Started by Jeremy Blackman, January 07, 2004, 02:52:19 AM

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i also think tha pdl has no place on the list, i know this is a mostly pta site but BN deserves it way more


Quote from: themodernage02its a pretty good list.  not too fanboy-y, or too film snobby-y.  i'm pleased.  but weeping tears for rushmore and empire strikes back (where were my fellow geeks on this one?!?)
I love Rushmore, but IMO it's a flawed (yet still great) film with a broken second act, so I couldn't bring myself to vote for it over a lot of other films up for the vote.  No comment on Empire Strikes Back.  Hehe.

Slick Shoes


I like to hug dogs


Quote from: SoNowThenTaxi Driver out of place? Is this some kinda sick joke?

I just don't think it's that great.

I'd place it between mediocre and great. For me, the movie's about a guy in a cab, complaining.


Quote from: kotte
Quote from: SoNowThenTaxi Driver out of place? Is this some kinda sick joke?

I just don't think it's that great.

I'd place it between mediocre and great. For me, the movie's about a guy in a cab, complaining.

sounds ... hm...familiar....


my two cents...

1.magnolia..... :roll: ..i should have expected that. at number one..its all good though

2.  2001...i agree

3. pulp high..but its "film geek 101"

4.  taxi high..

5. citizen least it wasn't number one...

6.  8 1/2.....i agree

7.  my life to live....i NEED to see it ...i guess

8.  mulholland drive........thannk you...

9. high.....

10  seven samurai...i agree

11  pdl...... :roll:

12   strangelove.... :roll:

13  400 low....

14 fight club...... :lol:.....i guess all the 18 and under members voted this one....

15 a clockwork wouldn't be a list w/out this obligatory film on it.....

in summation..........great job by voters ....and admins........... year  maybe blue velvet and lost highway will sneak in there..... :wink:


Slog did NOT when the Xixax Dekapentikon Sorry Slog, your check didn't clear

Yeah, Punch Drunk Love was a great film, but it really doesn't belong on here as fresh as it is.  And Fight Club... I mean, I liked it and all, but come on.

The only thing I'm truly disapointed in was how close Big Lebowski came to being on the list, but didn't.

At least Dr. Strangelove's on there, so we have some comedy well represented.


QuoteI love Rushmore, but IMO it's a flawed (yet still great) film with a broken second act, so I couldn't bring myself to vote for it over a lot of other films up for the vote. No comment on Empire Strikes Back. Hehe.

If you don't mind me asking, how is the second act flawed?
Guess that means i'm back on zigzag!
Movies before 1930 suck


1.magnolia - magnificent, and you'd be a fool to think this wouldn't be number one.

2.  2001 - sounds right

3. pulp fiction - people keep saying it's too high on the list, and how could that be?  If so many people had it on their lists, it ended up here, it obviously deserves its number

4.  taxi driver - same as pulp fiction

5. citizen kane - definitely a moving film that had to be on the list somewhere

6.  8 1/2 - still haven't seen it...

7.  my life to live - still haven't seen in it...

8.  mulholland drive - a masterpiece like this deserved to be on it somewhere

9.  vertigo - same as mulholland drive

10  seven samurai - didn't like it the first time i saw it, guess i'll see it again

11  punch drunk love - same as pulp fiction

12  dr.  strangelove - definitely needed to have some comedies in the top 15, because we could always use some laughing

13  400 blows - still haven't seen it

14 fight club - same as pulp fiction.  i'm getting pretty sick of all the fight club bashing, fact is: it was well made, had a great story, and touches face on a lot of things so very true.  I think I'm defending Palahniuk more than Fincher here, though...

15 a clockwork orange - i didn't see it immediately didn't see it in the top 10 and was surprised.  scrolled down some and boom, there it was and put a smile on my face.   good work to those who made the banners.


As for doing this yearly, I doubt it would be a good idea UNLESS you said pick the top 15, aside from the 15 listed above.  Because I'm more than sure the list will change, but not much.  Classics are classics.
"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye


I think it would be pointless to pick 15 new ones each year. If the list stays the same, then that really says something for those films, doesn't it? If they've earned it, they should stay there...
Those who say that the totalitarian state of the Soviet Union was not "real" Marxism also cannot admit that one simple feature of Marxism makes totalitarianism necessary:  the rejection of civil society. Since civil society is the sphere of private activity, its abolition and replacement by political society means that nothing private remains. That is already the essence of totalitarianism; and the moralistic practice of the trendy Left, which regards everything as political and sometimes reveals its hostility to free speech, does nothing to contradict this implication.

When those who hated capital and consumption (and Jews) in the 20th century murdered some hundred million people, and the poster children for the struggle against international capitalism and America are now fanatical Islamic terrorists, this puts recent enthusiasts in an awkward position. Most of them are too dense and shameless to appreciate it, and far too many are taken in by the moralistic and paternalistic rhetoric of the Left.


"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye


Quote from: russiasusha
QuoteI love Rushmore, but IMO it's a flawed (yet still great) film with a broken second act, so I couldn't bring myself to vote for it over a lot of other films up for the vote. No comment on Empire Strikes Back. Hehe.
If you don't mind me asking, how is the second act flawed?
Let's see if I can put this into words.  All throughout Rushmore, the soundtrack is one of its biggest boons.  It gets this so right in every scene, helping to make the film memorable.  This is even true in the second act when Herman and Max start to take revenge on each other.  I think, though, that when Max cuts Herman's brakes, and when Herman runs over Max's bike, that's where things take a turn for the worse.  The music -- one of the things I remember most -- was perfectly chosen.  The problem is, the actions of these two characters go over the top and for a minute, these two lose me, and become caricatures.  I can understand a fifteen-year-old acting in this way, and even an old man like Herman, but for the purposes of comedy, it just doesn't work once it becomes not only mean-spirited but life threatening.  At that point, it's just not funny anymore, even though the handling of the scene where Herman describes Max to the police is excellent.  The film does redeem itself in spades in the final act, with the production and performance of Max's final play, Max's interaction with Margaret, and the reappearance of all the supporting cast, among other things.


i just realized out of the original 30 films i nominated, only one made it onto the top 15; Magnolia.  i guess my tastes are not coinciding with those of this board as well as i thought.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Which reminds me, when can people list off what they voted for in the top 10 and/or 30?