not the most popular thread anymore, donnie darko and homos.

Started by SubstanceD, February 18, 2003, 07:02:07 PM

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Quote from: Jeremy BlackmanRecognizing irony on this board is a good way to prevent arguments... I learned that a long time ago.

No irony on this board...


And "Donnie Darko" is a good movie, albeit one that never really figured out what it was trying to say.
My house, my rules, my coffee


this board needs a good injection of budgie in it somewhere

Duck Sauce

A lot of Budgie's beauty comes from her long disapearences. I miss her


Quote from: Duck SauceA lot of Budgie's beauty comes from her long disapearences. I miss her

dios mio.


The first time I saw Donnie Darko, I was really into it and I couldn't wait to see it again.  I actually went as far as to buy it on DVD.  But after maybe the third time of watching it, I really started to see the flaws in it, and it became really cheesy and uninteresting.  and I totally agree with the guy that was going off on the DVD commentary.  I lost so much respect for the movie after listening to that commentary (that's probably the first time that has happend, usually I gain more respect).

But at the end of the day, it's the guy's first movie, and I think he generally did a good job with his inexperience and I am interested to see what he does next.
"Come on Bart, we're going to see an R rated movie.  It's called Barton Fink."


Quote from: Duck SauceA lot of Budgie's beauty comes from her long disapearences. I miss her

Not as much as I do.  :yabbse-cry:
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Well, gents. Xixax isn't completely babeless. We have BonBon!
Quote from: Pas RapportI don't need a dick in my anus to know I absolutely don't want a dick in my anus.


I don't think I've ever actually seen any of budgie's posts. I hear about her a she a long time poster? What's the story with budgie?


Quote from: Pas RapportI don't need a dick in my anus to know I absolutely don't want a dick in my anus.

Duck Sauce

Gold Trumpet

I fnally saw Way of The Gun, or well, tried to. After the first hour, I had to shut it off due to it being unbelievably bad. It was a movie made like it felt every single scene possible had to be cute or clever with dialogue and never before have I seen a movie with more guns with less purpose than this one. I don't think I went 3 minutes without a gun being somewhere present in the story. The storyline was cheesy beyond belief and I was forced to grit my teeth and bare a 10 minute kidnapping of a pregnant woman in such silly fashion. Its amazing how much of Hollywood is liberal and against NRA but they have movies that go beyond anything promotion wise by the NRA can do to boost appeal for them. If I was in charge of the NRA, I'd love Hollywood. Movies have ton of more influence than some Baldwin complaining.



i felt the very similar about Way of the Gun, a movie i really wanted to see but i couldn't get through the first 45 mins....and Donnie Darko was an excellent movie, a movie i still love, but i'm glad other cinephiles had a hard time putting together the disjuncted plot, even after listening to the commentary. It must not be me...Also, i think it almost purposeful on Kelly's part to make this a bit of cult favorite, given the references to Evil Dead, the Smurfs, and Married with Children (almost forgot about Joy Division). That alone subjects it to the claims of being overrated. Surprised no one brought that up. It is what it is. :roll:
the rumble of the train trails off to infinity, a place where no one goes anymore

JC, no not that one


I loved Donnie Darko...I'll never say I understood it but I fucking loved it. It was just a cool, at parts...really funny movie. Jake G is great and I'm in love with his sister. I've only seen it once, I've been wanting to watch it again ever since I bought it...I just think it's really cool. I'm a simple guy.


Quote from: XixaxWell, gents. Xixax isn't completely babeless. We have BonBon!

Quote from: BonBon85
Quote from: bigideas
Question 2: where is the best place (cheapest) to buy new Criterion?

And she can redirect!   :yabbse-thumbup:
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks

Sigur Rós

I didn't understand Donnie Darko either :) . I really loved it the first time I saw it and I couldn't wait to go' buy it. But when you have seen this film about 3 times you start to see its faults and, sometimes, ignoring dialoges (Drew Barrymore). I think that the script i the main problem. Gary Kelly is simple not experienced enough to write all the dialoges realistic and homogenic. But give this guy 1 maybe 2 films more and he will be even better..........and least i hope so :-D (damn love these smilies)