The Day After Tomorrow

Started by MacGuffin, November 05, 2003, 12:07:41 PM

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A World Apart

Quote from: ©bradthe sequel will be "the day after the day after tomorrow."

There will then be a movie made based on the happenings before the first one...called, that's right,  "tomorrow"

The prequel trilogy to all that will then be called:
"2 days ago", "yesterday", and "today"
The first will have an alternate title of: "the day before yesterday"

Okay, I have went far enough with that.
No, I've never seen that, I've never seen anyone drive their garbage out to the curb and bang the hell out of it with a stick.


Saw this last night. For a big budget summer blockbuster, it wasnt bad at all. The movie is to say the least, VERY engaging. The three theaters that were showing it in the multiplex i was at were completely packed, and in mine, there were these kids in the front row being loud and reciting all the commercials and previous, but once the movie started, there was not a peep from anyone in that theater. Wierd experience...

if you can suspend disbelief for two hours, its a great movie...

Chest Rockwell

Gyllenhaal Admits Diva Antics

Hollywood heart-throb Jake Gyllenhaal has admitted to unlikely diva behavior on the set of his latest film The Day After Tomorrow. The Donnie Darko actor, 23, loved starring in the big-budget disaster movie, but on several occasions refused to say some of the lines in the script and suggested new ones. Gyllenhaal says, "There were a couple of instances where I said, 'No way am I saying that line!' and they rewrote it.' There won't be any subtitle saying, 'Sorry, these guys don't sound like real human beings, but they just didn't have the balls to say the dialogue sucked." And Gyllenhaal knows more about screenwriting than most actors - his mother Naomi Foner is a writer. Gyllenhaal continues, "Coming from a family where my mom is a writer, I just respond to how people speak. I thrive on the process of getting this stuff right. It drove them crazy, but it was fun. You have to entertain yourself when you're spending seven months in Montreal."


They should've rewrote the whole screenplay! This is a disaster movie where the movie is the biggest disaster of all. The dialogue is hysterically bad with one contrived situation after the other. It has a likable ensemble but Jake's the only guy giving a good performance.

Please avoid at all cost!
Typical US Mother: "Remember what the MPAA says; Horrific, Deplorable violence is okay, as long as people don't say any naughty words."


Quote from: Quoylewith one contrived situation after the other.Please

You didn't figure that out by watching the trailer.  The film isn't trying be anything more than it is.  It's a cheesy, entertaining action flick and as that it works very well.  If you are just want to go to the theatre for an entertaining film...I highly suggest this film.
"Talking shit about a pretty sunset
Blanketing opinions that i'll probably regret soon"


Yeah, it was dumb fun with some really cool effects. I enjoyed it a lot. I saw it in a theater in Dallas that is primarily frequented by Hispanic audiences, and they went nuts when everyone started trying to go to Mexico...the whole theater was roaring with laughter. It was great.

The funniest part for me was when you first see the sick kid. Before he said anything, it occured to me how hilarious it would be if he talked like Cancer Boy from Kids In The Hall: Brain Candy. I was laughing for like five minutes just thinking about that.

Also, I very much enjoyed the part where Dick Cheney wants to send troops up North, presumably to battle the weather.

Weird. Oh

Quote from: QuoyleThey should've rewrote the whole screenplay! This is a disaster movie where the movie is the biggest disaster of all. The dialogue is hysterically bad with one contrived situation after the other. It has a likable ensemble but Jake's the only guy giving a good performance.

Please avoid at all cost!

I wish I had read this before going. It was abominable I thought. Many of the storylines were completely unbelieveable and I'm not quite certain the scenario with the blizzard hurricane structures could exist due to hurricanes formations being fed by convection. As soon as they hit cool water the disapate. I'm shocked that Ebert gave this 3 stars. I don't think the screenwriters had any concept of time and characters relation to it. I could go on but I'd rather not be long-winded.
The more arguments you win, the fewer friends you will have.


Quote from: Reformed WeirdoI wish I had read this before going. It was abominable I thought. Many of the storylines were completely unbelieveable and I'm not quite certain the scenario with the blizzard hurricane structures could exist due to hurricanes formations being fed by convection. As soon as they hit cool water the disapate. I'm shocked that Ebert gave this 3 stars. I don't think the screenwriters had any concept of time and characters relation to it. I could go on but I'd rather not be long-winded.

Yes, I was absolutely shocked that this film wasn't faithful to real science. . .

What did you expect? An atmospheric and oceanic sciences lecture? Obviously this film was going to take liberties for the sake of fun. Ebert gave this film 3 stars because it's just a fun movie. More often than not, I think we're laughing with the filmmakers, not at them. If we weren't supposed to laugh during this movie, they wouldn't have included the satire of Bush and Cheney and illegal immigration.
Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and shit . . . and Jack just left town.

Weird. Oh

Quote from: UncleJoey
Quote from: Reformed WeirdoI wish I had read this before going. It was abominable I thought. Many of the storylines were completely unbelieveable and I'm not quite certain the scenario with the blizzard hurricane structures could exist due to hurricanes formations being fed by convection. As soon as they hit cool water the disapate. I'm shocked that Ebert gave this 3 stars. I don't think the screenwriters had any concept of time and characters relation to it. I could go on but I'd rather not be long-winded.

Yes, I was absolutely shocked that this film wasn't faithful to real science.

What did you expect? An atmospheric and oceanic sciences lecture? Obviously this film was going to take liberties for the sake of fun. Ebert gave this film 3 stars because it's just a fun movie. More often than not, I think we're laughing with the filmmakers, not at them. If we weren't supposed to laugh during this movie, they wouldn't have included the satire of Bush and Cheney and illegal immigration.

I was expecting a well made disaster film with nice effects. I didn't really find much funny, except the fact that he walked from philadelphia to new york in blizzard like conditions in what seemed like a day.
The more arguments you win, the fewer friends you will have.


Typical US Mother: "Remember what the MPAA says; Horrific, Deplorable violence is okay, as long as people don't say any naughty words."


I really enjoyed it.

The destruction of the Hollywood sign wasn't just a little wink to the audience it it was a blazingly obvious indication of the type of film you were watching. I can't believe people can even begin to try and pick holes in this film.

The tsunami wave sequence was really exciting. I was just smiling the whole time during that. If this movie makes more people buy hybrid vehicles then it will have done a good job.

Nice to have some good representation of the UK (a fringe benefit of the coalition?) but is it a bit too much to ask for a full frame shot of the union jack...just kidding. I'm just glad it wasn't some incompetent, tea-drinking, RAF chappys like in independence day.
\"I wanted to make a film for kids, something that would present them with a kind of elementary morality. Because nowadays nobody bothers to tell those kids, \'Hey, this is right and this is wrong\'.\"
  -  George Lucas


Quote from: Quoyletried to warn yall

Seems you and Weirdo are the only two who didn't like it so far.

As long as it's better than "Godzilla", I'll be happy.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


as siliasruby would say, I'm Looking Forward To It.
under the paving stones.

El Duderino

i thought it was pretty decent. jake was good, dennis was alright, and it was a nice treat to see Ian Holm. anywho....2 and a half/5
Did I just get cock-blocked by Bob Saget?


. i saw this wasn t the disaster film i thought it would be...basically if good fun w/ alot of cheese....dialogue was ghey...fake denzel was neat...effects were rad...and neat.....the "mall scene" was cheese, the 'romantic subplot was cheese, the 'political message" was cheese, ......but i would buy this still on a special edition dvd..with or w/o the dts.....but the best part was watching
one of my old thin red line boys, DASH  MIHOK..i just wish they gave him a bigger part.......basically this film reminds me if th elifetime network started puttiing more money into their films and had hollyw$$d effects..........