not the most popular thread anymore, donnie darko and homos.

Started by SubstanceD, February 18, 2003, 07:02:07 PM

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i know you worked hard on this , but i have to interject that i never would have said

" well said lester"


Quote from: Hot Puerto Rican Lovei know you worked hard on this , but i have to interject that i never would have said

" well said lester"

yeah, but it's a summary, right?  all irony and sarcasm have been neutralized, so you'll never be able to tell what's what.


Quote from: sphinx
Quote from: Hot Puerto Rican Lovei know you worked hard on this , but i have to interject that i never would have said

" well said lester"

yeah, but it's a summary, right?  all irony and sarcasm have been neutralized, so you'll never be able to tell what's what.

i know i was just kidding

im impressed really with your ambition to turn a simple post into something else


Damn, and we thought Tarantino had too much time on his hands.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


any chance of seeing sphinx in the audience of american idol, or at the least in a movie theather yelling " royale with cheese royale with cheese"


On a lighter note, judging from sphinx's Reader's Digestion of the entire thread, we have all done our share to make sure the title of this topic belies itself in a major way.
""Money doesn't come into it. It never has. I do what I do because it's all that I am." - Morrissey

"Lacan stressed more and more in his work the power and organizing principle of the symbolic, understood as the networks, social, cultural, and linguistic, into which a child is born. These precede the birth of a child, which is why Lacan can say that language is there from before the actual moment of birth. It is there in the social structures which are at play in the family and, of course, in the ideals, goals, and histories of the parents. This world of language can hardly be grasped by the newborn and yet it will act on the whole of the child's existence."

Stay informed on protecting your freedom of speech and civil rights.


the very reason this thread has gone this long says a lot

if this topic was brought up a few years ago , it would not have went this long

and the very fact that it is not just one person against a whole website, brings to mind that this is a very real issue .

i think a lot of us who write paint act sing whatever  are feeling a post 90's backlash

Much like it was ok to goof on hair metal back in 2003 , its ok now to goof on the ultra liberal p.c types

so one could say that the same way rage against the machine burn the american flag, some people go out of their ways to use the word gay as a way to put down something  .

but still i point out that maybe some people here would not be so quick to stand up for somebody if they shout out a opinion that is not in vouge.



Jeremy Blackman

Best thread summary ever.

Although I see you edited out the communism.


Quote from: Jeremy BlackmanBest thread summary ever.

Although I see you edited out the communism.

yeah, that was a bit tricky.  the thread started to get looser near the end


you skipped the part about tom jones disco and the dukes of hazzard


Quote from: Hot Puerto Rican Loveyou skipped the part about tom jones disco and the dukes of hazzard

well hey guys, when adapting a 24 page thread into 1 post, some stuff has to go. of course the whole thread has more character developement and more scenes but what can you do?


Quote from: cecil b. demented
Quote from: Hot Puerto Rican Loveyou skipped the part about tom jones disco and the dukes of hazzard

well hey guys, when adapting a 24 page thread into 1 post, some stuff has to go. of course the whole thread has more character developement and more scenes but what can you do?

but come on now the dukes the dukes


i heard david mamets version kept the dukes, but the producers didnt like it cause it slowed the whole post down.