Paris Hilton

Started by Banky, November 20, 2003, 03:05:41 PM

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those have got to be fake.  she's probably holding up her album.  i smell photoshop.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


haha, even tho it's fake, i would believe it. it's like.. When Fads Collide. or in the case of trout mask, when pieces of crap collide.
under the paving stones.


Quote from: Pubrick on August 23, 2006, 01:47:34 AM
or in the case of trout mask, when pieces of crap collide.

Oooh, hold me back, hold me back


Prankster 'Remixes' Hilton's CD
New tracks include "Why Am I Famous?" and "What Am I For?"

As if it weren't disappointing enough that Paris Hilton's album "Paris" sold a lackluster 75,000 copies in its first week of release, a British guerrilla artist named Banksy has taken it upon himself to add insult to her injurious pop foray.

Earlier this week, he staged an elaborate practical joke-cum-art piece lampooning the socialite-heiress' debut musical offering — as well as the disposable nature of pop idolatry itself.

The mysterious graffiti commando and social satirist (who does not reveal his name or show his face in photographs) tampered with 500 copies of Hilton's album, altering its sleeve photos and text and replacing her CD with a "remix." Then he surreptitiously put them into circulation, slipping the discs onto shelves at 48 record stores across Britain where shoppers might purchase them, unaware they were part of the joke.

In a photograph in the altered package, Hilton's head appears atop the body of a mannequin above the words "Thou shalt not worship false idols." The message "Life wasn't meant to be fair" appears next to another photo of Hilton. And a sticker affixed to the front of the album touts several fictional songs: "Why Am I Famous?," "What Have I Done?" and "What Am I For?" Calls seeking comment from Hilton and her record company, Warner Bros., were not returned.

The artist also enlisted the help of Danger Mouse, the Grammy-nominated producer behind the groundbreaking hip-hop/psychedelia/R&B duo Gnarls Barkley, for a 40-minute "remix" of "Paris." A news release from Danger Mouse's management company quotes the artist-producer explaining the collaboration by saying, "Its [sic] hard to improve on perfection, but we had to try."

A three-minute snippet of the remix can be heard playing behind the action in "The Punking of Paris Hilton," a short film on and at Banksy's website, (the artist is shown doing the lettering and text on each CD by hand, then sneaking them into crowded record stores). It's a driving drum-and-bass track featuring sampled utterances of classic Hilton-isms: "Now we'll go shopping" and "Do you wanna be blond?" she is heard saying. And her catchphrase, "That's hot!" is repeated ad nauseam.

Banksy became infamous in the late 1990s for his use of stenciled graffiti critiquing pollution, police brutality and pro-war political policies, among other issues. He has several warrants out for his arrest in Britain and has built a cultish following, in part, for being a wanted man. Throughout this decade he has sneaked into institutions including the Louvre, London's Tate gallery and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York to affix his satirical artwork alongside that of old masters.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Paris Hilton booked on DUI charges

Paris Hilton was arrested early Thursday and booked on suspicion of DUI after she was spotted driving her Mercedes erratically in Hollywood, police said. Her publicist said she had one margarita on an empty stomach and was tired from working all day.

Hilton was arrested shortly before 12:30 a.m., said police Officer I. Isabella.

"The officers observed that Hilton exhibited the symptoms of intoxication. A field sobriety test was conducted at scene, and the officers determined she was driving under the influence," Isabella said, reading from a police statement. He said officers stopped Hilton because she was "driving erratically."

Hilton, 25, was booked on suspicion of misdemeanor driving under the influence and released on her own recognizance, he said.

Her publicist, Elliot Mintz, confirmed the arrest and said she had the minimum blood-alchohol level to warrant an arrest. The legal limit in California is 0.08.

"She's absolutely fine," Mintz said. "She didn't appear in the least bit to be intoxicated."

At the time of her arrest, Hilton was driving home in her Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren from a charity event where she had a margarita, he said. She had spent the day shooting a music video for her new album, "Paris."

Hilton was picked up from the Los Angeles Police Department's Hollywood station by her sister, Nicky, boyfriend Kevin Connolly and Mintz.

Video footage posted on the celebrity Web site shows Hilton arriving home afterward in Mintz's Mercedes-Benz, getting out of the passenger side with a cell phone to her ear and saying something inaudible to photographers before walking inside.

In June, Hilton had a fender-bender when her Range Rover backed into a car in a parking garage after a shopping trip.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks