Conan's the man!

Started by ono, October 16, 2003, 11:38:17 PM

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Quote from: kal on April 13, 2010, 03:09:28 AM
Then they started with their Late Night Show with George Lopez. The good news for Conan is that he will be by far the biggest name they have and he will have a lot of power and influence to do whatever he wants.

Good move, Conando.

"In three months, I've gone from network television to Twitter to performing live in theaters, and now I'm headed to basic cable," O'Brien said in a tongue-in-cheek-toned statement. "My plan is working perfectly." - Great quote

that conan quote is really pretty perfect. in addition to being the biggest name, he's also becoming an owner of his show. this could turn out to be financially comparable to a deal with fox, and it gives him real influence in regard to hiring/fairly compensating his staff/crew which has been important to him throughout the whole thing.  The issue on network TV was that he was attracting cable sized audiences. if TBS is basic cable, i bet ratings should actually be pretty good.
Quote from: Pas Rap on April 23, 2010, 07:29:06 AM
Obviously what you are doing right now is called (in my upcoming book of psychology at least) validation. I think it's a normal thing to do. People will reply, say anything, and then you're gonna do what you were subconsciently thinking of doing all along.


This seems like a perfect fit.  He'll be king over there.

So Lopez included Conan in his intro last night and had the old fake mouth thing to talk about Conan coming to TBS.

It's here if you want to watch it, but it's miserably unfunny... lots of mugging.

In other news, the first live show wasn't that well received last night.  Hopefully it will get better... those tickets were expensive and hard to get.


i was scratching my head at first but this is probably the best thing that could've happened. apparently his deal with TBS was much larger than anything Fox was offering. the more i think about Fox the more it seemed that he would be doomed to repeat the same mistake he did at NBC. non stop pressure from the affiliates could've sunk that show.
I'm not racist, I'm just slutty


another big piece of the deal: conan gets to OWN his show. so whatever the hell happens.. conan's company can make whatever dvds of it they want. and its his intellectual property, etc etc. and IN THEORY.. if he ever returned to The Tonight Show (won't happen), he could theoretically take the entire library of his TBS show with him to show clips of whatever he wanted.

again, that won't happen but the important thing is conan has the power to do whatever he wants now. so keep cool, ma babies.


hey cine (whoever you are), what do you think of this:

Quote from: RegularKarate on April 13, 2010, 10:56:27 AM
In other news, the first live show wasn't that well received last night.

if true, i think this is because the shows have been hyped up so much that the majority of tickets have been bought by meatheads expecting the tonight show, and they turn up and are disappointed to see THE REAL CONAN.

cos if anything the only good thing that came out of the tonight show debacle was conan finally became famous., the show ended up being nothing more than an advertisement for the conan brand and that's why we see such a swell in his fanbase after he quit. but it misrepresented his brand. unfortunately the numbers filled up with TONIGHT SHOW VIEWERS.

they might carry him over the dead zone until he gets his new show up and running but they will be sorely disappointed if they tune in expecting him to do more of his SO ZANY and SO WACKY OH LORDY bullshit studio tours or whatever he did at LA. i mean that was the worst of conan and that's what they loved, now they see him actually be funny and they hate it.

that's definitely what happened.
under the paving stones.


where did the live show get bad reviews? the reviews i read were good
I'm not racist, I'm just slutty


Well, that was earlier in the morning.  Hollywood Reporter wasn't too big on it (said it's pretty funny, but not THAT funny and sometimes boring).

Since I posted that, way more positive reviews came in and while it's hard to read them while trying to avoid spoilers, the general consensus was there are some early show kinks to work out, but overall it was good.

I'm pretty psyched.  I hope my seats are as good as they seem, I went second tier.


I miss when Conan reruns were on Comedy Central.  It fit really nicely by the Daily Show.  This was of course before the Colbert Report, but imagine that block.  If I were Comedy Central I would sack every episode of MadTV (which, for all I know probably gets outstanding ratings because of the time of day that it screens) and every other show, keeping the stand-up shows, maybe doubling those, bring back the SNL reruns, get Conan, have the Daily Show, Colbert and Futurama. 

Reno 9/11 can stay.

And bring back Upright Citizen's Brigade, first and foremost.

And Kids In The Hall.

Man, it's like Comedy Central gets it right only occasionally.  If they really got their shit together, they could be a flawless channel.
"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye


comedy central blew it with chappelle and really hasn't recovered since.
about conan - you can tell how jon stewart starts taking more and more of the stuff that conan has established and works it into his show.  the most obvious comes from when he starts to laugh at the show's low budget quality more and more.  I mean, people in suits have always done ridiculous things, that's not new, but the tone that Conan has had going for him really got appropriated by jon stewart when daily show was running out of bush anger after '04.  I don't think it's a conscious appropriation but I do think the precedence of Conan makes it easier for the daily show audience to go for that type of tone and that brand of comedy.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


Quote from: P on April 14, 2010, 05:21:01 AM
hey cine (whoever you are), what do you think of this:

Quote from: RegularKarate on April 13, 2010, 10:56:27 AM
In other news, the first live show wasn't that well received last night.

if true, i think this is because the shows have been hyped up so much that the majority of tickets have been bought by meatheads expecting the tonight show, and they turn up and are disappointed to see THE REAL CONAN.

i think its more that people were expecting the ULTIMATE COMEDY EXPERIENCE. so yeah, too hyped in people's brains. but the tickets weren't crazy expensive anyway. i have good seats for his Toronto show and they were $60.


If sixty bucks isn't crazy expensive for a one man show to you, what is?
"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye


Mr. T. $59. Front row seat.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


who likes movies anyway


it's not the wrench, it's the plumber.


Quote from: // w ø l r å s on April 19, 2010, 02:52:13 AM
If sixty bucks isn't crazy expensive for a one man show to you, what is?

like, i rarely post here anymore, as you know. but honest to god, do you read anything? for the love of christ, tell me how you came to the conclusion that Conan O'Brien, Andy Richter, the vast majority of Conan's band, old Late Night characters, and special guests = one man show.