eternal sunshine de l'mind spotless..

Started by Satcho9, February 03, 2003, 10:15:53 PM

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I'm seeing it at 7:15 tonight! Can't wait!
Typical US Mother: "Remember what the MPAA says; Horrific, Deplorable violence is okay, as long as people don't say any naughty words."

Chest Rockwell

I saw this today and frankly I'm amazed. It seems so different from Kaufman's other films, and perhaps that's for the better in a way. This film is so...touching. I REALLY liked it, and might go as far to say this this is my prediction for my favorite of the year, just because I liked it so much. I'll definitely be going to see it again a few times.

Oh, and Jim is spectacular, along with Winslet of course and really, the entire cast is just great. Also, I need to give special kudos to the photography and editing jobs. A very well-made film all around.



- best Kaufman movie.
- everyone is the best, but also Winslet is the best.
- best best. this should win everything.
- i'm going to defend the way it was shot. it was shot wonderfully. yeah, it could've been CRAZY, but i'm glad the emphasis wasn't on making it look cool (in the traditional cool sense.. y'know. real slick-like.), because that's not what the movie was about.. the home-video quality made it more true to life, thus closer to the audience and more touching, and disguised the effects shots.
- too bad the final poster semi-ruined that great joke.
- i realized the ending about 30 minutes in. at first as i was watching it go beyond the ending.. i wanted it to stop. i thought it would have been perfect if it had ended on the ice... these two people randomly, mysteriously, un(sub?)consiously reconnected.. but then i warmed up to the ending and it ended up still fantastic. can't go wrong with a fade to white (and you still get that moment out of it).
- Winslet's hair colour works as a brilliant, subtle time-marker. damn.
- too bad Joel also lost those memories he tried to hide in.. one of my favourites was the bird crushing/clementine rescue.
- i was really really touched by the whole thing.. every truth in it struck something or reminded me of something. the most surprising part of the movie was that i didn't cry.
- it'd be cool to see this as a play.
- ima go again. a-zap.


Just got back from it. Great movie! They had wonderfully original idea and built it into something with some laughs, surprises, complex themes but also a good moral at the end. Terrific cast...glad to see Tom Wilkonsin in another role. This very well maybe Charlie Kaufman's best movie.
Typical US Mother: "Remember what the MPAA says; Horrific, Deplorable violence is okay, as long as people don't say any naughty words."


Well I realized in the first shot that it was already after he had the procedure.  That's not a bad thing, but I don't think it was meant to be a surprise anyway, and it works.

I really like this movie.  I just saw it and I want to see it again.  I'm listening to the soundtrack now, from the website.  Goddamn, Jon Brion scores again (... pun not originally intended, but I'll take credit for it anyway).


Man, I almost cried (I never cry) when they meet at the beach party (in his mind) and she says it's gonna all be gone soon, and all he can do is "enjoy it" before it fades.

Don't Joel and Clem make The Most Believeable On-Screen Couple EVER??  That's really, in my opinion, the strongest part of the movie and the grandest accomplishment of all involved.  I totally believe in and root for them.

Anyway, I totally recommend the movie.  Gonna go around telling everyone to watch this.


I loved the photography...Ellen Kuras is usually hit and miss for me, but she hit this one out of the park. I love how Gondy used mostly handheld, rough hewn imagery, and the practical effects were so refreshing...especially in the bookstore, where he just turned all the books around, rather than digitally erase them. B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l.


she pushed mini-DV cinematography to the next level though.  she was representing america, kicking them dogma guys' asses!
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


I don't think she did. She did nice work in ... crap, I forget the title, the one with the three stories about the women with Parker Posey in it, that came out last year ... but I thought Bamboozled looked pretty terrible, and she complained about the format quite a bit in the American Cinematographer article on the film.


Quote from: GhostboyShe did nice work in ... crap, I forget the title, the one with the three stories about the women with Parker Posey in it, that came out last year
Personal Velocity.


This is one of the great american cinimatic accoplishments.  Some of the images in this film will be remembered and studied in schools for years to come.  Needless to say, I lOVED IT.

Spoiler Below!!!
Did y'all notice the last shot of the movie repeated itself over and over again.  If I remember from the script, Joel and Clementine go through with this procedure many times and I think that is what the last shot represents.  Any thoughts?
"This is funny.  This is nice."
-Barry Egan


Yeah, in an interview Gondry said he wanted that shot to play repeatedly throughout the entire credits sequence, but the studio complained that people wouldn't read the credits.

It's a huge, huge improvement on the script, which suggested the same thing but in a more heavy handed way.


For further evidence of Kuras' wonderful photography, check out Summer of Sam.  Bees knees.


Quote from: QuoyleJust got back from it. Great movie! They had wonderfully original idea and built it into something with some laughs, surprises, complex themes but also a good moral at the end. Terrific cast...glad to see Tom Wilkonsin in another role. This very well maybe Charlie Kaufman's best movie.
I agree, but I think it's Kaufman's best movie SO FAR
The Beatles know Jesus Christ has returned to Earth and is in Los Angeles.

When you are getting fucked by the big corporations remember to use a condom.

There was a FISH in the perkalater!!!

My Collection


QuoteIt was just (as cliche as it sounds) the kind of movie that gives me hope. It exemplifies what movies should be. It's intense as hell and it brought out every single emotion in me. I almost clapped out loud after certain scenes, or even certain little tiny pieces of dialogue or joke. It just amazed me. My mouth was open the whole time. PDL level stuff.
Same here, ebeaman.  8) I felt the same way. I smiled like a goof through like 90% of the movie.

I am enjoying reading all your thoughts.

I was looking at pictures of Clem and she is so vibrant, out-going, fun, such a real person. It made me sad to think it was only acting.
who likes movies anyway


I loved this movie sooo much.  I know this has already been said, but Kate Winslet was really the best out of the exceptional cast.  I've seen Adaptation and BJM, and was expecting completely different, what I wasn't expecting was this movie to be really, really touching. This was definitely the most original 'romantic comedy' I've seen.  The movie pulled you emotionally in every directions, so the audience really felt the ups and downs of Joel and Clem's relationship.  There were some really breath-taking visuals (especially along the beach and on the ice). The entire cast did a great job, but Kate Winslet really stood out.  She played such a free spirit with an overwhelming honesty and vulnerability. Really wonderful character.  I know I've repeated some of what's already been said, but I just felt the need to gush about this movie.  I was floating the whole afternoon after seeing it.