
Started by Find Your Magali, October 08, 2003, 01:40:02 PM

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Find Your Magali

Forget The Lion King.

This is what I'm talkin' about....


Aladdin comes in 2004

  In the not hardly unexpected news department, Buena Vista Home Entertainment has officially announced the unofficially known next installment of the Platinum Edition lineup; Aladdin will come as a special two disc edition in the fall of 2004. As expected, virtually no information is available on this release, but stay tuned for further details as 2004 unfolds.


Quote from: Find Your MagaliForget The Lion King.

This is what I'm talkin' about....

Damn straight.

Prince Ali, fabulous he...
\"I wanted to make a film for kids, something that would present them with a kind of elementary morality. Because nowadays nobody bothers to tell those kids, \'Hey, this is right and this is wrong\'.\"
  -  George Lucas


Claim: In the film Aladdin, the hero whispers, "Good teenagers, take off your clothes."  
Origins: This quip occurs during a scene in which Aladdin, in the guise of Prince Ali, flies up to Jasmine's balcony on his magic carpet to convince her that  he is not just another self-absorbed, empty-headed prince. When Aladdin steps onto the balcony, Jasmine's tiger Rajah threatens him and backs him up against the railing. As Rajah growls, Aladdin tries to shoo him away with his turban and then supposedly whispers, "Good teenagers, take off your clothes."

What is actually going on with the soundtrack at this point in the film is difficult to determine. Disney claims that the script calls for Aladdin to say, "C'mon . . . good kitty. Take off and go," while the closed captioning has him uttering, "Good kitty. Take off." However, neither one of these phrases seems to match what is heard on the soundtrack. A close listening to the audio track reveals Aladdin speaking the words "C'mon . . . good kitty," and just as Aladdin says the word "kitty," a second voice begins to whisper, "Pssst . . . take off your clo . . ." Who this second voice is, and exactly what he says, is a mystery. There is no other character in the scene who could conceivably be speaking: the tiger doesn't talk, the voice is male (eliminating Jasmine), and both the genie and the rug are below the balcony and off-screen. Perhaps the overlapping voices are merely the product of bad editing, and some stray bit of chatter (or a piece of dialog that was supposed to have been clipped) was accidentally grafted onto the soundtrack. Whatever is being said, to the casual listener the resulting phrase can certainly sound like the "Good teenagers, take off your clothes," although the phrase is clearly the combination of two different voices speaking in two different tones. Once people have been told what they're "supposed" to be hearing, however, they find it difficult to maintain objectivity and therefore swear that Aladdin couldn't possibly be saying anything else.

The "take off your clothes" rumor started soon after Aladdin was released on home video in 1993. A garbled and whispered portion of dialogue that could barely be heard in the theater was being replayed over and over in millions of homes but was difficult to distinguish. Someone came up with a salacious phrase that sounded somewhat like the original portions of dialogue, and the power of suggestion took over. People began to hear what they were being told they should hear, much like Beatles fans eagerly sharing backwards-masked Paul is dead aural clues.

Listen here.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks

Find Your Magali

And wasn't there another Disney flick from the past 10 years (Hercules?) in which people thought one of the clouds was shaped like, um, male genitalia?

Crazy people.


Quote from: Find Your MagaliAnd wasn't there another Disney flick from the past 10 years (Hercules?) in which people thought one of the clouds was shaped like, um, male genitalia?

Crazy people.

About halfway to three-fourths of the way through "The Lion King", Simba, Pumbaa, and Timon are lying on their backs, looking up at the stars. Simba arises, walks over to the edge of a cliff, and flops to the ground, throwing up a cloud of dust. Eddies of dust form and dissipate in the roiling cloud, and at one point the various curves and angles in these eddies appear to form the letters S-E-X.

There was also the phallus on "The Little Mermaid" video cover.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


That clip sounds quite freaky on its own.
Maybe Disney are just having a laugh. Or....maybe there are simple and innocent explanations to all these, and we, as the filthy minded public, have turned them into inuendos.



Don't forget the topless woman in the window in The Rescuers, or the pantiless frames of Jessica Rabbit and Donald Duck shouting racial slurs in Who Framed Roger Rabbit. :arrow:


Quote from: MacGuffin
Quote from: Find Your MagaliAnd wasn't there another Disney flick from the past 10 years (Hercules?) in which people thought one of the clouds was shaped like, um, male genitalia?

Crazy people.

About halfway to three-fourths of the way through "The Lion King", Simba, Pumbaa, and Timon are lying on their backs, looking up at the stars. Simba arises, walks over to the edge of a cliff, and flops to the ground, throwing up a cloud of dust. Eddies of dust form and dissipate in the roiling cloud, and at one point the various curves and angles in these eddies appear to form the letters S-E-X.

There was also the phallus on "The Little Mermaid" video cover.

Hey, remember that film study class I was talking about, the one where everybody loved Armageddon? Yea, we spent about a whole class studying this theory last joke. I can say for sure that is says SEX.


Also, Abu (the cute lil' monkey) clearly yells "oh shit" right when the crazy lava/escape sequence begins in the 'Cave of Wonders'.

It's the damnedest thing.  You'll never notice it unless someone points it out.  It's unmistakable.  It doesn't just vaguely sound like a monkey saying 'oh shit', he is definitely saying it.  It's much less ambiguous than the 'take off your clothes' scandle, but hardly ever mentioned.

:-D  You're welcome.


Ah, dangit.  I come to this thread and see a big frowny face in my post.  That's not what I intended.  Just go to and search for "Lion King"  :oops:


Quote from: Ravi

Quote from: RaviAh, dangit. I come to this thread and see a big frowny face in my post. That's not what I intended. Just go to and search for "Lion King" :oops:

I thought you hugely disagreed with something.


Hahahahaha, awesome
I like to hug dogs


Disney Home Video appear to have confirmed a special edition release of Aladdin for release later this year. A trailer for the film was included on the Lion King 1.5 disc which is out later this month. The trailer itself reveals a release for Aladdin in October. Obviously, details are still very sketchy at present, although we assume that it will be very similar to the two disc special edition of The Lion King. Naturally, we'll bring you more details on this one as soon as we get them. For now though, we've attached a couple of shots from the trailer itself below. Thanks to the folks at Ultimate Disney for the heads up.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


I hope I still like this movie.  I loved it when I was a kid.