
Started by Gamblour., December 22, 2003, 11:01:32 PM

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Surprised there was no thread for this. I think it should go without saying that there will be tons of spoilers in this thread.

So, I love the first season, I think it's some of the best tv ever, it was perfectly written, executed, everything. Season 2 was ok, combined a little too much action into one day, but certain plots were really good, like George Mason's storyline was so great and emotional and the reunion with his son was beautiful.

But this new season...I dunno. The writing seems really cheap, they've introduced so many new elements, it seems like they don't know what to do with them all. I mean, you've got Jack's drug problem and a new partner which should all be really interesting, but they're not. And then they show that Warner chick from 2nd season but she's not around anymore. And the president's plotline couldn't be any duller. Fuck viruses and assassinations, perjury is the REAL DANGER! And the simple fact that Kim went from high school to CTU in two years is a big plot hole that's just stupid. So anyway, I've become really critical of this show, but maybe I'm too harsh. I've got a lot of complaints on last week's episode.


I loved season 1, and season 2 was pretty good, but Jack became superman so that killed a lot of it for me.  I saw a few episodes of season 3 but I keep forgetting and now I've just given up
I like to hug dogs


I've never sat down and watched the show, but the commercials on FOX are hilarious!  There's always one Keifer scene where he loses it and/or yells:

"Who are you working for?!"
"Get on the ground!"
"It's a bomb!"

It's a fun game.  Next time, watch the next commerical of "24" to see Keifer's overacting.  You can take it to Vegas.


Aww I like Kiefer's acting with his raspy voice. It's funny you mention that, my roommate and I came up with a drinking game:

Everytime they mention a unit of time during the show ("I need to call him within the hour" "The bomb will go off in 30 minutes" or anything else that makes it clear that the writers are scripting the timeframe of the show) you take a shot. My god you would wasted off this show.


Love the show, ive been a fan since the first season, and have watched it religiously, chomping at the bit with all the cliff hangers. Yeah there are some groan inducing plot twists and dialogue but overall its one of the most exciting and well done series in the last few years.

Rudie Obias

is this really cinema?   ummmm......  NO!
\"a pair of eyes staring at you, projected on a large screen is what cinema is truly about.\" -volker schlöndorff


there's a 4 page thread for "Six Feet Under" on this same page...


And the Oscars, which is a tv special.


Well, the new season of 24 premiered tonight.  I have mixed feelings about the show in general.  Great premise to start with, first season was great, and it's been down (and up) and down from here.  Didn't start off too great.  Cliche, after cliche, after cliche.  Repeating themselves.  Irony going on in the background as Fox News is plugged, and terrorists are painted as one-dimensional (and Muslim), and relationships are predictable as well.  Father and son, American and Muslim, both at odds in different ways.  It's getting harder and harder for them to be original, but I can't help but thinking why they can't do better -- especially with that much time off.  Here's to hoping it does get better.


Well, this is actually the first and only season to make Muslims the bad guys, they've avoided that one for a while. I think it's just easier to yell Cliche at something on this show because it does claim to be more real than other shows. By them showing something that could possibly be a cliche makes it stand out. The fact is a lot of these things (father/son, American/Muslim tensions) have a truth to them. The show avoided cliches of reality last season, and look what we had (possible SPOILERS for Season 3):

Chase's stupid baby drama was a soap opera, essentially. It was by no means a cliche of reality, but a cliche of soap operas. Does this make sense? Anyway, even if you think there are cliches in this new season so far, the show is pulling them off extremely well.

CTU is finally watering down Jack, or they were for a little bit. The terrorists were cunning and actually outsmarting CTU. Seeing CTU coordinate the laundromat infiltration. Everything seems to be hitting a more realistic feel. One big thing is Jack said it would take him 30 minutes to go retrieve that guy at the train station. That's a big improvement on last year's 30 minute flight to Mexico  :roll:

Overall, these first two episodes kicked major ass. The plotlines seem cohesive and they appear to actually be going somewhere this year.


Yeah... I was almost asleep twenty minutes into this first shockingly outrageously high-tension pilot episode of the first night of the two night  pilot episodes.

Good old Fox... you'd think they'd get a clue by now.  People are already giving up on Arrested Development, which is the best show they have right now because they just can't keep a normal schedule.

24 was enjoyable for season one and most of season two, but enough is enough.

I don't really care.. they just need to keep this away from ruining Sunday nights and I'll stop bitching.

grand theft sparrow

Driscoll's schizo daughter = the cougar.


Aisha Tyler = Sherry

Bring Chloe back!!!


I missed the first 40 minutes.  Anything really special happen besides Jack kicking ass like the Superman clone he's become?  What happened to Chloe?  Moles annoy me.  They've really run low on ideas.  Though this current threat is a nice idea.


Quote from: wantautopia?I missed the first 40 minutes.  Anything really special happen besides Jack kicking ass like the Superman clone he's become?  What happened to Chloe?  Moles annoy me.  They've really run low on ideas.  Though this current threat is a nice idea.

Spoilers, for god sake:

He saves the Secretary and his daughter, the Muslim boy's dad wants to have him killed by that guy, um the Secretary orders that his son receive the sensory overload again, I think that's it really. Chloe got fired in the last episode. She better fucking come back, she was the best thing up until this point, I really loved her. After watching season 3, I came to teh conclusion that Chloe is the only realistic person on the show, she's the only one that panics/freaks out, she's the only one that seems stressed, and she says very obvious things that everyone forgets about for the sake of moving quickly. I love her.

The mole is soooooooooo fucking played out. I'm sick of it. I agree, controlling nuclear plants is pretty sweet.