn Awards in Universal City, Calif., on May 10. "And I have a great way to tie it all together and make it so it's narrative. ... I have a genius way to tie it all together so that it will actually play like a movie."

Roth was inspired by the experience of creating a trailer for the fictional horror film Thanksgiving for Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino's recent homage to exploitation films, Grindhouse. "That Thanksgiving trailer was the most fun I've ever had shooting anything," he said. "There was no responsibility whatsoever. I didn't have to follow continuity. It didn't matter if we lost an actor the next day. It's all money shots. It's literally, every shot is just such a crowd pleaser. It's like every shot's nudity, death, decapitation or a joke. It's like, I want to do a whole movie of that."

Although the concept could be done on a small scale, Roth said he wants to spend enough money to make the trailers as realistic as possible. "I want to do this with a budget," he said. "Because they've got to look like movies. But literally, I'll have the satisfaction [of feeling] like I made 30 movies. Because the thing with Thanksgiving was, it's ridiculous, but you kind of feel like you saw a real movie, because you have the best parts of the movie in your head."

Roth added that he has had a great response so far from fellow filmmakers with whom he's shared his idea, including Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz director Edgar Wright and makeup effects wizard Greg Nicotero. "I've already talked to Edgar Wright, Greg Nicotero," he said. "I've talked to a bunch of people about doing it. Everyone's like, 'Let me know when you're down for Trailer Trash.' Robert Rodriguez, everyone's like, 'I want to do a trailer!'"
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


it's not a bad idea, i just wish someone with more eloquence did it.  or someone more serious..  fuck this, it's a bad idea.
context, context, context.

grand theft sparrow

This is a great idea as long as it's made specifically for youtube.  As much as I enjoyed the Grindhouse trailers, even I'm not paying $10 to see 90 minutes of that shit.


he should make it a double feature with 3 back-to-back episodes of World's Greatest Commercials and at the end announce civilization officially over.
under the paving stones.


Eli Roth is the generation after ours Brett Ratner.

I'm still hip to the times and I hate this assholes spiky ass haircut.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


What I Hate
Our film critic explains why she refuses to cover ''Captivity'' and other ''torture-porn horror'' flicks
By Lisa Schwarzbaum; Entertainment Weekly

This week, my colleague Owen Gleiberman describes the majority of Captivity as being ''not sick enough to disturb anyone who'd go to see this film.'' For the sake of readers who appreciate guidance in the nuances of the genre referred to as ''torture-porn horror,'' I'm glad Owen took the assignment. I wouldn't.

It's quite simple: I hate these movies. I won't see these movies. Never saw Saw or its sequels, never will. I'm not impressed with the ''quality'' of the gore or the ''wit'' of the filmmaking. I'm not enjoyably scared; I'm horrified, and not in the way horror fans get off on, groaning and screaming with pack-mentality excitement. Instead, my horror is one of disturbance and anger: Who makes this vile crap? What is remotely defensible about a movie like Captivity, in which a woman is abducted and tortured for the sake of ticket sales? Nothing, that's what. While moviegoers can vote with withheld wallets, I vote with my computer keyboard. Or rather, the silence of the keys, as I stay away from stuff I have no stomach for seeing, even on the job.


More Eli Roth Whining About Anti-Torture Porn Media; Disses EW Female Film Critic
Source: Deadline Hollywood

Disgusting filmmaker Eli Roth sounds increasingly desperate. (Recall when he reacted badly to the failure of his Hostel II)? Here's the latest from his MySpace:

"And did anyone read that absurd article by Lisa Schwartzbaum in Entertainment Weekly, about how she'd never watch a "Torture Porn" film? I think it's time for her to hang up her critic's pen. I mean, seriously, I hate to break it to you Lisa, but there is no such thing as "torture porn." It's a made up term, made up by people who don't understand these movies, who are afraid to even watch them, and who feel some bizarre sense of moral obligation to warn the public about them, despite the fact they don't watch them and never would. Lisa Schwartzbaum has let others define for her what the films are - she admits that she's never seen any of the Saw films, and that she never would. Well, why wouldn't you? Because someone else TOLD you that's what they were? Are you that weak minded that you couldn't even decide these things for yourself? What makes me sick is her smug, holier-than-thou attitude, as if to say "I wouldn't watch these films because I don't enjoy torture!" Well, no shit lady, nobody does, but maybe these films are actually making a statement about torture.

Would you not watch Three Kings because there's torture in it? What about Marathon Man? And are you implying that the millions and millions of people who do watch these films actually endorse torture themselves? No, it seems to me you're directly saying it. Well, I have a suggestion: GET ANOTHER JOB. I'm not saying you have to like every movie made, but you do have to see every movie made if you're going to be a critic, and watch them with a critical eye. But you're watching them with a prejudice, a prejudice that was decided for you not by the filmmakers, but by some jealous critic who probably wishes he had the balls to actually write and direct his own movie, but who never would because he's too fucking chickenshit to put himself out there where anyone can take shots at him. It's too bad, she doesn't know what she's missing. Which is why I'm thankful they have Owen Glieberman over there, who's someone who clearly gets it.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks



I'm with the EW lady on this.

And I find Roth's argument incredibly retarded.  He ignores Schwarzbaum's actual statement, and instead invents another argument to counter: that to watch these movies is to personally endorse torture.  Even then, he argues against that very badly.  When he brings up Three Kings and Marathon Man...  :doh:

Also, the supposed statements that these movies are making about torture have all been shit.


Quote from: Eli Roth on September 24, 2007, 11:10:23 PM
But you're watching them with a prejudice, a prejudice that was decided for you not by the filmmakers, but by some jealous critic who probably wishes he had the balls to actually write and direct his own movie, but who never would because he's too fucking chickenshit to put himself out there where anyone can take shots at him.

This is the only part I disagree with him (here he's being like the asshole critics who review Shyamalan movies by writing he masturbates whenever he sees himself on film, and whatever). But except for that, he makes a really good point. A regular member of the audicnece could say what the EW lady said, but not a film critic, whose job is to watch movies and review them. If you don't watch them, you shut the fuck up and simply ignore it, but you don't write an article about stuff you've never even seen.


Quote from: Eli "Douchebag" Roth on September 24, 2007, 11:10:23 PMWell, I have a suggestion: GET ANOTHER JOB.

well, I have a suggestion: LEAVE HER ALONE!!!

The Sheriff

he coulda just said "i never dated her, i never met her in person, but shes a rabid cow bitch."
id fuck ayn rand

children with angels

Schwarzbaum is a terrible film critic. To assume that any 'type' of film will always be the same, or always carry the same meaning, is ridiculous and critically very shallow. As I said in the Hostel II thread, I think that film is, for example, actually very defensible in terms of its sexual politics. Captivity happens to be too: they're both pretty blatantly ABOUT the victimisation of women, not intent on perpetuating it. For anyone who's interested, I go into more detail about this issue in my review of Hostel II here: http://www.alternatetakes.co.uk/?2007,7,166 .

Not all 'torture-porn' movies are particularly interesting. I thought the first Hostel was a sexist, homophobic rant, for example, and I too am not convinced by the argument that they're de facto good for bringing up the issue of torture in the time of Guantanamo. But equally they're not all indefensible, and as such they have to be assessed on an individual basis - that's just common sense, and to say otherwise is just dumb.
"Should I bring my own chains?"
"We always do..."
