Best Horror Movies

Started by Jake_82, November 24, 2003, 09:03:28 PM

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Quote from: rustinglassI liked jeepers creepers as well

it is the only film i've ever walked out on in the theater

try to find MANIAC - haven't seen it since I was young - But it scared the hell out of me then.
...your excuses are your own...


I just saw The Fly (1986).  Amazing.
"Talking shit about a pretty sunset
Blanketing opinions that i'll probably regret soon"


Quote from: SHAFTRI just saw The Fly (1986).  Amazing.
yes, it's quite good.  definitely my favorite cronenberg, and if i have time this month i'd like to re-watch it.  the sequel is surprisingly not bad either, but not as classic as the first one.  "Drink deep, or taste not, the plasma spring!"
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


i just saw scanners for the first time, and despite some fun gore, i thought it was kinda boring...


i dont really care that much for scanners either, though its more sci-fi than horror.  it does have the best exploding head in history though.

Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


i admit, i laughed very hard during that part..NOTHING in that fucking movie can beat the end of THE FURY however...


Well, I just watched Jeepers Creepers, and being biased in both directions, having read both arguments, I find myself in the middle. It wasn't the worst thing but it wasn't as good as mod said. I do agree that it attempted to confront conventions and then twist them, but if they were going to do that, why not go all the way and set it not in rural setting but the city? The diner was so cliched, the witch woman, the cat lady, the cops. And...

The whole thing with the eyes and the jeepers creepers song, eh it was dumb and obvious. He's gonna take the eyes, I get it.

The best part is when you see that RV in the beginning pull of the road, way in the background. It was just kinda creepy and unexplained. Overall, it's an easy 5, maybe a 6 if only for that lead actress, she was hot and great I thought. She didn't overdo EVERYTHING like that goddamn male lead, Dairy. A rose tattoo? What kind of lameass shit is that?

Quote from: modage
Quote from: Ghostboy
Quote from: polkabluesOne of my favorite horror movies is "Event Horizon", and believe me, I never hear the end of that.

I really liked that one, too.
yea, i havent seen it in years (maybe since the theatre?) but i remember really liking Event Horizon as well.

Damn, mod, you should do Event Horizon. That movie is fucking awesome. I admit I liked it starting when I was younger, but aside from nostalgia and such, that movie is scary as shit and really cool. Scenes from space?!? SWEET.


Quote from: GamblourI do agree that it attempted to confront conventions and then twist them, but if they were going to do that, why not go all the way and set it not in rural setting but the city?

Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Haha, hmm, well the setting was just one of the things I was really getting sick of. Just because it hasn't been done well doesnt' mean it can't ever be. City settings seem to make good zombie movies.

But anyhow, do Event Horizon. "Laws" of relativity, visions of hell, antigravity, blackholes, gouging of eyes, liquid fire. Great movie.


Quote from: GamblourBut anyhow, do Event Horizon. "Laws" of relativity, visions of hell, antigravity, blackholes, gouging of eyes, liquid fire. Great movie.


So they come to the conclusion that the ship is 'haunted' and the cause of their visions and what they see isn't real. So why does medical officer Katheen Quinland believe that what she is seeing is really her son?
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: GamblourBut anyhow, do Event Horizon. "Laws" of relativity, visions of hell, antigravity, blackholes, gouging of eyes, liquid fire. Great movie.

The scene where they listen to the audio recording from the abandoned ship is one of the most truly terrifying scenes I've ever seen in a movie.  I hear those sounds in my worst nightmares.
My house, my rules, my coffee


I hate Event Horizon.  Just Sayin.


The Omen (1976)
"You'll see me in hell, Mr. Thorne."

WHATS IT ABOUT? Richard Donner directs this classic film about the antichrist embodied by a 5 year old boy.

IS IT SCARY? No, unless creepy kids freak you out.  Though it does seem to be a popular sub-genre, it isn't one that usually works for me.        

WHAT'S GOOD ABOUT IT? It's got a wildly operatic score, fantastically grisly death scenes, and top notch performances from Gregory Peck and cast.

SCARIEST MOMENT: When Damien's young nanny professes her sacrifice for him.

WHY SHOULD I WATCH IT? Because it's one of Macguffin's Top 10 Horror Films of All Time, and he's seen everything!  As if you needed another reason...  

Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Quote from: modage

NEAR DARK (1987)
"Caleb, those people back there, they wasn't normal. Normal folks, they don't spit out bullets when you shoot 'em, no sir."

Released just a few weeks after the smash hit Lost Boys, (which is also great) this movie was unfortunately buried at the box office only to be discovered on video by tons of horror fans everywhere.  This movie, being incredibly unique if only for being a vampire movie that A. NEVER says the word vampire and B. has no fangs, garlic, stakes, holy water, etc. nothing.  The only element of vampire lore kept in tact is the need to feed and death by sunlight.  The film is directed by James Cameron's wife at the time Kathryn Bigelow, and stars 3 Aliens alums (Lance Henrikson, Jenette Goldstein, and Bill Paxton in a STEALING THE SHOW (again) performance).  Somewhere between a western, a love story and a vampire movie about a bunch of drifters who happen to be vampires, Near Dark succeeds in being a totally-unique horror experience.  .   With great dialogue, cast, some great action sequences and again, Bill Paxton chewing up the scenery if you havent, you must SEE THIS MOVIE!

I just watched this last night and was going to do a Mini-Mod review, but Mod pointed out he had already done it (I missed it), so I'll just throw in my two cents here.

The thing about this movie is that it's very eighties in it's ridiculousness and it's shitty shitty score (tangerine dream... why did they get to score more than one movie?).  There is a lot of crap to bear while watching it, but I think it's all worth it for one scene.  All the characters go to terorize a bar and it's just sublime.  Truly great violence and such a menacing tone.  Part of me wonders if Cameron jumped in to help with this scene just because all of a sudden it gets a little more artistic with it's action.

Overall the film is pretty entertaining in an eighties kind of way.


Quote from: RegularKarate
Quote from: modage

NEAR DARK (1987)
"Caleb, those people back there, they wasn't normal. Normal folks, they don't spit out bullets when you shoot 'em, no sir."

Released just a few weeks after the smash hit Lost Boys, (which is also great) this movie was unfortunately buried at the box office only to be discovered on video by tons of horror fans everywhere.  This movie, being incredibly unique if only for being a vampire movie that A. NEVER says the word vampire and B. has no fangs, garlic, stakes, holy water, etc. nothing.  The only element of vampire lore kept in tact is the need to feed and death by sunlight.  The film is directed by James Cameron's wife at the time Kathryn Bigelow, and stars 3 Aliens alums (Lance Henrikson, Jenette Goldstein, and Bill Paxton in a STEALING THE SHOW (again) performance).  Somewhere between a western, a love story and a vampire movie about a bunch of drifters who happen to be vampires, Near Dark succeeds in being a totally-unique horror experience.  .   With great dialogue, cast, some great action sequences and again, Bill Paxton chewing up the scenery if you havent, you must SEE THIS MOVIE!

I just watched this last night and was going to do a Mini-Mod review, but Mod pointed out he had already done it (I missed it), so I'll just throw in my two cents here.

The thing about this movie is that it's very eighties in it's ridiculousness and it's shitty shitty score (tangerine dream... why did they get to score more than one movie?).  There is a lot of crap to bear while watching it, but I think it's all worth it for one scene.  All the characters go to terorize a bar and it's just sublime.  Truly great violence and such a menacing tone.  Part of me wonders if Cameron jumped in to help with this scene just because all of a sudden it gets a little more artistic with it's action.

Overall the film is pretty entertaining in an eighties kind of way.
yeah, i REALLY like Near Dark.  i think i've only seen it twice though.  once years ago and then again last year.  its a seriously underrated gem, especially for the 80's which veered off in so many terrible directions at times.  Gamblor, have you seen this?  it's a must.  i know how you love Bill Paxton...
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.