not the most popular thread anymore, donnie darko and homos.

Started by SubstanceD, February 18, 2003, 07:02:07 PM

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everytime i read one of bonanzataz posts i find myself singing

"Everyday, it's a gettin' closer, Goin' faster than a roller coaster..."


what the fuck is going on in this thread?

bonanzataz has the revolutionary forward way of thinking and anything else is unjustified passive aggression and misplaced denial.

worst argument ever.
under the paving stones.


Quote from: XixaxNevertheless, this whole "accept anything" politically correct mentality bothers me. It's as if we're afraid to say that anything is wrong these days.

I have a feeling that this is at least partly the motivation for a lot of the gay-bashing going on here, the whole fear of being part of a 'bland' society. It's easy to criticise political correctness (aka consideration and respect for difference) when you're not on the receiving end of abusive people who really are part of a bland majority and who are trying to spice up their own lives by acting 'rebellious'. Seems to me that is a behavioural choice.


Quote from: XixaxCreationism, anyone?

Holy Shit!  And after that can we discuss abortion or maybe cloning?

BTW- thank you Pedro, Cbrad, Bill Maplewood, Picolas, Jeremy Blackman, Polkablues, RegularKarate, bonanzataz, and Budgie.  I'm glad I'm not alone in this and America may still have hope for actual Gay rights.

As for Xixax and the others...well I don't hate but I can't say that I agree to disagree.  Opression, both social and legal, is something that I take very seriously.  Like I mentioned before, by embracing the opinion that Homosexuality is wrong then you are inherently supporting the oppression of Gay people in America.  That's pretty much all I have to say so I'm signing off this discussion.

So in an attempt to turn this thread back to film can we talk about how much "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" sucked and it's ridiculous that people have made that into a benchmark for how great an Indie film can be.  Shit, I'll probably be redirected 'cos this has probably been discussed already.
Gorobei Katayama: You're Good.
Heihachi Hayashida: Yeah, yeah. But I'm better at killing enemies.
Gorobei Katayama: Killed many?
Heihachi Hayashida: Well - It's impossible to kill 'em all, so I ususally run away.
Gorobei Katayama: A splendid principle!
Heihachi Hayashida: Thank you.


The corpses all hang headless and limp bodies with no surprises and the blood drains down like devil's rain we'll bathe tonight I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls Demon I am and face I peel to see your skin turned inside out, 'cause gotta have you on my wall gotta have you on my wall, 'cause I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls collect the heads of little girls and put 'em on my wall hack the heads off little girls and put 'em on my wall I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls


Quote from: cecil b. dementedi agree with xixax. there comes a time in everyboys life where he must decide whether to be gay or not. i flipped a coin. what did the rest of you do to choose?

A helluva good point, told in a humorous way.  Mmm...

Xixax... I just want to clarify something about your point of view... say you have two pictures in front of you; a naked woman, and a naked man... Every man would be naturally aroused by the woman, because that's the natural order of things... But some men would just say "forget that, I'm going to be gay!" and he then... what, trains himself to be aroused by the man?  I just think that would take a great deal more work than your average guy would be willing to put into changing his sexual orientation.
My house, my rules, my coffee


OK, I'll come clean. You people are starting to sound like you're getting pissed and wanting to leave the board or some shit like that, so I'll clarify something...

To a point, I was just trolling and I feel kinda bad stirring all of this up when I was really just saying a lot of that stuff to agitate.

Frankly, I have no clue as to whether or not homosexuality is a born-in trait, or if it is a conscious choice that someone makes. I am actually more inclined to believe that it's more of an environmental influence than one of genetics, and that you don't just wake up one day and decide "I'm going to be gay." More likely, it's a behavior that comes from a screwed up father figure or something like that. Who knows. I'm not a psychologist.

I was perpetuating the argument for the sake of conversation (as I often do over lunch with friends). I was going to keep playing the devils advocate, but since it was really getting heated, I thought it best to diffuse the argument since it became apparent that the discussion wasn't going to die on its own.

There were certain aspects of my previous messages that I do actually believe. I do personally believe that homosexuality is wrong, but that doesn't mean I hate gay people. And yes, I do have some (although they are few) gay friends. Does it bother me that they're gay? No. Do I disagree with their lifestyle? Yes. But I don't let it get in the way of our friendship. I'd hope the same could be said for you guys here.

I would venture to guess that many of my personal beliefs would be considered wrong to you guys, so there's no harm done there. I am sure I would be crucified if I told you a lot of things that I do believe in.

Let's just make this conversation go away, now, OK? I promise never to troll again. In the near future. I swear.

Damn you people get worked up over this message board stuff, man!
Quote from: Pas RapportI don't need a dick in my anus to know I absolutely don't want a dick in my anus.


Quote from: jmj
BTW- thank you Pedro, Cbrad, Bill Maplewood, Picolas, Jeremy Blackman, Polkablues, RegularKarate, bonanzataz, and Budgie.  I'm glad I'm not alone in this and America may still have hope for actual Gay rights.

LOL why am i not on that list?

Quote from: cecil b. dementedi agree with xixax. there comes a time in everyboys life where he must decide whether to be gay or not. i flipped a coin. what did the rest of you do to choose?


Quote from: XixaxOK, I'll come clean. You people are starting to sound like you're getting pissed and wanting to leave the board

fuck um let um go

the world does not need any more p.c thug thought nazi's coming down on us because we think for ourselves .

it scares some people when some of us think for ourselves, and thats a good thing we should scare them.

p.s to shame jmj for dragging jam master Jay into your web of cliches


Quote from: Butterscotch Jones
it scares some people when some of us think for ourselves

uh, yeahhhhhhh, thats the reason. has nothing to do with being condescending towards homosexuals because of them being homosexuals, nooooo. its because you think for yourselves.


Quote from: cecil b. demented
Quote from: Butterscotch Jones
it scares some people when some of us think for ourselves

uh, yeahhhhhhh, thats the reason. has nothing to do with being condescending towards homosexuals because of them being homosexuals, nooooo. its because you think for yourselves.

if we go back to the root of this

it all started because i was reprimanded for calling a film gay , thats all

by the way besides saying things are gay i also use the expression " Thats rather frat-boyish" and i also call some things " Hickish"

by your logic, shouldn't it also be wrong to call something " frat-boyish"

is that not also slamming a group of people for un fair reasons

since its not deemed cool in your world to stick up for guys in frats sadly they will not get the support that gay people do, but who cares . i don't know if want to spend any more time pointing out how p.c thugs are out and out hypocrites

lots of people use words that i think are lame , i just let it slide and lead by example i don't stop and try and censor anyone because they pissed me off.

what budgie and jmj are doing is even worse , they want to censor people based on the idea that some people have opinions that stand outside the " hipster agenda"


Quote from: Butterscotch Jones
if we go back to the root of this

it all started because i was reprimanded for calling a film gay , thats all

by the way besides saying things are gay i also use the expression " Thats rather frat-boyish" and i also call some things " Hickish"

by your logic, shouldn't it also be wrong to call something " frat-boyish"

is that not also slamming a group of people for un fair reasons

since its not deemed cool in your world to stick up for guys in frats sadly they will not get the support that gay people do, but who cares . i don't know if want to spend any more time pointing out how p.c thugs are out and out hypocrites

lots of people use words that i think are lame , i just let it slide and lead by example i don't stop and try and censor anyone because they pissed me off.

what budgie and jmj are doing is even worse , they want to censor people based on the idea that some people have opinions that stand outside the " hipster agenda"

irrelevant. the conversation has shifted into something else. many objections were about calling homosexuality a "choice" and not about using the term "gay."


I use gay as an insult all the time. I'm with Xixax in thinking that saying something is gay isn't inferring that it's homosexual itself. If you call a movie gay, it doesn't mean there's dude's kissing in it all over the place. It's just saying you don't like the movie. If I know a person is offended by that or any other term, I'll know not to use the term in front of that person. As simple as being considerate to certain people.
The corpses all hang headless and limp bodies with no surprises and the blood drains down like devil's rain we'll bathe tonight I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls Demon I am and face I peel to see your skin turned inside out, 'cause gotta have you on my wall gotta have you on my wall, 'cause I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls collect the heads of little girls and put 'em on my wall hack the heads off little girls and put 'em on my wall I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls


cecil i never said that , or even think that, but i do respect xixax for having the balls to share a opinion that so goes against the grain here on this website.

plus He never said " lets go and bash and kill fags"

all he said was a opinion, and who knows he may be right this is not a cut and dry thing, science has never ever come out and said 100% that people are born gay . Me I think some people are born gay :: thinks back to johnathin on "whos the boss":: But unlike some people here,  I Will admit that maybe i could be wrong. Do i think being gay is wrong, No
will i use the expression " God that was gay" as long as baz louhrmann will continue to have a career , Yes i will . Does that make me a bad person, No.


Quote from: bonanzatazI use gay as an insult all the time. I'm with Xixax in thinking that saying something is gay isn't inferring that it's homosexual itself. If you call a movie gay, it doesn't mean there's dude's kissing in it all over the place. It's just saying you don't like the movie

Exactly , Thank you.

this lame argument is reminding me of why i so loved " King of the hill" when it came out, because it was not filled with sad pathetic lame dare i say " gay" liberal/p.c cliches . That show stood up for and still does, for a side of our society that You don't see a lot of on tv.  Thats why it was such a breath of fresh air.

We should not all be sad robots, we should speak our minds and make them up ourselves and not have other people do it for us.
Feel something because you " Feel" it and not because you think it will make you look cool to say it.