Questions for PTA

Started by depooter, October 30, 2003, 06:04:07 PM

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Something Spanish

Record your own Herlihy Boy commercial and he may consider it...


paul, how does it make you feel when, at screenings and whatnot, you are crowded by ecstatic fanboys like us?


i think we should disregard questions about specific films and directors (what do u think of donnie darko? david gordon green?) and instead ask him more general questions: "who amonst ur contemporaries, who arguably would be labeled as 'the new generation of filmmakers" do u most admire and respect? what movies in the past five years have really stuck out w/ u? etc... keep them general and let him answer instead of asking 'well what did u think of this movie/this director"


god my questions suck.  

my first one i asked only because i had the end of almost famous on and it was the part where patrick fugit asks billy crudup "russell, what do you love about music?"

ill think of a good one....



Quote from: ewardpaul, how does it make you feel when, at screenings and whatnot, you are crowded by ecstatic fanboys like us?


"fucking great"  he already answered that
I like to hug dogs



The corpses all hang headless and limp bodies with no surprises and the blood drains down like devil's rain we'll bathe tonight I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls Demon I am and face I peel to see your skin turned inside out, 'cause gotta have you on my wall gotta have you on my wall, 'cause I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls collect the heads of little girls and put 'em on my wall hack the heads off little girls and put 'em on my wall I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls


whoops, my bad.  sorry.  so the search for a worthwhile question continues.....


Quote from: ©bradi think we should disregard questions about specific films and directors (what do u think of donnie darko? david gordon green?) and instead ask him more general questions: "who amonst ur contemporaries, who arguably would be labeled as 'the new generation of filmmakers" do u most admire and respect? what movies in the past five years have really stuck out w/ u? etc... keep them general and let him answer instead of asking 'well what did u think of this movie/this director"

Completely agreed. I should have kept it general. We should remember this for the future Q&A's too, this is the best guideline. Although I do think some QT-related questions could pass for now as they are somewhat relevant (new word) with Kill Bill being released recently. Then there's also that dude that made that movie Camp, the one he's doing PTA's doing a commentary with, a question about that guy wouldn't hurt either I don't think. Anything that's current and PTA related might fit. Whatever though, this is a good's a lot more simple and easy to follow.

Quote from: Slobh
Quote from: ewardpaul, how does it make you feel when, at screenings and whatnot, you are crowded by ecstatic fanboys like us?

"fucking great"  he already answered that

Ha, really? That's a great question. That's cool too, I'm glad he admits that he likes it - I mean, I was always thinking he'd be freaked out by the fanboys. He's right to admit that it feels good, it must feel least a little bit. Especially for a filmmaker...there's a lot that don't have very many fans at all. Brett Ratner, I am talking to you.

The Silver Bullet

QuoteBrett Ratner, I am talking to you.
Hey, at least you know his name.
RABBIT n. pl. rab·bits or rabbit[list=1]
  • Any of various long-eared, short-tailed, burrowing mammals of the family Leporidae.
  • A hare.

Duck Sauce

just ask him if he regularly hangs out with any other filmmakers and if so what they do?


Quote from: The Silver Bullet
QuoteBrett Ratner, I am talking to you.
Hey, at least you know his name.

Yea, but everybody that knows his name seems to hate him. Anybody that likes his movies doesn't know his name. They're mostly Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan fans, or solely Rush Hour fans...which comes close to a Ratner fan but not really cause they aren't aware of it...see what I mean?


dear P.T.

i personaly hate dreams in movies, but love when weird and strange things happen. as a director & writer you use symbolism and metaphors, but you've never weaseled out and shown quiz kid donnie smith waking up and saying "oh, the frogs were just a dream!" Do you conciously decide to not use dreams? do you hate them as much as i do?


paul, do you take cream and sugar?