Matchstick Men

Started by filmcritic, September 13, 2003, 12:40:50 AM

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Weird I kinda liked the ending actually ... how being totally ripped off actually saved his life. What I hated though was the utter impossibility of bringing together such a con. The logistics it would take, god, just begin to think about it.


the second viewing was better for me. they're are a lot of clues you don't pick up on the first time (b/c obviously you're not looking for any-- how could this sweet little girl be punk'in this dude?)

but yeah, the ending still does bug me. they're a lot of different things they coulda done, i think.


Quote from: Cinephile

Oh, and another thing. This is WAY better than 21 Grams. How do you like that, Neon?

Ha.!!! i just saw this (obviously)...i'll defend 21 grams over this film anyday

here is what matchstick men is:
.a b-movie  wanna be mamet con film w/ a-list actors and snazzed up by  scott giving it his shine.....thats it........if i want to watch a con film i would watch something way more superior like.....House of Games, and/or  the spanish prisoner..........


Quote from: NEON MERCURYhere is what matchstick men is:
.a b-movie  wanna be mamet con film w/ a-list actors and snazzed up by  scott giving it his shine.....thats it........if i want to watch a con film i would watch something way more superior like.....House of Games, and/or  the spanish prisoner..........
Oh I can agree with you on wanting a great Mamet film over MM. But 21 Grams, I just couldn't stand. I stopped caring about this movie because of the constant shifts of time. It if was in chronological order, the ending would've been much more powerful. The performances were the only thing worth watching as I couldn't get into the story with how it constantly flip-flopped. And I generally don't mind that style at all but this time around, ugh, I was sick watching it progress to nothing.


Quote from: CinephileAnd I generally don't mind that style at all but this time around, ugh, I was sick watching it progress to nothing.

del toro's character goes through a the beginning he's all religious and stuff then ..oh yeah SPOILERS....FOR 21 GRAMS

......he hits the people with his truck .goes to prison and runs the gamut of religious/emotional faiths and doubts..etc..then he gets shot at by penn but misses to hang himself but."possible divine intervention?"..then at then end he's "redeemed" in  away and goes back to his family..........

watts .looses her kids/husband  bounces around drugs and sh*t......finds out about penn and his heart.then finds she's pregnant .life starts anew for her.....then you have penn who serves as the fimls anchor.....and hi sfinal voice over always brings them chills down my back......

.as for the puzzle piecing narrative, ......thats all works for me  

i just don't see how MM could even be comparaed to anything to the greatness that is 21 grams......i would easily both amores perros and 21 grams in the same boat as mallicks' films.they both are emormously spiritual and psychological and beautiful..give Alejandro "my FIRST ENGLISH LANGUAGE film" Gonzalez Inarritu some props yo!!........

while MM is just a "slightly better" run-of-the-mill con film....nothing special


I only used 21 Grams as an example since I saw it recently. Yes, the narrative structure is all entirely subjective. Usually works for me but this time, oh boy, it did NOT. What I meant about it progressing to nothing was that, throughout the film, I knew shit that was going to happen because it would just jump out at you out of nowhere in the next scene. For me, it didn't move me. While I was watching, I was wishing it was in chronological order because I suspect I would've been moved more by the shocking events that took place.


Quote from: CinephileI only used 21 Grams as an example since I saw it recently. Yes, the narrative structure is all entirely subjective. Usually works for me but this time, oh boy, it did NOT. What I meant about it progressing to nothing was that, throughout the film, I knew shit that was going to happen because it would just jump out at you out of nowhere in the next scene. For me, it didn't move me. While I was watching, I was wishing it was in chronological order because I suspect I would've been moved more by the shocking events that took place.

...... :idea:  oh..i see.......what you mean do have  a point when you mention that  (see bold type)...thats a reasonable issue.but for me the films ambitions and just over all poetic beauty , acting, EVERYthing far outshined that aspect for me......

grand theft sparrow

Quote from: Slomb, in September, 2003,
Quote from: RegularKarate
Quote from: filmcritic..and the ending is gonna blow everyone away.

Man, I hate when people say this...

Yeah, because you start suspecting a lot and try to figure it out and then you do figure it out and it doesn't blow you away

That's just what happened to me.  I figured out the ending five minutes into it and I'm a little annoyed.  The acting was great (except for the shrink, who REALLY gave it away) but the best I can say for it is that, if I hadn't been able to figure it out so soon, I would have loved it (which is still more than I can say for the last few Ridley Scott flicks).