Peter Jackson's KING KONG

Started by Spike, December 14, 2003, 01:15:38 PM

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I think Jackson's reason for remaking it is simply to experience what it's like to direct the movie he loves so much. He's not pulling a Gus Van Sant, and he's not talking about how he's improving upon the original. He just wants to have the experience of making King Kong. He's probably the first to admit that his remake will be nothing compared to the original.


Point taken.  Although, I really love The Clash but I'm not going to form a Clash cover band, those songs are sacred to me.


I really trust PJ will make a great movie, but on the other hand I think there are about a million other things he could do. After working on someone elses idea for years, I would think he'd want to so something more original, and i'd like to see him do something more original, either way though, King Kong isn't a bad idea to try.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


Quote from: GoneSavagePoint taken.  Although, I really love The Clash but I'm not going to form a Clash cover band, those songs are sacred to me.

Well... I dunno, I guess that's what makes you and PJ different people. I mean... would I like to know what it must have been like to make my favorite movie, or to perform my favorite song? Yeah, but I won't remake my favorite movie, because that will never let me experience what it was really like to make that movie.

I think Peter Jackson just looks at these things in a different light.

And yeah, I was hoping he'd move on to something original... I'm sure I'll love King Kong, but I just really want him to do the goddamn Hobbit and then something like Dead Alive or Bad Taste.


Quotethen something like Dead Alive or Bad Taste.

Right on.


yeah, i just want him to keep repeating himself until he has no soul.
under the paving stones.


'Lord' stands atop box office, and its director goes ape

Another weekend to Lord over the box office. As "The Lord of the Rings" marks its third straight weekend at No. 1, one man is not basking in the glory.

That's director Peter Jackson, who is thinking of something even bigger. Yes, he has those plans for the new "King Kong" in his paws. Why bring back the big ape?

"I've loved 'King Kong' ever since I was a kid and it inspired me to make films. There's a generation of kids now who don't love old films with jerky special FX [effects] and the heightened acting styles of the '30s. That's why I wanted to do a new 'Kong,' " he says.

As for some insider know-how, Jackson says he will "approach 'Kong' in a very similar way to how I approached 'Lord of the Rings.' You take a property, whether it is an old film or a beloved old book, and you just simply have a vision for it in your mind. You can see the movie and get excited about it all over again."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: themodernage02the studio just wants a 'new' version of this to make more money from people who dont like old ones.

Quote from: Peter JacksonThere's a generation of kids now who don't love old films with jerky special FX [effects] and the heightened acting styles of the '30s. That's why I wanted to do a new 'Kong,' " he says.

Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Quote from: Peter JacksonThere's a generation of kids now who don't love old films with jerky special FX [effects] and the heightened acting styles of the '30s. That's why I wanted to do a new 'Kong,' " he says.
Wait, I don't get it, Peter. So YOU'RE doing jerky special effects too?? Oh, okay, good luck with that.


Guys, be honest. Do I just have too much blind faith/optimism for my own good?



Quote from: GhostboyGuys, be honest. Do I just have too much blind faith/optimism for my own good?

No, he will take it to another level for sure.


Quote from: Fernando
Quote from: GhostboyGuys, be honest. Do I just have too much blind faith/optimism for my own good?

No, he will take it to another level for sure.

another level of what?!? seriously, how do you improve a classic? you cant.  i am a geek, and i like peter jackson, have since i saw the frighteners in the theatre, and i will be in line like everyone else to see what he's done with it, but that doesnt in any way excuse the fact that this is an inexcusable remake done for the sole purpose of 'colorizing Casablanca' to make more money.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Quote from: themodernage02
Quote from: Fernando
Quote from: GhostboyGuys, be honest. Do I just have too much blind faith/optimism for my own good?

No, he will take it to another level for sure.

another level of what?!? seriously, how do you improve a classic? you cant.  i am a geek, and i like peter jackson, have since i saw the frighteners in the theatre, and i will be in line like everyone else to see what he's done with it, but that doesnt in any way excuse the fact that this is an inexcusable remake done for the sole purpose of 'colorizing Casablanca' to make more money.
Yeah, call me a cynic, but that's how I see it too. Just tell your die hard fans to rent the classic, don't rape it by doing your own.
I think if I wanted to analyze this deeper I could say that there must be a high level of egoism/egotism (whichever way you choose to look at it) where a director would go about remaking one of their favourite films.


for one thing, i expect to wack off over naomi in it. i could not wack off over the old one.

hence the new one is better.
under the paving stones.