eternal sunshine de l'mind spotless..

Started by Satcho9, February 03, 2003, 10:15:53 PM

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Hey, this is shooting right now in NYC with Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet.
I found the script but lets keep that our secret *ssshhhhhhhh*


Rudie Obias

man, WE are film geek nerds!  the one's like in JAY AND SILENT BOB STRIKE BACK.

\"a pair of eyes staring at you, projected on a large screen is what cinema is truly about.\" -volker schlöndorff


Cleveland doesnt rock. It in fact sucks. As do you.

Try and show some love on this forum and you get shat upon. what gives people?

Rudie Obias

if anything, the last comment i posted was all in good fun.  notice i said "we"?  i'm a nerd too man!  it's cool, i ain't baggn'

\"a pair of eyes staring at you, projected on a large screen is what cinema is truly about.\" -volker schlöndorff


Back to the initial topic at hand...I followed that link and immediately read the screenplay. It's fantastic. I hope Michel Gondry can pull it's going to be tough, technically. But it's a beautiful story, very emotional, and potentially could be better than Adaptation. It's also the first Kaufman script that hasn't suffered a weak third act.

Thanks for posting it!


thanks for the link!  read the beginning and the end, which probably wasn't a smart thing to do.  i'll give it a full lookover on the weekend but from what i see it looks to be pretty strange and wonderful.


Rudie, sorry. I misread the comments. i am the one that sucks. not you. Forgiveness?

Rudie Obias

\"a pair of eyes staring at you, projected on a large screen is what cinema is truly about.\" -volker schlöndorff


Now just a little hug...

Oh, yeah... that's the spot....

Seriously, though... "Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind" is a great title.  Charlie Kaufman is a great writer.  Michel Gondry has the potential to be a great director.  Kate Winslet is wicked hot and a fine actress to boot.  Jim Carrey is.  It oughta be good.
My house, my rules, my coffee


ah, yes. i was just about to give the link as well.
i was going to read the beginning and i never found a stopping place.
wow. this will be good.
this should be interesting. i've never read a screenplay before seeing it.
in my imagination i saw the red headed girl in Adaptation as Mary, the secretary.
i'm not sure i can invision Carrey as the lead. although i love his goofiness and have missed him doing something like Dumb & Dumber, i hope he's restrained on this one.
i can't really picture Dunst as the secretary either. oh well, i can't wait to see it.
it definitely has the possibility of being better than BJM or Adaptation.....i've yet to see Human Nature of COADM........i wonder how they will film the fading memories........maybe a little like Keaton in Sherlock, Jr.
I am Torgo. I take care of the place while the Master is away.

The Silver Bullet

I think Eternal Sunshine is the best Kaufman script [I enjoyed Adaptation, but this is much more human] so far. I think it is a shame that Jonze isn't directing it though; it seems to be more his kind of deal than Adaptation was [I felt that he didn't know how to direct the film until the third act]. Kate Winslet has the best female role I've ever read here. It is so real and true and wonderful, and if she pulls it off, well...

The sky is the limit.
RABBIT n. pl. rab·bits or rabbit[list=1]
  • Any of various long-eared, short-tailed, burrowing mammals of the family Leporidae.
  • A hare.


Quote from: The Silver BulletI felt that he didn't know how to direct the film until the third act

please tell me that you got the whole joke of the third act

The Silver Bullet

Oh, yeah.

I mean, I've read the script [before I saw the film] and I thought it was ingenius and I thought the joke was brilliant and everything. But what I'm saying is that Jonze didn't know how to direct the first two acts, and then he finally found ground he was familiar with in hte third. Don't worry, I get it. But having read the script beforehand I felt as though the first two acts could have been much more beautifully done. In the third it reaches a level of absurdity that is on par with Malkovich, and it was then that Jonze really made the film his. I loved the film [fourth best of the year in my opinion], but only because of the performances and the script. In terms of directorial vision, I don't think Jonze was particularly comfortable until that third act, when he instinctively knew how do pull it off.

But yes. I got the joke of the third act. Thanks for caring.
RABBIT n. pl. rab·bits or rabbit[list=1]
  • Any of various long-eared, short-tailed, burrowing mammals of the family Leporidae.
  • A hare.


Charlie Kauffman = Philip K Dick?

Anyone else notices alot of similarities in Kauffman's stuff and that of author Philip K Dick. Especially in the title of this one Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Confessions of a Dangerous Mind?
Stubborn as a thousand born agains avoiding questions.


Quote from: SubstanceDConfessions of a Dangerous Mind

Kaufman didn't come up with that title; it was the name of the Chuck Barris autobiography.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

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