not the most popular thread anymore, donnie darko and homos.

Started by SubstanceD, February 18, 2003, 07:02:07 PM

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im not attacking anyone personally here, but why do people feel to clear up the fact that theyre "not gay?"


Quote from: cecil b. dementedim not attacking anyone personally here, but why do people feel to clear up the fact that theyre "not gay?"

because they do not want people to think they are gay


yeah but why? most of the time the person doesnt even say anything that would lead anyone to believe that he (cause mostly these people are men) is gay...


Quote from: cecil b. dementedyeah but why? most of the time the person doesnt even say anything that would lead anyone to believe that he (cause mostly these people are men) is gay...

because for the most part people do not want other people to think they are gay

that does not make them bad people, i know the p.c police have spoon fed that story to people but its not true

i do not think a person saying " i am not gay" makes them a bad person

i think beating and killing a person because they are gay is wrong

but me saying i find man on man butt sex gross, some people want to tie that together with the killing and the beating, when their is no real line to be drawn.

now i know godardian will jump in right now and try and tie the two together, but that does not make it so

one can draw a line this way too, saying some old lady in maryland eating at dairy queen is responcible for barry mannilow changing his image to be more gangsta rap

is hating someone just because they are gay right ????? NO

Is being honest with your self by saying that the concept kind of gives you the heebie geebies wrong ? NO

and thats the point, the p.c police need to to take a better look at who they are coming down on, that was not a cheap gay pun by the way .



Quote from: Hot Puerto Rican Love
Quote from: cecil b. dementedyeah but why? most of the time the person doesnt even say anything that would lead anyone to believe that he (cause mostly these people are men) is gay...

because for the most part people do not want other people to think they are gay

that does not make them bad people, i know the p.c police have spoon fed that story to people but its not true

i do not think a person saying " i am not gay" makes them a bad person

i think beating and killing a person because they are gay is wrong

but me saying i find man on man butt sex gross, some people want to tie that together with the killing and the beating, when their is no real line to be drawn.

now i know godardian will jump in right now and try and tie the two together, but that does not make it so

one can draw a line this way too, saying some old lady in maryland eating at dairy queen is responcible for barry mannilow changing his image to be more gangsta rap

is hating someone just because they are gay right ????? NO

Is being honest with your self by saying that the concept kind of gives you the heebie geebies wrong ? NO

and thats the point, the p.c police need to to take a better look at who they are coming down on, that was not a cheap gay pun by the way .

This is just childishness. Please, please, at least read a book or SOMETHING so you can articulate your focused and persistent turmoil of feelings on this in a way that's not so embarrassing... it's like arguing with somebody who only heard of the concept of human sexuality yesterday. It's taboo, it's superstition you're talking about here. This is not the place to argue it. I'm here. I happen to be gay. That may come up from time to time, but it's not my preferred topic of conversation, really. It's nothing to me. It's only an issue to some of you people. A very important one, judging from how often the idea came up all the fucking time, long before I ever started posting.

In fact, nobody would have to discuss the issue of "gay" here in this much detail if there wasn't such a fucking ugly, fearful, ignorant strain of animosity hiding amongst all the other naughty-little-boy, regressive, adolescent, cowering-and-giggling sexuality that runs rampant all over this place. When every other post is about how someone's protesting that they're not gay and how hot Sarah Michelle Gellar is and- in MINUTE detail- the things they'd like to do to her, it really, really begs the issue. You would all be horrified, absolutely horrified, if I were to discuss my lusts and preferences in the same way you do. And that's fucking hypocrisy. I guess it's just lucky for you that I'm mature enough not to feel the desperate need to share that kind of thing with you all. If your hypocrisy makes you uncomfortable, well, it bloody fucking well should; my mildly-relatively, VERY mildly- professed sexual orientation shouldn't. It shouldn't cause any of you to blink an eye for one fucking microsecond, with the kinds of things I see posted here.

If I'm not going to complain about getting the heebie-jeebies because of the endless parade of men here who constantly, constantly flaunt their sexuality in all kinds of stupid, insulting, juvenile ways- and frankly, it doesn't give me the heebie-jeebies, because I've learned to understand and accept sexuality different than my own- please at least have the common courtesy not to call mine "gross" unprovoked. It's a double standard, and I won't tolerate it. When this kind of stupidity goes on here, I'm not just going to let it go by without comment, because I have every right to feel welcome here- not always agreed with, not loved, not liked, just equally welcome- and I don't find many people's attitudes here welcoming in the SLIGHTEST.

So... I'll talk about movies and so on rationally, enthusiastically, sometimes heatedly but always with as much respect as I can muster, until someone makes some derogatory, unprovoked comment. I don't have to just be silent for that. There's really no reason to discuss it here, but if someone's going to bring it up in some derogatory, ignorant way, I'm going to provide the balance, so at least it's not all one-sided, thoughtless bullying.
""Money doesn't come into it. It never has. I do what I do because it's all that I am." - Morrissey

"Lacan stressed more and more in his work the power and organizing principle of the symbolic, understood as the networks, social, cultural, and linguistic, into which a child is born. These precede the birth of a child, which is why Lacan can say that language is there from before the actual moment of birth. It is there in the social structures which are at play in the family and, of course, in the ideals, goals, and histories of the parents. This world of language can hardly be grasped by the newborn and yet it will act on the whole of the child's existence."

Stay informed on protecting your freedom of speech and civil rights.

Jeremy Blackman

Quote from: Hot Puerto Rican Lovebecause for the most part people do not want other people to think they are gay

that does not make them bad people, i know the p.c police have spoon fed that story to people but its not true

It's like you think of yourself as an Arab living in the U.S. saying "I'm not a terrorist"...

Face it... you're proud that you're not gay.

The fact that you go out of your way on a regular basis to make your heterosexuality widely known suggests a fear. Maybe not an ever-present fear.. but still a fear. Afraid of being gay? Afraid of being seen as gay? Afraid of knowing what it's like to be gay?

Are you afraid that if you sympathize too much with someone who is gay, you'll become a little too close.. just a little?

atticus jones

its all a bit geigh really

"man is the only animal who causes pain to others with no other object than wanting to do so"

re vibing the quote tip per p re quest
my cause is the cause of a man who has never been defeated, and whose whole being is one all devouring, god given holy purpose


Quote from: Jeremy Blackman
Quote from: Hot Puerto Rican Lovebecause for the most part people do not want other people to think they are gay

that does not make them bad people, i know the p.c police have spoon fed that story to people but its not true

It's like you think of yourself as an Arab living in the U.S. saying "I'm not a terrorist"...

Face it... you're proud that you're not gay.

The fact that you go out of your way on a regular basis to make your heterosexuality widely known suggests a fear. Maybe not an ever-present fear.. but still a fear. Afraid of being gay? Afraid of being seen as gay? Afraid of knowing what it's like to be gay?

Are you afraid that if you sympathize too much with someone who is gay, you'll become a little too close.. just a little?

Thank you for being so level-headed and reasonable and keeping your cool, here (some of us, um, lost our cool over this).
""Money doesn't come into it. It never has. I do what I do because it's all that I am." - Morrissey

"Lacan stressed more and more in his work the power and organizing principle of the symbolic, understood as the networks, social, cultural, and linguistic, into which a child is born. These precede the birth of a child, which is why Lacan can say that language is there from before the actual moment of birth. It is there in the social structures which are at play in the family and, of course, in the ideals, goals, and histories of the parents. This world of language can hardly be grasped by the newborn and yet it will act on the whole of the child's existence."

Stay informed on protecting your freedom of speech and civil rights.

Sigur Rós

Quote from: cecil b. dementedim not attacking anyone personally here, but why do people feel to clear up the fact that theyre "not gay?"

Because we are fucking homophobic!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sigur Rós

Quote from: mogwai
Quote from: Sigur Rós
Quote from: cecil b. dementedim not attacking anyone personally here, but why do people feel to clear up the fact that theyre "not gay?"

Because we are fucking homophobic!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Speak for yourself, Sigur.

Yeah, sorry! I'm actually not homophobic.....


Quote from: godardian
Quote from: Hot Puerto Rican Love
Quote from: cecil b. dementedyeah but why? most of the time the person doesnt even say anything that would lead anyone to believe that he (cause mostly these people are men) is gay...

because for the most part people do not want other people to think they are gay

that does not make them bad people, i know the p.c police have spoon fed that story to people but its not true

i do not think a person saying " i am not gay" makes them a bad person

i think beating and killing a person because they are gay is wrong

but me saying i find man on man butt sex gross, some people want to tie that together with the killing and the beating, when their is no real line to be drawn.

now i know godardian will jump in right now and try and tie the two together, but that does not make it so

one can draw a line this way too, saying some old lady in maryland eating at dairy queen is responcible for barry mannilow changing his image to be more gangsta rap

is hating someone just because they are gay right ????? NO

Is being honest with your self by saying that the concept kind of gives you the heebie geebies wrong ? NO

and thats the point, the p.c police need to to take a better look at who they are coming down on, that was not a cheap gay pun by the way .

This is just childishness. Please, please, at least read a book or SOMETHING so you can articulate your focused and persistent turmoil of feelings on this in a way that's not so embarrassing... it's like arguing with somebody who only heard of the concept of human sexuality yesterday. It's taboo, it's superstition you're talking about here. This is not the place to argue it. I'm here. I happen to be gay. That may come up from time to time, but it's not my preferred topic of conversation, really. It's nothing to me. It's only an issue to some of you people. A very important one, judging from how often the idea came up all the fucking time, long before I ever started posting.

In fact, nobody would have to discuss the issue of "gay" here in this much detail if there wasn't such a fucking ugly, fearful, ignorant strain of animosity hiding amongst all the other naughty-little-boy, regressive, adolescent, cowering-and-giggling sexuality that runs rampant all over this place. When every other post is about how someone's protesting that they're not gay and how hot Sarah Michelle Gellar is and- in MINUTE detail- the things they'd like to do to her, it really, really begs the issue. You would all be horrified, absolutely horrified, if I were to discuss my lusts and preferences in the same way you do. And that's fucking hypocrisy. I guess it's just lucky for you that I'm mature enough not to feel the desperate need to share that kind of thing with you all. If your hypocrisy makes you uncomfortable, well, it bloody fucking well should; my mildly-relatively, VERY mildly- professed sexual orientation shouldn't. It shouldn't cause any of you to blink an eye for one fucking microsecond, with the kinds of things I see posted here.

If I'm not going to complain about getting the heebie-jeebies because of the endless parade of men here who constantly, constantly flaunt their sexuality in all kinds of stupid, insulting, juvenile ways- and frankly, it doesn't give me the heebie-jeebies, because I've learned to understand and accept sexuality different than my own- please at least have the common courtesy not to call mine "gross" unprovoked. It's a double standard, and I won't tolerate it. When this kind of stupidity goes on here, I'm not just going to let it go by without comment, because I have every right to feel welcome here- not always agreed with, not loved, not liked, just equally welcome- and I don't find many people's attitudes here welcoming in the SLIGHTEST.

So... I'll talk about movies and so on rationally, enthusiastically, sometimes heatedly but always with as much respect as I can muster, until someone makes some derogatory, unprovoked comment. I don't have to just be silent for that. There's really no reason to discuss it here, but if someone's going to bring it up in some derogatory, ignorant way, I'm going to provide the balance, so at least it's not all one-sided, thoughtless bullying.

again i have to point out that this all started because i called a film gay and i was beat up for it, so on that issue alone yeah kind of sensitive

and i am trying unlearn the lessons that some of us were force fed.

why is it ok to come down on some people but not others .

i could say redneckish and not a fucking peep

its like that debate about religion , if a rock star finds jesus he is called a freak and he is made to feel like shit, but if he becomes a buddists well he is the fucking man

and godardian, i can bet that i am better read then you, but since i do not go around pushing my tastes the way you do, its hard for you to tell

i like godard a lot, just because i do not name drop him in my fucking screen name does not make you a bigger fan

it just says you want people to think you are cool by leeching on to someone elses cool .

children with angels

Rednecks... compared to... Homosexuality.........?

Christianity/Buddhism..... compared to...... Homosexuality......?


No one's saying you're gay, man.
No one's saying you want to kill gay people either.
Being tolerant of other people's sexuality is just a matter of common decency - it's nothing to do with the "P.C police". It's common fucking decency. You don't have to be over-the-top nice about it - just don't be so uptight about it either, man...! What you see as post-political-correctness enlightenment is just coming accross as pre-political correctness bigotry.
"Should I bring my own chains?"
"We always do..."


Quote from: children with angelsRednecks... compared to... Homosexuality.........?

Christianity/Buddhism..... compared to...... Homosexuality......?


No one's saying you're gay, man.
No one's saying you want to kill gay people either.
Being tolerant of other people's sexuality is just a matter of common decency - it's nothing to do with the "P.C police". It's common fucking decency. You don't have to be over-the-top nice about it - just don't be so uptight about it either, man...! What you see as post-political-correctness enlightenment is just coming accross as pre-political correctnes bigotry.

And does big font make things somehow better ?

i think people need to mellow out some.

the redneck thing by the way goes like this, can  people help where they are born no, are they wrong for having values that are differnt then your's and mine.

but like i said its ok to slam some people and not others


i consider this to be my finest post.  ladies and gentlemen, a complete summary of this thread for those who missed it.

substance d:
donnie darko is sloppy.

yes i suppose so

duck sauce:
nah i thought it was cool

i pity the foo who hates DD

it was good but with flaws

fuck bryan singer and the usual suspects

cecil b. demented:

this thread is bullshit!

the gold trumpet:
dd isn't garbage, but it is overrated.

richard kelly is an amateur showoff.

cecil b. demented:
i disagree.

i disagree as well.

nope.  this one part was really unimportant

cecil b. demented:
no it wasn't

how was it not unimportant?

macguffin is wrong, it was important because you needed to establish shit.

i think dd was great, but with flaws.  oh yeah, x-men.

cecil b. demented:
what kind of x-men do you read?

both kinds.

donnie darko was amazing.  fuck you all

substance d:
kelly shouldn't have tried to explain it all.  that ruined it.

lick my ass, suspects was well written, but dd's dialogue made me cringe.  oh me, oh my

jena malone is phat

macguffin, you're wrong, everything had a purpose in that movie.

to the director, maybe.  i will watch it again

cbrad4d, that's sassy talk for a girl. i thought the usual suspects was good.

didn't have an anti-sassy nap today.

the gold trumpet:
hah, i am suprised that cbrad is a female.

hah, i am surprised that the gold trumpet is a screenwriter.

bill maplewood:
i thought dd was overrated too.

i can't take much of this anymore

i can't take much of this anymore

didn't like it.

gt, i'm just a guy who likes ponette.  fuck off

the gold trumpet:
fuck off?  whaaaaat?

phil marlowe:
why is everyone so edgy?

the gold trumpet:
being edgy is popular.

chill out, trumpet.

cbrad just changed his avatar to something more manly.  i laugh.

i miss ponette.

jeremy blackman:
recognize irony or die, muthafuckas!

fuck off.

jeremy blackman:
i hate you.  i would like to argue with you.

donnie darko was good.

we need a shot of budgie

duck sauce:
budgie is beautiful because she's missing.  sigh

me too

i lost respect for the movie after watching it a few times but am still interested.

nobody misses budgie as much as i do.

don't worry, there's plenty of other babes on the boards

who is the mysterious budgie?  i know nothing of her

duck sauce:
budgie is a soul shaker

the gold trumpet:
i saw 'way of the gun' and just turned it off.

i agree, but i thought dd was good.

i loved dd.

i am checking out another girl

sigur ros:
i didn't understand dd either.

the more i watch dd, the more i like it.  don't fuck with my love, kiddies

boondock saints was shit.  donnie darko was kewl.


i agree with xixax.

i just saw dd and had no idea what the fuck was going on there.
polkablues: i liked daredevil, by the way.

uh huh...

i thought daredevil was okay.

the music killed the movie.

yeah, but i had a good time watching it.

i liked daredevil because it fucking sucked

unrelated question!  did anyone find the cinematography in pi and reqiuem annoying?

children with angels:
i thought reqiuem was overrated.  boo.

yeah.  the guy who made it is full of shit

reqieum is repetitive.  wraa.  i enjoyed donnie dar....mmmm jake gyllenhaaaaaallllaalllallll

reqieum is gay

no, you're gay.

it just wasn't my thing.

maybe reqieum just wasn't enjoyed by all.

sorry about being a prick back there

don't use gay in the derogatory sense.


i don't tolerate the use of that word in such a sense.  blah blah blah

loosen up, sphinx

no, don't.  time for a scarf analogy

whoops, sorry xixax.  i was brainwashed by greg


i disagree with you but i enjoy the way you write your posts.

sphinx is gheyyy

wraaaa xixax

i wish requiem was directed by david lynch.

hmmm interesting.

there is only one person in the world that thinks dd is overrated.

you obviously haven't read the other posts in the thread, jackass.

indeed, snaporaz.

xixax, your views of the word gay are fucked up

donnie darko isn't a satire.  it's stupid

maybe i'm wrong but we shouldn't always try to be politically correct.  being gay is a choice, and it's morally and ethically wrong.


maybe you should try to be considerate of others hprl

okay, but i never said anything bad about gay people

i completely disagree with you, xixax.

dd is just a story, stupids.

[avoids general confusion]

i am black

fuck you, snaporaz.

i have a long penis.  heh heh heh

fuck you, cowboykurtis!

you're wrong, cowboykurtis.

no, it's just like this...and snaporaz isn't a big man!

oooooh, i'm scared.  try not to talk out of your ass next time, asshole

enough of this

xixax, you're an ignorant muthafucka

this is getting interesting.  i question your opinion, xixax

i agree, polkablues.

i still think being gay is wrong, but my gay friends disagree.  let's all talk about donnie darko

i think being gay is gross.

that was kind of uncalled for.

oooh, sorr-yy!

i am offended.

i think i have a good idea of what gay people are liked and they're not responsible.  they're sick, demented perverts


i'm divided on this issue.

snaporaz your opinion is based on what you saw in a gay porno theatre.  that's stupid of you.

the analogies in this thread are stupid.  i don't use the word fag to insult people because it hurts specific groups of people.

my opinion is based on what i know.  so there!

you may be entitled to an opinion, snaporaz, but you're being a bit of an ass

oh bullshit, get the fuck off my back, backfucker

i just don't care for your choice of words, that's all.

don't take my comments as some sort of a personal attack, motherfucker!

my brain hurts.  let's talk about creationism

xixax, people should be able to choose to be gay as much as they should be able to choose if they want to climb mount everest or drink of bottle of tequila for breakfast.  my two cents

jeremy blackman:
same here.

why is everybody getting so fucked up about this.

this thread is fucked up.  bonanzataz is the only one who has things straight around here.

xixax, it's easy to criticise political cortectness when you're not on the receiving end of it.

let's forget all this and talk about movies that suck.

poop hahah

xixax, i need you to clarify your point of view.

okay, done.  why can't we just move on?

if we go back, this all started because i called a film gay.

cecil b. demented:
irrelevant.  the thread has shifted into a new being.

i'll just not use the word gay if i think it's offend someone who is standing nearby.

you're right, taz.  xixax never said that we should kill fags, he just thought it was wrong.

duck sauce:
i think king of the hill is great.

me too.

are studio executives gay?

jeremy blackman:
i believe the correct word is 'ghey'

no, i meant gay.  as in homosexual.

duck sauce:
i enjoy how the simpsons has a lack of political correctness.

everyone just do your own thing.

even though i'm not gay, queer as folk is pretty good.

[no linking narrative at this point]

bill maplewood:
hprl, your father was a racist homophobe.

interesting words coming from a fag.

bill maplewood:
i don't think you know what you're talking about

okay then, fag

bill maplewood:
that's intelligent of you.  quick, everyone take this political test!

you're just feeding me

i did the test.

me too.  i think i'm the next gandhi.

i also think i'm the next gandhi.

i took the test too.

duck sauce:

oh shit, i took the test too!

oh well.

cecil b. demented:
what a fucking surprise. i took the test too

jeremy blackman:
me too.


i took the test and didn't understand the results.

blackman is a faker

i am a perfect being

the test says i think things that i don't.  what the fuck?

duck sauce:
you sayin' you hate gays?

pedro the wombat:
wow.  i took the test too.

why does this topic still exist?

in the spirit of not stopping a topic, i took the test too.

fuck it all, everything is just a spectrum.

cecil b. demented:
well said

jeremy blackman:
well said indeed

oh look, i took the test too, and i'm fucking gandhi.

well said lester, fuck everything.

unfortunately, lester, lines do exist.  sorry.

jeremy blackman:
oh, got him there.  well done budgie, i agree

blackman, you just contradicted yourself.

jeremy blackman:
err, ahh...hrmmm....heh?


my test results were ridiculously close to picolas'.  perhaps we are the same person?

i took the test and was dead center.

this is likely to go on forever.  perhaps it should be locked?

no, long threads is what makes life worth living.

hprl, you're full of shit.

let's all mellow out


i think we need to understand that using gay in a derogatory manner has an effect even if you think it doesn't, think of the suicidal kids

yes, but the suicide was their decision.

yeah, but you can still stop people from making that decision.

cecil b. demented:
some people are more sensitive than others.

but they're still responsible for their own suicides.

cecil b. demented:
it's not like he chooses what hurts him and what doesn't.

i'm just saying that if you kill yourself, it's your own fault.

but why not make a world where you wouldn't be pushed to make the decision?

all i'm saying is that i don't have any sympathy for people that kill themselves.  read the fucking words

cecil b. demented:
do you have any sympathy for people who are going through a rough time because of gay insults?

i don't want other people to hurt, i just don't sympathize for people who let that hurt control them.

don't get defensive, homeslice

cecil b. demented:
and all we're saying is that using gay like that is hurtful.

shut the fuck up!  we've established that!  there's no just no reason why you can't stop contributing to people's pain.

okay, sorry.  wait a minute, you don't me!  you don't know me!

i think he was just referring to people in general.  don't get defensive, homeslice

cowboykurtis, you're ignoring the fact that prejudice is the cause of these problems, and forcing everyone to be responsible for themselves is just as bad as attacking them.  ignorance feeds the problems

if i saw someone being attacked or mistreated, i would do my best to stop it.  it's not my problem, though, and why should it be?

but that means you do feel symptahy.  

i never said i didn't have sympathy for being people attacked, but after suicide you have no symptahy from me.  that's it.

cecil b. demented:
stop being so fucking angry

why does this topic still exist

cecil b. demented:
it's back because people don't care.

it's people's own fault that external things bother them.

and i'm not angry!  just read my fucking words!

cecil b. demented:
maybe you should try that yourself.

give me an example of where i've misread a post.

the gold trumpet:
i'm glad i stayed out of this.

i'm sad i didn't.

cecil b. demented:
we didn't accuse you of being a gay bashed, we just accused you of being insensitive

okay, i'm insensitive.

great now everyone shut the fuck up

your ignorance is the problem here, cowboy

[no narrative for this part]

this thread will live forever, like the kids from fame.

sigur ros:
i hate fame

how dare you speak blasphemy, those kids had sass

the gold trumpet:
this may truly be the sequel to peace out.

until somebody complains that the title of the thread is derogatory.

the gold trumpet:
let's have another fight!  who hates memento?

cecil b. demented:
i think some people just bash movies because they transition from obscure to popular.

the gold trumpet:
i always hated memento.

i remember this girl who always liked things until they became popular

matt damon should have replaced guy peace in memento.

the gold trumpet:
okay.  fuck you.

my opinion overrides yours at any time, so accept it.

[no narrative for this part]

i'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body.  would i live or die under the rules that we should kill all straight people?

you would be enslaved.

[no narrative]

this is all really stupid.

jeremy blackman:
are you afraid that you might turn gay, hprl?

it's all a bit geigh really

again, why is it that i get killed for calling something gay, but when people call someone a redneck they don't get shit?

children with angels:
what the fuck are you talking about?

i choose to dodge your question.

sphinx: everything