Conan's the man!

Started by ono, October 16, 2003, 11:38:17 PM

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Great show.  Gwyneth Paltrow kept cracking up when Conan was trying to move on and talk about the movie, and Paul Bettany was hilarious.  I love Pierre Bernard's Recliner of Rage.  

"Are you comfortable, Pierre?"  
"Comfortable and furious, Conan."

The biased TV networks bit was okay.  The best ones were the Weather Channel and the Bert and Ernie civil union song.


check out my Conan Is Hot fansite
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Quote from: ono.Bettany: ...You say "tomato," we say "tomahto."  You say "erb," but we say "herb," because there's a fucking "h" at the beginning.  *crowd goes wild*

HEY!  That's an Eddie Izzard joke (or maybe he stole it from someone else, too).  Word for word, just about.  Still... no one can beat Mr. Izzard's delivery of the joke.  Ahh Izzy.

EDIT: Spelling


Eddie Izzard is creepy.  Just saying...

And y'know, tonight's show... I don't know... Drew Barrymore, right?  I try to give her the benefit of the doubt, but hearing her voice droning on in the background, talking about politics.  It just doesn't work.


Quote from: ono.And y'know, tonight's show... I don't know... Drew Barrymore, right?  I try to give her the benefit of the doubt, but hearing her voice droning on in the background, talking about politics.  It just doesn't work.

The highlight was Andy's trip to India to get his computer fixed, with the Bollywood ending.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffin
Quote from: ono.And y'know, tonight's show... I don't know... Drew Barrymore, right?  I try to give her the benefit of the doubt, but hearing her voice droning on in the background, talking about politics.  It just doesn't work.

The highlight was Andy's trip to India to get his computer fixed, with the Bollywood ending.

Too bad I missed it.  I'll be sure to catch it on Comedy Central or on next week's rerun.  Sounds great.  Anyone have a cap of the sketch from a few years ago where they were auditioning new directors for the show and one of them was a Bollywood director?


In cast you haven't seen Comedy Central for the past 19 days, then I regret to inform you that Late Night is no longer repurposed there
I like to hug dogs


Quote from: SleuthIn cast you haven't seen Comedy Central for the past 19 days, then I regret to inform you that Late Night is no longer repurposed there

Dammit.  Not getting enough ratings?  What are they showing in that time slot, Mad TV?


Quote from: RaviDammit.  Not getting enough ratings?  What are they showing in that time slot, Mad TV?
I really hope not.

On a lighter note, Conesey presented at the Emmies.  A highlight of the night.  Good jokes as always.  Just wish he would host something like that again.  *cough*Oscars*cough*


The 2 year contract ran out, nobody knows why it wasn't renewed because nobody fucking reported it but me.
I like to hug dogs


I did a little looking, but can't really explain why it was cancelled.  This page was the closest I came.

Looks like Comedy Central is just totally in love with SNL and wanted to air even more reruns of it.  I like SNL just as much as the next guy, but variety is good.  It always bugs me when television stations constantly switch around their lineups or (especially wit cable stations) air the same thing over and over again.

Also, an interesting article:  It's from 9/02, though.  Interestingly, he dated Lisa Kudrow.  I didn't realize that.  Go, Conesey.


I thought SNL was exclusive to E! now, or maybe part of their renegotiating changed that?  Thanks for that cool article 8)
I like to hug dogs


Rats.  Well, I'll be up anyways on Friday at 2:30 or 3:30 or whenever the reruns are on.  Oh well, who need sleep?


i miss snl on comedy central. madtv doesn't do it for me.


O'Brien to replace Leno on 'The Tonight Show'

LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Jay Leno will hand over the reins of NBC's "The Tonight Show" to "Late Night" host Conan O'Brien -- but not until 2009, the network announced Monday.

"In 2009, I'll be 59 years old and will have had this dream job for 17 years," Leno said in NBC's written statement. "I felt that the timing was right to plan for my successor and there is no one more qualified than Conan."

"Plus, I promised Mavis (his wife) I would take her out for dinner before I turned 60," Leno said.

O'Brien, 41, has signed a contract to stay in his current job at 12:30 a.m. ET for the next five years and then take over the top-rated late-night show when Leno retires.

"Jay Leno and Conan O'Brien continue to be the most successful combination in all of late night," said NBC senior vice president Rick Ludwin. "We have locked in the future ... for years to come."

It's not clear just how long O'Brien is "locked in." NBC would not say how long his new contract lasts, nor how much he and Leno are to be paid.

The early announcement avoids a replay of the early 1990s, when the retirement of veteran host Johnny Carson touched off a behind-the-scenes battle between Leno and then- "Late Night" host David Letterman over who would be Carson's successor.

That feud ended with Letterman going to CBS to compete head-to-head with Leno. Letterman took an early lead in the ratings, but Leno has been consistently ahead for the last nine years.

O'Brien, in the statement, called "The Tonight Show" "one of the great franchises in television" and said he is "thrilled to get this opportunity."

"I am thankful to everyone at NBC -- which has been my home for the last 11 years -- and I am particularly grateful to Jay for all the generous support and kindness he has always shown me," he said.

The announcement leaves an upcoming vacancy in the 12:30 a.m. time slot, a position that catapulted both Letterman and O'Brien onto TV's lucrative A-list.

Leno, a stand-up comic, was Carson's guest host before taking over full-time. O'Brien was a writer for "Saturday Night Live" and "The Simpsons" before landing the "Late Night" job in 1993.