ACJJ Banned and his Response

Started by Banky, December 06, 2003, 10:26:55 PM

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I just gotta say I really liked him. He'll be missed.  :cry:

He was one of the reasons that made me come back to this board daily.

Well, xixax lives on and it's great!


Quote from: Walrus, KookookajoobI think the most discussion on the board (that I've seen anyway) or at least the most controversy has been:

The banning of ACJJ
The rebanning of ACJJ
The removal/replacement of Idle Chatter

I'm not trying to be a dick when I say you gotta put 2 and 2 together...

If you think the MOST DISCUSSION on the board were these topics, then you should really visit the rest of the board.

This is a film forum... yes we need to have personalities and share them with everyone and be colorful, but it's not AICN, it's not an all out battle, ACJJ was just stirring shit up.  (I have pointed this out many times over, but there are plenty of people here who disagree with our points of view, JJ was just so selfish and spotlight hungry, you may have missed them).  

We had plenty of great conversations and debates before he got here and will continue for quite some time.  You'll see... or you'll leave and you won't... that's your decision.


Quote from: RegularKarateThis is a film forum....

i think people seem to forget this.

Quote from: themodernage02i visit Idle Chatter much less than the 'main' forums.

one more reason...

look people, this isnt some sort of nazi regime, so i dont know what everyone is up in arms about.  xixax is like an open house.  c'mon in, take your shoes off.  have a beer and some chips, talk to the other guests, and youll have a good time.  but you can just act like you own the place and start breaking shit and pissing off whoever owns the house.  becuase, it aint your house.  i dont know what clockwork did to get banned, but frankly its not my problem.  its his.  i trust the admin's to do what is neccesary to keep this party from getting out of hand, cause thats how stuff gets broken.  anyone who doesnt feel that way should probbly talk to them about it in private and not try to start some sort of mass hysteria here.  if clockwork is coming back, he's gonna have to talk to them himself.  its really not anyone elses business.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Quote from: themodernage02
Quote from: RegularKarateThis is a film forum....

i think people seem to forget this.

Quote from: themodernage02i visit Idle Chatter much less than the 'main' forums.

one more reason...

look people, this isnt some sort of nazi regime, so i dont know what everyone is up in arms about.  xixax is like an open house.  c'mon in, take your shoes off.  have a beer and some chips, talk to the other guests, and youll have a good time.  but you can just act like you own the place and start breaking shit and pissing off whoever owns the house.  becuase, it aint your house.  i dont know what clockwork did to get banned, but frankly its not my problem.  its his.  i trust the admin's to do what is neccesary to keep this party from getting out of hand, cause thats how stuff gets broken.  anyone who doesnt feel that way should probbly talk to them about it in private and not try to start some sort of mass hysteria here.  if clockwork is coming back, he's gonna have to talk to them himself.  its really not anyone elses business.

Second this.


Quote from: themodernage02
Quote from: RegularKarateThis is a film forum....

i think people seem to forget this

yeah but to dedicated posters it is more than that


Quote from: Banky
Quote from: themodernage02
Quote from: RegularKarateThis is a film forum....

i think people seem to forget this

yeah but to dedicated posters it is more than that

i think that the administration has to make a decision about this... idle chatter stays, goes, or whatever you want to do... but it cant be a subject that every once in a while goes under discussion for the same reason... people just talk about any shit that happens in here and some people get upset about it... either we limit the topics of discussion or we let everyone say whatever the hell they want


But if ANYONE is going to think that this place is going to die without him is kidding themselves. Above all, this place will be a lot cleaner. I hope nobody else thinks that there won't be any discussion without him around, because that shows you don't come to Xixax often enough. Or, if you do, then you just don't pay attention to the many deep, SOPHISTICATED discussions - and the ones that come to mind right away are the ones from JB and GT. I made a comment on the Moore thread that I get headaches from people like JJ who write with so much naivete versus everyone else's writing, and he lashed out at me in a post that I replied was terribly ironic. Then he brought up how I 'stole' his avatar months ago and was completely ignorant to what I said. That sort of epitomized his tenure here. And while from time to time I enjoyed some things he input here, such as some funny links, I was very aggravated with a lot of the shit he stirred up around here. He was a lot like Pantalones, only minus the obnoxious "I can say WHATEVER I want and I'll NEVER get banned!" Usually, it was more subtly implied.
I know JJ will read what I'm saying but no matter - I'm not going to hold back on my feelings of how he was here. I'm sure he knows full well that I enjoyed his company sometimes and was just pissed with his comments other times. But yeah, I thought of JJ as that annoying guy at the party. Where everyone is having a blast until that annoying guy just gets up and does something where everybody begins shifting their eyes and backs away or they attack in self defense because he's being a dick. Anyway, whatever. This was all inevitable and that's that. Oh, I should even mention that one thing the pro-ACJJ's should note is that he really DID try picking fights and the one BIG example that came into my head is him spontaneously taking shots at P, who generally avoided him at all costs. Just look at those posts and if you don't shake your head in shame at the behaviour then that's probably why you disagree with the admins. Because they frowned at this sort of attitude by him and I can absolutely sympathize with their ultimate decision to ban him. Enough was enough.

Okay, so that's all for me, folks. If you need me, I'll be stealing more avatars. Adios.

Duck Sauce

I like AJ and have had some good PMs with him, but i did notice that latley he was actin a fool. However, I do believe that certain people have came back just to push his buttons....


he claims to be the victim of a vast conspiracy, a scapegoat of everything that's wrong with the 'world' by a group of socially inept power-drunken maniacs.

yeah, they'll do what they think.  

is it just?  is it fair?  maybe not all the time.  

they'd like to think so and they strive for that...but who said they had to be?  what prevents them from making you all dance for custom avatars or titles or special priveleges?  nothing, but we know that's not their game.  they're good people.

they built it and it's their judgement and yeah you can say you don't like it or you don't agree with it but a 'fuck you' going that way deserves a fuck you.  

he invested not in the community or the place, but the people residing in it.   that's why he's mad...frustrated...confused...and the powers took his ability to communicate with them in that forum away from him.  but that's the chance you take when you come to one of these places.  they might all secretly be nazis for all you know.  but it doesn't matter, you might as well play by their rules or just go somewhere else.  because it could all disappear tomorrow.  the older ones that have been around for a while should know that.  that should be a lesson drilled deep within the center of their brain.  they saw it happen.

so buck the fuck up, kids


phil marlowe

i dunno if this is really good or kinda sad.

i mean, i've been wanting acjj to go away for many months, he was the one who fueled not only alot of fights but also just general stupidity, like when idle chatter was flooded. his posts were everywhere and he was playing this role of mister nice guy only go into short rampages tine after time and immediatly apologize and kiss everones ass after. and when you would engage him he would start his 'i don't give a shit about anything or anyone, this is just a messageboard' speach kinda thing. but because of the role of mr. nice guy he was playing, he was obviously hard for the admins to ban. so in that case you CAN say that he was playing his cards in a clever way, well congratulations acjj.

but in another way i'm worried cos of the people who have fallen for his martyr thing(a thing he really was building up lately by playing the victim), i'm not attacking them or anything (they are mostly really good people) but come can you give into that?

Sigur Rós

Well put!!



Guys I love you all, seriously in one way or another. But I hate when ANY long term member gets banned. I think we are all adults here , and that we should be able to resolve any type of despute without resorting to someone getting banned. I myself have had numerous arguements with unnamed xixax members that quickly get resolved with one private message sincere apology. To be honest with all of you I do believe this is alittle extreme, however that is only my opinion. Please reconsider bringing back JJ, the guy is actually a really nice guy. What can it hurt if you guys give him one more chance?
Aclockworkjj:  I have like broncitious or something
Aclockworkjj:  sucks, when i cough, if feels like i am dying
Aclockworkjj:  i can barely smoke


There is so much wrong in all this (both sides).

However it leaves me with an aprehensive question: Who's next?

It's bad that the question even has to be asked, but logically that's the direction all this is going.
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free, silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands, with all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves, let me forget about today until tomorrow.


Quote from: God Damn Im Da ManVIVA LA RESISTANCE!!!!!

Guys I love you all, seriously in one way or another. But I hate when ANY long term member gets banned. I think we are all adults here , and that we should be able to resolve any type of despute without resorting to someone getting banned. I myself have had numerous arguements with unnamed xixax members that quickly get resolved with one private message sincere apology. To be honest with all of you I do believe this is alittle extreme, however that is only my opinion. Please reconsider bringing back JJ, the guy is actually a really nice guy. What can it hurt if you guys give him one more chance?

I agree with this butthead for the first time... well said!!  :wink:

Sigur Rós

Quote from: RaikusHowever it leaves me with an aprehensive question: Who's next?

That's a lame question. Cause the people who get banned deserves it. The admins are fair people and acts only in the best interest of the board. I mean this isn't Cambodia or a Franz Kafka novel.....